Check out this thread for an update on DJ Eebs.

New Webcomic.

DuraoDurao Registered User regular
edited August 2007 in Artist's Corner
EDITED : Sorry about the previous advertising, I reread the rules and also thanks Angel_Of_Bacon for hosting those images.

Durao on


  • ProjeckProjeck Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    My want to post it here, buddy boy. (and read the rules while your at it.)

    Projeck on
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Er, check it out how?

    Post some of the strips in here (use photobucket if you don't have hosting) and we'll give you a critique on the artwork.

    Brolo on
  • TonkkaTonkka Some one in the club tonight Has stolen my ideas.Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Yeah... there's no link... or... anything...

    Tonkka on
    Steam: evilumpire T0NKKA#1588 PS4: T_0_N_N_K_A Twitter Art blog/Portfolio! Twitch?! HEY SATAN Shirts and such
  • Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2007
    This is one of those avant-garde things. isn't it?

    Like, what does it mean when you hype a webcomic when there is no webcomic, man?

    Like, whoa man.


    Angel_of_Bacon on
  • DuraoDurao Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    My bad, forgot the link >.<


    Durao on
  • SentrySentry Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I don't know if I can be constructive... but I just squirted a bottle of soap directly into my eyes.

    Sentry on
    When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
    'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
  • Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2007
    Please post images directly instead of just saying HERE'S MA SITE LOL.

    Like a so:

    Otherwise it just looks like sitewhoring.

    And we don't like sitewhoring.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    So wait, Angel, is that his comic now?

    Well it looks like the OP has given up before we actually go to see his comic anyway, so oh well.

    Brolo on
  • DuraoDurao Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Alright, hey and thanks for that. I'm kinda new to this and don't really know how I should be doing things. =/

    I just figured out how to create a website, and I'm also just getting used to my Wacom Tablet, haha. But I've always loved drawing and cartoons, so I want a way to share it, I apologize for my scatter brained-ness and lack of attention to rules. =[

    Any tips on how to get it out there, or criticism on the site and comics would be great, I'm always trying to improve.

    Durao on
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Well, the first thing is can you post some of the comics from your site in this thread? That would really help, since I'm still not sure if we've seen any of your art or not yet.

    Brolo on
  • Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2007
    Those are his.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
  • multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I can't really critique the artwork - "That's the style I draw in" - and the jokes aren't that funny. So, I'll critique how you handled this thread.

    In the future, don't make a bunch of mistakes caused by not reading the stickied READ THIS FIRST thread at the top of every forum page. Then, when you do make those mistakes, don't ignore everyone, take your toys and go home in a huff.

    multimoog on
  • DuraoDurao Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Yeah, Sorry about the confusion. Angel_Of_Bacon posted some of my work. I appreciate it.

    Durao on
  • Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2007
    multimoog wrote: »
    I can't really critique the artwork - "That's the style I draw in" - and the jokes aren't that funny. So, I'll critique how you handled this thread.

    In the future, don't make a bunch of mistakes caused by not reading the stickied READ THIS FIRST thread at the top of every forum page. Then, when you do make those mistakes, don't ignore everyone, take your toys and go home in a huff.


    And for everyone else from here on out, this doesn't need to be added to or elaborated on past this point. It happened, it's over, forget about it.

    Everyone turn your attention to the subject at hand, please.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
  • MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Do you see that white fuzz around your image's transparency? Do you know why that's there? It's because a GIF can support either a solid image or a fully transparent image, but it can't display partial transparencies. Those white areas are what photoshop was interpreting as a partial transparency which give a nice ditherning effect, but when converted to GIF, these usually turn solid.

    Remember, when those cool kids come up to you telling you that GIF transparencies are "the bomb" or "off the hook" and you should try them, just say no.


    I secretly want to say something out of place, because Mars' infractions were all sorts of sexy.

    MagicToaster on
  • DuraoDurao Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    So, you're saying that the work would be better represented in a "block" rather than transparent area around the comic cells? >.>

    I'm not really sure what you mean. :P

    Durao on
  • MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    That's exactly what I'm saying. Establishing where the image ends is also part of controlling the composition.

