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So, Ed Fleming is pretty much a douchebag

Surly YerbySurly Yerby Registered User regular
edited September 2007 in PAX Archive
I apologize if there is already a thread about this, but a quick look and I didnt see one.

Has everyone read the bit about Ed Fleming of VGXPO showing up at PAX in a drunken stupor?

Anyway, a few people noticed that VGXPO has a MySpace page, and several people jumped into their group forum and pretty much asked if the organization had any explanation for his actions. A couple dozen people replied, all of it was pretty much "what the heck was up with that?" A few people had even said they were now on the fence about attending, and all it would take to reel them back in was some sort of apology or explanation.

The topic then suddenly disappears.

Someone involved in the original thread makes a new one, "pure awesome" that simply is pointing out all they did was delete the thread and not explain anything, and how thats not really very good PR. I tried to reply to it, but I seem to have been banned from posting in their board now. What a great way to handle criticism.

Second Place is just First Loser
Surly Yerby on


  • DeiruDeiru Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I was actually looking forward the VGXPO since it's one of the few video game cons on the East Coast. Now, though... I'm not so sure.

    I guess there's still Blipfest in NY, although that's more of an art/video game/music type thing, featuring artists using hacked consoles to make music.

    Deiru on
  • SamyelSamyel Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Do not let politics interfere with your enjoyment of gaming events. One guy being a total junkslut does not mean it won't be fun.

    Samyel on
    "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2007
    Fun or not, I don't want to be involved with a company who uses such underhanded and downright sleazy business tactics to recruit exhibitors and attendees. It was bad enough he was there fishing for people for VGXpo, it was worse that he was posing as media and it was downright scandalous that he would get drunk enough to let his cover slip to Amber of all people. I would only consider going to the event at this point if Ed Fleming was fired or stepped down.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • DeiruDeiru Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    The one thing they were promising that I actually wish PAX had to offer was a job fair. You know? Not just a panel on "how to get a job in the games industry", but a list of places that are actually recruiting. (although, how likely I'll find a publisher looking for a writer is anyone's guess... gotta grasp at every straw, right?)

    Also, the 100+ arcade machines set on free play is a huge draw. If only PAX could have had something like that...

    Between those two things and the fact that this place is within 2 hours from where I live makes me have to go.

    Deiru on
  • AvenroshAvenrosh Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    So this Fleming guy is the Squidi of the convention circuit? Should make things interesting.

    Avenrosh on
  • teamquigganteamquiggan Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Honestly, his retarded antics worked in the sense that I am now aware of his shitty con, and I want to go, because its only 8 hours or so away, and I having been to 2 now, I really like cons. But subhuman behavior is never a good thing.

    teamquiggan on
  • SamyelSamyel Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    _______moe wrote: »
    Fun or not, I don't want to be involved with a company who uses such underhanded and downright sleazy business tactics to recruit exhibitors and attendees. It was bad enough he was there fishing for people for VGXpo, it was worse that he was posing as media and it was downright scandalous that he would get drunk enough to let his cover slip to Amber of all people. I would only consider going to the event at this point if Ed Fleming was fired or stepped down.

    Compelling point. I was forgetting about his harassment of exhibitors, and mostly focusing on him being an idiot drunk.

    Samyel on
    "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
  • DeiruDeiru Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    The E3 Teletubbies hanging around outside and bugging me about going to E3 4 All while I was trying to find a quiet place to smoke a cigarette and hide for few minutes were far worse. I don't know what triggered my agoraphobia - which was something I thought I'd defeated ages ago - but all I really wanted was some personal space while I tried to regroup before heading back in and these guys were pretty adamant about making sure I got a flier. I just assumed they were part of PAX... which is sleaze times ten.

    Not that I'm defending him, mind you. I'm just saying. I had no idea what he'd done until Gabe said something whereas the Teletubbies were outside, bothering EVERYONE.

    Deiru on
  • stonicstonic Registered User new member
    edited August 2007
    _______moe wrote: »
    Fun or not, I don't want to be involved with a company who uses such underhanded and downright sleazy business tactics to recruit exhibitors and attendees. It was bad enough he was there fishing for people for VGXpo, it was worse that he was posing as media and it was downright scandalous that he would get drunk enough to let his cover slip to Amber of all people. I would only consider going to the event at this point if Ed Fleming was fired or stepped down.

