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PAX 2008

HoolieHoolie Registered User regular
edited 2007 27 in PAX Archive
Anyone have details on this yet? Specifically, which weekend? I'm hoping the 22nd rather than the 29th. And will it be at the Convention Center again?

We're local and drove, but figured we'd get a room at the Renaissance next year. The earlier we know, the better chance to find a good deal.

Even though it was mostly 20-something men, I thought PAX2007 was pretty family-friendly (okay, except underwear guy). Next year, all 7 of us are going to go.

Hoolie on


  • NightingaleNightingale Registered User regular
    edited 2007 27
    The past 4 years have all been the last weekend in August. I don't see how the fifth year will deviate greatly from this plan. Expect the last weekend.

    Unless they're moving it to another state it should be at the same Convention Center. Given their proximity to this center, I'm assuming we're staying. That and we didn't completely overrun the place like last year.

    Nightingale on
  • HoolieHoolie Registered User regular
    edited 2007 27
    Except the last weekend is Labor Day Weekend next year (Labor Day is Monday the 1st). Traditionally a weekend that people spend with their families or at long-standing events.

    I was just wondering if there's anything official. Thanks.

    Hoolie on
  • gamerply5gamerply5 Registered User new member
    edited 2007 27
    On page 50 of the PAX07 booklet included in the initial swag bag, which is the FAQ, one of the questions is "Will you be having a PAX 2008?" to which the response was"YES! we'll be returning to this very center for the last weekend of august in 2008." I think this means Labor Day weekend because its the last one in august but isn't the last full weekend so it's anyones guess.

    gamerply5 on
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