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Thanks for fondling my Gunblade :3

SmidgeSmidge Registered User new member
edited August 2007 in PAX Archive
Howdy! My name is Smidge, obviously, and I came down from Bellingham, WA for Sunday (my only day off... U_U), dressed as Squall Leonhart, with my friend as Rinoa. I tempted fate by bringing my LIVE STEEL Gunblade replica as my prop, and rather than keeping it in the rapidly deteriorating sheath, I opted to have it out and visible. However, it does have a slight sharp edge to it so, not wanting PAX to go down in flames due to a law suit, I did the right thing and asked the Reg table whether I had to take it back to my Rinoa's car. After a few fanboy moments from staff (I was SO flattered! Thanks guys!), Shades-san and Khoo-san (Thanks for the corrections!) graciously allowed me to keep it on my person. Not only that, they took almost ten minutes out of their busy schedules (I assume :3) to painstakingly trim the edge of the blade in black duct tape (and hunt down the tape, for that matter) so that it didn't interfere with the aesthetic quality of my prop or my really fragile paintjob.

I didn't get to spend NEARLY enough time at PAX, but I just wanted to thank the staff for going above and beyond to accomodate my prop when they could easily have made me march right back to the car 6 blocks away and put it away. They appreciated the work I did to make it accurate and the importance of it to my costume, and were nothing but professional and courteous. I would just like to express my profound gratitude to the incredible staff at PAX, and I'll have you know that come hell or high water, I WILL be attending every second of PAX next year that I possibly can. Heck, I may even shoof out of work early and volunteer!

Smidge on


  • November6November6 Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    no seriously it was hot... oh and yeah so was the gunblade. ill post my picture when I can

    November6 on
    fucos: Past tense of focus, you have already lost focus that you can't even spell focus. Can be combined with shit for impressing anonymous crowds; fucoshit. source: Wil Weaton
  • The_SavesThe_Saves Magistrate of Crazy Town KirklandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I saw you there, only once as i walked by :X, but still once. You looked real good though. Grats on the awesome costume. Hopefully plenty of people told you that.

    The_Saves on
  • Mill Creek, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Ok.. I really wanna see pictures now. I loved FF8. on
    I play Indoors | PAX's Attended: 07 08 09 10 12 13
  • MJPMMJPM Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Saw you (nearly ran into you actually, wrong end of the blade, but it was taped by then, heh). Thought it was cool, even though I loathe FF8 with every fiber of my being. Ellipses Man just didn't do it for me.

    MJPM on
  • GwaehurGwaehur Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I was at the info booth when you came up, and that was an awesome replica that you had with you. The two guys who helped tape that up for you were Shades and Khoo, and they definitely looked like they had fun with your gun ;)

    Gwaehur on
    Wii Code - 7003 8124 4415 5685
  • Sleepy OneSleepy One Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I drove down from Bellingham too and you had the most awesome getup! I wish I could see you every day as I walk to work! Serious props for coming dressed up.

    Sleepy One on
  • NephirijNephirij Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    the costume freaking rocked. I am really hoping for pictures, Because FF8 is my favorite one. huge props for the great cosplay.

    Nephirij on
  • AydrAydr Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Wow, there was a Squall at PAX? Cool. I cosplay Squall myself (woo live steel gunblades! Except for how much they can make your shoulder hurt after a while). Some of my friends said I should have cosplayed, but I decided that I'd prefer function over form for PAX and leather, steel, and six belts aren't exactly easy to move around with when you want to get from place to place quickly in a crowd.

    Aydr on
  • endlesswaltzendlesswaltz Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I'm glad you had a great time as Squall! (Too bad I didn't spot you. :( It would have been cool.)

    But just so you know, you do not call someone "an oriental dude". That adjective is for objects, not people. The term Asian is the correct one.

    endlesswaltz on
  • KaneKane Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I saw you two behind the Nvidia booth. Very cool. Pointed out to the wife how much you looked like the know, since the male leads in the Square RPGs are such women! Seriously...they all look super femmy. Anyway, you two looked (please don't take this wrong) so CUTE!

    Kane on
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I'm the dude who complimented you on the escalator yesterday as PAX was breaking up. Again, they were really good costumes. I'm not a fan of FF8, but I can appreciate the time and detail you spent on it. Kudos! =D

    Houn on
  • mudronmudron Registered User regular
    edited August 2007

    Ah, so *you're* Lady Squall! Great costumes, guys.

    mudron on
  • strangemusicstrangemusic Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I saw you in the Exhibit hall also! The gunblade was wicked cool, I'm not going to lie.

    strangemusic on
    "Always be wary of people who use quotes... I don't know who said that" - Murdoc Nicalls.
    Those Eve guys are creepy. :|
  • Shin-RYUShin-RYU Registered User new member
    edited August 2007
    Hey, did not get to chat much as the day was winding down yesterday, but I was the tall slender guy that asked for the cell phone pic of you both. Thanks for being so polite, as you were kind of getting slowly mobbed by admirers, and you asked everyone to back off a sec for the pic. I must say that as this was my first PAX, I had a great time and met lots of very cool people. I will definately be back next year!

    Shin-RYU on
  • Shades747Shades747 Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Thanks for bringing your gunblade straight to the info booth to check with us first. I did feel bad about having to tape it up (and I tried my best to get a decent line), but I'd rather do that than have building security upset with us (or you). Thanks for being so understanding about it and letting me get a picture on my phone. Hope all the tape goo comes off without any issues.


    Shades747 on
  • SmidgeSmidge Registered User new member
    edited August 2007
    Thank you all so much for the kind compliments! If anyone could find/post the picture floating around of me kissing my lovely Rinoa, I would be forever grateful! <3

    Smidge on
  • chadmchadm Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Here's a photo I took of Khoo sizing up your gunblade


    chadm on
  • RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I loved the costumes...

    Sorry about thinking your friend was yuna though, and yelling that FF's are generic JRPG's :/

    Raslin on
    I cant url good so add me on steam anyways

    3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
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