    Fleming pulled the same thing at the Classic Gaming Expo ( last month - promoting his show to all of our vendors (not the 'get drunk/hit on organizers' routine).

    stonic on
  • DeiruDeiru Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    stonic wrote: »
    _______moe wrote: »
    Fun or not, I don't want to be involved with a company who uses such underhanded and downright sleazy business tactics to recruit exhibitors and attendees. It was bad enough he was there fishing for people for VGXpo, it was worse that he was posing as media and it was downright scandalous that he would get drunk enough to let his cover slip to Amber of all people. I would only consider going to the event at this point if Ed Fleming was fired or stepped down.

    Fleming pulled the same thing at the Classic Gaming Expo ( last month - promoting his show to all of our vendors (not the 'get drunk/hit on organizers' routine).

    A repeat douche bag, eh? Not surprised.

    Deiru on
  • MarxMarx Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    What really sucks is his antics have gotten the lot of us talking about him and his con. Gabe's post was practically an advertisement for the con, even if Fleming was exposed for being a douchebag. There's no such thing as bad press, eh? I guess at the very least it'll keep people from going TOO far out of their way to attend his convention.

    Marx on
    Space for rent.
  • remigiousremigious Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I am definitely not going. All this retardedness plus I found their website repellent.

    remigious on
  • WenisWenis Registered User new member
    edited August 2007
    Samyel wrote: »
    Do not let politics interfere with your enjoyment of gaming events. One guy being a total junkslut does not mean it won't be fun.

    If you look at the main website for the game convention, it does not look like it will be fun anyway.

    Wenis on
  • CymoroCymoro Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Deiru wrote: »
    I was actually looking forward the VGXPO since it's one of the few video game cons on the East Coast. Now, though... I'm not so sure.

    I guess there's still Blipfest in NY, although that's more of an art/video game/music type thing, featuring artists using hacked consoles to make music.

    Hey now, there's ICON each year in late march at Stony Brook University on Long Island. I've gone there 3 years now and they have yet to disappoint me. Kevin Sorbo and George Takei as guests of honor? Hell yeah.

    Cymoro on
    i am perpetual, i make the country clean
  • SpecTrE3353SpecTrE3353 Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Deiru wrote: »
    I was actually looking forward the VGXPO since it's one of the few video game cons on the East Coast. Now, though... I'm not so sure.

    I went to the expo last year when it was in Valley Forge (literally 2 miles from my house). It was extremely disappointing and a pretty big rip off. Lots of old machines on free play sounds cool until you realize you had to pay $30 to get in and the old machines and a couple vendors selling old NES games and comic books is pretty much all they have. I barely even stayed more than a couple hours.

    SpecTrE3353 on
  • PhanmanPhanman Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    That guy is a blatant asshole trying to take advantage of us gamers rather than to try and give us an awesome celebration.

    If you guys are looking to support something on the east coast where the people running it are not assholes try out MAGfest. It is rather small, but I think they are in the same spirit as PAX.

    I'm hoping Minibosses return to MAGfest and also the Oneups. If they do I'm definitely going.

    Phanman on
    Wii Code: 6596 9931 4190 2980
  • DeiruDeiru Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    That sounds awesome, actually. I'm assuming this is the right place?
    I'll definitely look into it, although I take they are more into SF than video gaming? Or is it kind of 50/50?

    Damn. That sounds pretty bad.

    MAGFest looks epic. I think I will definitely have to check that out.

    Deiru on
  • CymoroCymoro Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Deiru wrote: »
    That sounds awesome, actually. I'm assuming this is the right place?
    I'll definitely look into it, although I take they are more into SF than video gaming? Or is it kind of 50/50?

    That's it. And it is 50/50 with everything. One thing I suggest is going to the theaters late night and watching the movies/TV shows they're showing (Red Dwarf gets a dedicated theater).

    Cymoro on
    i am perpetual, i make the country clean
  • AbsurdistAbsurdist Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    What really hacks me off about this whole VGXPO thing is how easy it would have been for Ed Fleming to make friends with the PA Community instead of making himself look like an asshat. Seriously, Gabe and Tycho seem like genuinely decent, helpful people, and I bet if Fleming had shown up at the con and just introduced himself properly, he could have counted on a certain amount of help. I imagine the exchange going something like this:

    FLEM: Hi, I'm Ed Fleming. I run VGXPO, a mid-sized con in Pennsylvania, and I wanted to come here to PAX to pick up some pointers about improving what we do.
    STAFF: Oh, sure thing. Show yourself around, ask if you need anything.
    FLEM: Hey thanks. This is a great community, amazing thing you have going here.

    and poof! no ill-will, no bad press. Hell, imagine the difference in attendance at his con if instead of a story about what a jerk he is, Gabe had posted a note telling everyone on the East Coast about the opportunity to meet this nice guy Ed Fleming at his gaming con.

