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Arrgghhh arriving about 10am to PAX... Tickets gone?

MoonrushMoonrush Registered User regular
edited August 2007 in PAX Archive
So my compadres and I are leaving Kelso at 8AM and will be arriving in Seattle about 10ish.. I hear tickets might be sold out and I am having a panic attack. Are they going to be sold out or am I freaking out over nothing? O_o

Moonrush on


  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Where did you hear that? I don't think they *can* sell out. I mean, you figure they sold 22,000 3-day passes, they estimate around 30,000 people total (over the three days)...I really doubt they'll have 8000 non-registered people in line 4 hours before PAX opens, and that's assuming they only had enough day passes for those 8000.

    Dreamwriter on
  • GhazgkullGhazgkull Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Moonrush wrote: »
    So my compadres and I are leaving Kelso at 8AM and will be arriving in Seattle about 10ish.. I hear tickets might be sold out and I am having a panic attack. Are they going to be sold out or am I freaking out over nothing? O_o

    You're freaking out over nothing.

    Ghazgkull on
  • Aliuar2Aliuar2 Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I admit, to the OP, it would suck.

    Like most important events, I seem to have failed to preregister as well. :-> I always like going to Seattle anyway!:P

    Aliuar2 on
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