Hey everyone;
Sorry if these are like, ultra nubish questions but I figured i should ask...
first off, is it worth bringing an actual bag for swag? (alliteration ftw) i'd like to maximize my ability to hold things, but I also don't want to be the idiot who's carrying around a bag containing a die and a gum wrapper, you know?
secondly, I'm early bird pre-registered for PAX - what time should I get in line for the exhibition hall if I want to get there somewhat-early? I noticed they open up at ten on saturday and sunday - I'm guessing, just based on what I've read here, that probably sometime around 7:30-7:45 is probably when I should be there already?
Secondly I would actually say more like 8:30 ish am if it's opening at 10.
Lots of booths run out of swag FAST. Hence the rush for the exhibition hall.
Personally, I take a backpack for swag every day, just in case.
also, if you want to sign up for the hot tournies, you gotta get in there fairly early too.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
I thought I read that they were going to have a line specifically for concert wrist things.
Okay, I'd like to know the answer to this.