    Sheesh, why did the guy have to act so dishonestly?

    Absurdist on
  • SamyelSamyel Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Absurdist wrote: »
    Sheesh, why did the guy have to act so dishonestly?

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he's a big old dramaqueen who wanted to "infiltrate" the "enemy." He was probably humming the Mission Impossible theme while staggaring down the escalator.

    Samyel on
    "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2007
    Absurdist wrote: »
    What really hacks me off about this whole VGXPO thing is how easy it would have been for Ed Fleming to make friends with the PA Community instead of making himself look like an asshat. Seriously, Gabe and Tycho seem like genuinely decent, helpful people, and I bet if Fleming had shown up at the con and just introduced himself properly, he could have counted on a certain amount of help. I imagine the exchange going something like this:

    FLEM: Hi, I'm Ed Fleming. I run VGXPO, a mid-sized con in Pennsylvania, and I wanted to come here to PAX to pick up some pointers about improving what we do.
    STAFF: Oh, sure thing. Show yourself around, ask if you need anything.
    FLEM: Hey thanks. This is a great community, amazing thing you have going here.

    and poof! no ill-will, no bad press. Hell, imagine the difference in attendance at his con if instead of a story about what a jerk he is, Gabe had posted a note telling everyone on the East Coast about the opportunity to meet this nice guy Ed Fleming at his gaming con.

    Sheesh, why did the guy have to act so dishonestly?

    Yeah, I can guarantee if things had gone down like this, not only would I be attending, but I probably would have contacted him to see if he needed any extra hands to help out. As it is now, anybody who brings up VGXpo to me is gonna get told the story of Ed Fleming the douchebag, then get told to save up and go to PAX next year.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • BamboozaBambooza Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Sort of the same situation as the whole e for everyone. Oh well guess there are the standard douchebag then there are the ones lite on fire and left on neighbor’s porches.

    Bambooza on
    The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
  • snidermansniderman Registered User new member
    edited September 2007
    Interesting development. Ed posted the following at Digital Press Friday around 3:30 p.m. Haven't seen him post on any other forum board (especially not here) addressing what happened or his take on it. So, here it is - Ed's first and thus far only reaction/explanation to the PAX fiasco:
    The PAX story is a significant embellishment of what really happened... I am not going to go into details, but I was at PAX and, for the most part, had a fantastic time at the show.

    For the record:

    - The story on the PA site is contrived.

    - I never talked shit about PAX, its was a great show. First and foremost, like you, I am a gamer, so attending shows like PAX and CGE are fun for me. With regard to CGE - I never had the chance to say, your show rocked! I look forward to your next event.

    - I am a journalist (I write a few articles each year and have written since I was in high school - for about 15 year), and was invited by the PAX PR team to attend as a member of the media. Sure, at the show I was also talking up VGXPO, but I also had meetings with media reps from a few companies. I often joke about wearing two hats - one as a member of the press and the other as an evangelist for VGXPO - that's why I am bald --- It's crazy for them to say I was at their show spying. I talked with Jeff and Robert at the show. In addition, staff from PAX were at VGXPO last year.

    - When I see a pretty girl sometimes I'll flirt with her. I was flirting with Amber, but she wasn't happy with that. However, in hindsight, it was 2:30 in the morning and Amber probably was up all day and it was the last thing she wanted to hear. My behavior wasn't out of control and I was just trying to make these people laugh, they were all very serious and very tiered. Also for the record, Sue (my wife) is aware of what happened and she knows that I am flirtatious.

    - On Saturday night, around midnight (not the morning before), I saw Amber and wanted to apologize to her for being forward with her the night before. I could see that she was tiered and wasn't in a chipper mood - we talked for a few minutes and then asked me to leave the convention. I was a little flabbergasted at first, but my friend and I left.

    - Last, I've asked PA to take the post off of the site, but they wont. In emails back and forth, they recently sent me, and my staff, emails saying I was also smoking pot at the show and was high. It's just a bunch of craziness.

    I am pissed off, and it is a bunch of BS. I've talked to a lot of people to gage how I should react. Right now, I'm taking the advice to not do anything, just focus on making VGXPO bigger and better. And that's what I'm going to do.

