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Anyone else spending their birthday at PAX?

MalenfantMalenfant Registered User regular
edited August 2007 in PAX Archive
Seriously, awesome day, after a busy day at PAX me and the GF went out to dinner somewhere nice, now we're off to see Jonathan Coulton :)

Came from London to be here and it was this or a holiday in Italy, PAX seriously makes Italy its bitch ;)

Malenfant on


  • EskimoAznEskimoAzn Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Happy Birthday!
    I bet it was a memorable one :)

    EskimoAzn on
    "It's because I'm an Asian, isn't it???"
  • bahamut026bahamut026 Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Today is, in fact, my birthday. Happy birthday to me! Now maybe I can get someone to play Axis & Allies with me ... :lol: On the other hand, I'd also settle for a picture with some the many, many, many! hot gamer chicks in attendance this year ;-)

    bahamut026 on
  • TimeCruiserMikeTimeCruiserMike Past Organizer of the West Coast Train Trip San Fernando ValleyRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    my bro's b-day was on friday.happy b-day to you, happy b-day to him and happy b-day to everyone else got one year older at PAX

    TimeCruiserMike on
    {Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
  • L-Train8L-Train8 Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I turned 40 on Saturday! I am so thankful that PAX is on my birthday weekend every year. For the last 4 years, my wife has asked me what I want for my birthday, and I've said the same thing every time: I just want to be able to spend the weekend at PAX! I leave her at home with the kids and just get my geek on all weekend.

    This year I took the oldest boy (he's 9) for most of Saturday. He got his pokemon fix and played some Settlers of Catan. And he hit Mario Strikers at the Nintendo booth and Lego Star Wars Saga at the Microsoft booth. He even bought some Legend of Zelda figures imported from Japan from the Pink Godzilla booth with his allowance. Should I feel bad that I'm turning him into a geek?

    L-Train8 on
  • Darkblade_1Darkblade_1 __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2007
    Ha ha, We sang Happy Birthday at the John Coulton concert

    Great concert?
    or Greatest concert

    Darkblade_1 on
    You're drawn to my eccentric Brawl Code: 4596 9143 4529
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