My friends and I are driving all the way from South California to Seattle for PAX. We forgot to pre-register so I have a few questions.
1. Can we line up early to pay for our passes
2. After that can we line up early to get a concert pass? We are all musicians so its pretty important we try to get into the concert.
Thanks alot!
myfretsarestolen on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2007
There will be a separate line to buy day-of passes. Also, they will hand out more concert wristbands periodically throughout the day, so if you don't get in on the first set, there will be more.
We are from Bakersfield, California. We all took 7 days off work and making a whole road trip out of it. We are stopping in Vegas, Seattle for PAX, and we have tickets to 311 and Matisyahu in San Francisco. If theres anything Pre-Pax going on we would love to hit it up. Also being an IT guy I feel I need to go to Redmond and see Microsoft with my very own eyes.
As for whether or not they give out concert tickets to the pay for tickets line, I don't know the answer to that either.
I apologize for my lack of information, but I'm bored at work and excited about PAX
So I'm guessing that you line up and buy your ticket, then you goto the "Get into PAX" line?
Heh, yeah, that was going to be my follow-up question. Sorry I didn't ask sooner.
And thanks for the answer, Mike, sir.