So with the recent price drop I've finally decided to enter into the world of the console after being a PC-only user for 12+ years. I've played on consoles quite a bit. We had a nintendo, super nintendo, etc. when I was a kid. However, this will be my first purchase of a console as a (cough, cough) responsible adult.
Anyway, I roll with a Dell 2405 and really like the fact that I can hook up the 360 to my PC screen. I've checked and a few other places and it appears that with a 2405 you're stuck with using component for HD. Apparently using a HDMI to DVI converter won't work (gives a black screen with weird vertical lines). Component can still deliver HD content, but the picture is better when you use DVI. Once you buy a HDMI to DVI converterm that is.
Also, I would like to make sure I'm operating under correct assumptions. Does the Xbox 360 currently support 1080p? (yes I am so console retarded I've had to ask this question)
So I'm looking for a little advice.
One, do any of you all have a 2405 and can confirm my HDMI woes?
Two, clearly I would rather spend $350 platinum than $450 for the elite version if money is the only issue. Here is how I break down the pros and cons currently. The pros of the elite are: Black finish = nice but not necessary, 120GB drive = I really think I won't have a hard time deleting files on 20GB of space if it ever came down to it, and......... thats it I believe. So am I missing something here? Is the $100 difference only in the Hard Drive?
Three, I own Guitar Hero 2. I love the game so much I bought it just to play it at my friends house. I'm looking to buy one other game, maybe two. I own Oblivion for the PC so no thanks (and I have a beefy graphics card so really no thanks). I've played Dead Rising until I'm sick of it so thats out. I don't really go for racing games. I'm not saying I would never buy one I just don't want one right now. I'm considering sports games. Virtua Tennis, the new Madden, and maybe Fight Night 3. I've played FN3 and I had fun but I would like to rent it once before I buy. Really, as far as recommendations go I'm asking for input on games I probably haven't played or have heard only a little of. For example, I've beaten both Gears and Halo, but whats this Blue Dragon thing?
Hopefully this will be useful to more than just me. Thanks for the help.
EDIT: I just saw Organichu's post so game recommendations may not be necessary.
edit: fuck you bruin
anyway, I hadn't heard about HDMI/DVI problems with specific monitors, so I can't really help you with that.
Yeah pretty much the only difference now between the Elites and Premiums is the black finish and the hard driver. (Though be carefull because only the newer model premiums have HDMI ports, the old ones dont. Be sure to check the back of the box.)
Hmm, as for the rest, I'm guessing you're going to get Gears for the PC if you're interested in it, same with Bioshock. What games/genres are you really into? I would also suggest taking advantage of the marketplace. Even with Live Silver you can download the hell out of every demo in sight, and this includes the wealth of gaming goodness on the Arcade.
As far as what games I'm into in a rough order of importance....
RPGs, western style preferred (really good JRPGS are good also)
Action Adventure (Dead Rising, Tomb Raider, etc)
FPS (only because I can usually get it better on my PC)
But where the hell do you put games like Gutar Hero or Harvest Moon? I love the fuck out of games like that.
I'll also toss in Bioshock, though, just from playing the demo. You might also want to give Tiger Woods a shot... it is chock full of simulation-esque gameplay if you're into golf.
I prefer KB/M to a controller for a game like that.
It's ok. I played it this weekend. It's a little too linear for my tastes.
And not enough multiplayer.
Also for godsakes buy Geo Wars.
The Darkness is good.
Madden 08 is better than it has been.
Condemned is good.
NBA 2k7 was good, but i'd wait till October for either 2k8 or Live 08.
MLB 2k7 was fucking awesome, but buggy as shit.
Other than that, i'd mention Dead Rising and Gears of War, but you said nay on those.
I hope you find something you enjoy a lot.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Solid port of one of the best PS1 games of all time. Fantastic Action/RPG (think Metroid with vampires).
Pac-Man: Championship Edition - A supercharged enhanced version of Pac-Man with fast paced gameplay and evolving levels. So much more fun than it may sound.
Geometry Wars - $5. Insane shooter action.
Space Giraffe - Another $5 shooter. Takes some getting used to, but once you get in its groove, it's glorious with its psychedelic visuals and intense gameplay.
Heavy Weapon - Very fun game where you control a tank with incredible firepower and you shoot down enemy planes. Insanely awesome with 4 player online multiplayer.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
I've had many people tell me how great some XBLA games are, but after 2 or 3 days, I can't get any enjoyment out of them (Bomberman).
Symphony of the Night was a good port, but the 360 controller was pretty bad for the game. (Joystick sucks, and the D-Pad is terrible).
Personally I'd recommend Viva Pinata, Fable (BC), Kameo, Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (BC), and Crimson Skies (BC). These are five cheap titles that are must plays. I know the three BCs is odd for a 360 list but they are gloriously good and between $17 and $5 used. There are other great non-FPS games but these always stick out in my mind as being an absolute joy to play.
It got bumped to 2008 earlier this year when the Arcade around the time that the file size increase happened.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
If you read the thread you would notice he already left to pick the system up. The new heat sinks sound like they are doing a pretty good job keeping the box running. That with the upgraded warranty make it a pretty safe purchase. Now seems like a great time to pick up a 360. Recent price drop, new heatsink solution, hdmi out, and a volumetric fuckton of awesome games coming out between now and xmas.
Well, eerrr, it's a 3 year against the red lights and its a 1 year on everything else...
P.S - Does anyone know how much an extended warranty costs from MS?
NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Salmon'd for you know what. HDMI cables are cheap as shit.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
$49.90. I bought it right before the warranty extension was announced.
But it DOES come with a cable needed for digital sound output, which is $50 some odd by itself.
No, it's not. You guys just don't know how to shop for cables.
He's right, I paid about $2 for my DVI-to-HDMI cable and about a whopping $4 for the optical cable I'm using.
Instead, I played Need for Speed: Carbon, which was the other game I bought with my 360, until I got a chance to return Oblivion to EB, and i traded it for Forza Motorsport 2, which was one of the best buys I've ever made.
Shooters, in my opinion, are not something consoles do well. At least not compared to PC.
I mean this thing:
Gears of War, being third person and with controls built for the 360, handles amazingly. Took me only like 5 minutes to get the hang of it.
I haven't played any FPS for my 360 yet though. Planning on picking up Bioshock and giving it a try.