Probably the highlight of going to PAX for me will be playing Smash Bros. against someone I've never met before and getting my ass handed to me. After all the crying I'll look back fondly on the event. Anyways, if your planning on playing, what character do you usually play as? I usually stick to Ness or Link if I'm trying to win, but when I just like to make people angry I don't mind throwing a little Pink Yoshi into the mix. I think the pink makes it worse.
1) There are way too many great people in this area.
And 2) The RVB panel is on during it.
And now that I check the schedule...
The first of two concerts is as well...
But what character do I usually play as? Pretty much anyone but Samus, Pichu and Zelda. It isn't bad to have a little variety, you know?
But now that you bring up this topic, I suppose it is time that some of us should start training for the tourney, eh?
Actually, when I first tried to register (this was before the schedule was as complete as it is now), I was stopped. I couldn't go on since I registered for both the MTG and SSBM tournaments. So I'm pretty sure you have to choose beforehand.
I must register!
Dang. If only I had known there was a limit. I would have pre-registered earlier then. Well, that's a drag.
In the end, I'm sure it'll all turn out well. Whatever you do, it will be appreciated.
Yes. Possibly.
Same as last year I'm gonna stick with Marth. Just can't get enough of the parry action. :P
Any of you psycho masters wanna let me in on some of your secret techniques? Yeah, didn't think so.
How exactly is the tourney going to run for smash? Are there going to be enough set ups for everyone (seems pretty impossible) or just enough for groups of 32 to go and then bring in the next group? I apologize if this is the umpteenth time you've had to deal with this.
Also...Mr. Glub Glub. Come to PAX. I'll play you at smash if you have no other friends.
I shall be there in spirit
Dude......we got 32 TV's and Gamecubes, same as last year. We're fine.