    MagicToaster on
  • DuraoDurao Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Makes sense. The whole "Negative Space" Thing my High School Art Teacher talked about.

    Durao on
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Your art style looks... sloppy? Slipshod? It seems like you're trying to draw a strip at roughly the same size you'd see in your newspaper's funny pages, and that's causing a lot of cramped drawing and bad inking.

    I assume you're working with pen and paper then scanning it in, and that means you can work big, pretty much as big as one panel per page if you really want to push it. More realistically just expand what you're doing till your three panels take up an entire page, then go in and start your sketching. Since this being published on the internet, you don't have to worry about keeping it in a certain format to make it fit with other comics on a sheet of newsprint. Work big. It will improve your art almost automatically.

    I don't really know where to start with your characters. They're inconsistent, which isn't something you want with a comic - a character's hair shouldn't change styles between panels, nor should the shape of their shoes or hands. You don't seem to know your characters' anatomy very well, which is going to cause problems if you have to draw them doing something more active than standing still or sitting. If you haven't already, try doing some sketches of your characters on their own from various angles ( front, profile, from above, from below, etc.) to get a feel of how they should look. It'll also help you design more interesting characters, since the ones you have right now are just guys in jeans wearing t-shirts.

    Also, your colouring is working at cross purposes with your inking style. Since your artwork is simplistic and cartoony, you'd probably be better at picking simple flat-shaded characers and backgrounds, instead of trying to add highlights and shadows that expose the anatomical and structural flaws of your drawings.

    Finally, the writing on this is... not to my tastes. I can't really comment on it, but neither of the strips was really funny to me. Video game jokes in particular are something that webcomics do too often, so unless you're really really good at it it's best to just stick to more original source material.

    Brolo on
  • DuraoDurao Registered User regular
    edited August 2007

    I see what you mean now, because the color can go over and indeed it does make it icky. =/

    Durao on
  • DuraoDurao Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Thanks Rolo for the input. The stuff was actually done with a Wacom tablet, I just recently got as a birthday gift, not pen and ink, but none-the-less, your criticism still makes sense. I think before I do any new stuff I will try your idea of drawing characters in different mannerisms and styles. =)

    Durao on
  • CrowlestonCrowleston Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    you may want to consider putting a solid border around the entire comic. IE: white or something neutral. Floating blocks look fine on these forums because blue tends to go well with anything, but if these were posted somewhere else, color clashing could be displeasing. If you had a solid border, that would never become a problem, the comic would be its own element on the page.

    Does that makes sense? The more i read it the less it does...

    Crowleston on
    useless but necessary objects of society.
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Durao wrote: »
    Thanks Rolo for the input. The stuff was actually done with a Wacom tablet, I just recently got as a birthday gift, not pen and ink, but none-the-less, your criticism still makes sense. I think before I do any new stuff I will try your idea of drawing characters in different mannerisms and styles. =)

    Unless you've really mastered sketching with pencil and paper and inking with a pen or marker, I'd say stay away from doing all your drawing on the Wacom. While it does let you skip a few steps, drawing with a stylus puts an additional layer between you and your canvas, and that can be really detrimental, especially for someone who's still trying to master confident, even lines.

    If you can, sketch this stuff out in a sketchbook, ink on top of your final sketches, then erase the lines underneath and scan the cleaned-up inks into the PC. Once you have it all cleaned up, that's when you bust out the Wacom to do your colouring.

    Brolo on
  • NakedElfNakedElf Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I second the call for solid borders. Your current comic looks like you drew each panel separately, cut them out sloppily, and then pasted them together in roughly the right spots. If you're using a tablet there's no excuse whatsoever for sloppy lines. The thing draws them straight for you.

    Also, pay attention to the position of the words in your word balloons. Word balloons are round for a reason. Left-justifying the text in a round balloon wastes space and looks bad.

    NakedElf on
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