    So, for the moment, I am not going to be posting on the forums. If you want to get in contact with me, feel free to email.

    - Ed Fleming


    sniderman on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    For some reason I'm gonna side with Gabe on this one.

    Raiden333 on
  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    That reply still doesn't say anything about the *reason* that the enforcers were having problems with him - as in why Amber would have been called down in the first place. And I like how he "asked PA to take the post off of the site". You know, deleting posts over something controversial has NEVER been a good solution on ANY forum, and only makes people think you're covering up.

    And finally, he claims he's written a lot of articles. Well then why can't I find any on the internet? Or any mention? I ran out of references to his expos, kept on searching, didn't find a single mention of any articles from him. Just to compare, I then did the exact same search for a known videogame journalist, and found dozens of articles from him, and references to articles published in print magazines. Either Ed Fleming hasn't written any articles for years, or he never did (or he counts advertisements for cons as articles).

    Dreamwriter on
  • SamyelSamyel Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    sniderman wrote: »

    It's amazing how alcohol can make actions seem a lot more rational than they are.

    Samyel on
    "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
  • AvenroshAvenrosh Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Raiden333 wrote: »
    For some reason I'm gonna side with Gabe on this one.

    It sounded like the guy was so wasted the night in question that I'm surprised he can remember it at all.

    Avenrosh on
  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I find it amusing that he calls Gabe's retelling "contrived" and then in his explanatory points he confirms practically everything in the so-called "contrived" version except that he tries to spin things positively. Yeah, not impressed.

    ElectricTurtle on
  • ZarluneZarlune Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    sniderman wrote: »
    Interesting development. Ed posted the following at Digital Press Friday around 3:30 p.m. Haven't seen him post on any other forum board (especially not here) addressing what happened or his take on it. So, here it is - Ed's first and thus far only reaction/explanation to the PAX fiasco:
    The PAX story is a significant embellishment of what really happened... I am not going to go into details, but I was at PAX and, for the most part, had a fantastic time at the show.

    For the record:

    - The story on the PA site is contrived.

    - I never talked shit about PAX, its was a great show. First and foremost, like you, I am a gamer, so attending shows like PAX and CGE are fun for me. With regard to CGE - I never had the chance to say, your show rocked! I look forward to your next event.

    - I am a journalist (I write a few articles each year and have written since I was in high school - for about 15 year), and was invited by the PAX PR team to attend as a member of the media. Sure, at the show I was also talking up VGXPO, but I also had meetings with media reps from a few companies. I often joke about wearing two hats - one as a member of the press and the other as an evangelist for VGXPO - that's why I am bald --- It's crazy for them to say I was at their show spying. I talked with Jeff and Robert at the show. In addition, staff from PAX were at VGXPO last year.

    - When I see a pretty girl sometimes I'll flirt with her. I was flirting with Amber, but she wasn't happy with that. However, in hindsight, it was 2:30 in the morning and Amber probably was up all day and it was the last thing she wanted to hear. My behavior wasn't out of control and I was just trying to make these people laugh, they were all very serious and very tiered. Also for the record, Sue (my wife) is aware of what happened and she knows that I am flirtatious.

    - On Saturday night, around midnight (not the morning before), I saw Amber and wanted to apologize to her for being forward with her the night before. I could see that she was tiered and wasn't in a chipper mood - we talked for a few minutes and then asked me to leave the convention. I was a little flabbergasted at first, but my friend and I left.

    - Last, I've asked PA to take the post off of the site, but they wont. In emails back and forth, they recently sent me, and my staff, emails saying I was also smoking pot at the show and was high. It's just a bunch of craziness.

    I am pissed off, and it is a bunch of BS. I've talked to a lot of people to gage how I should react. Right now, I'm taking the advice to not do anything, just focus on making VGXPO bigger and better. And that's what I'm going to do.

    So, for the moment, I am not going to be posting on the forums. If you want to get in contact with me, feel free to email.

    - Ed Fleming


    Y'know, for someone who has written articles for "15 years", his spelling sucks worse than mine does at 7am in the morning, after getting off of a 10 hour shift at work. Tiered, anyone?

    Zarlune on
  • JaimeJaime Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I was lucky enough to meet this guy at the Game Trailers party on friday. He seemed nice enough, but I did get kind of a weird vibe. He talked mostly about his con and all the important people he'd met over the years, but apparently when I left, he asked my friend if I was single. Glad we left the party soon after that. Now, knowing he's married, just makes it that much more creepy.

    Jaime on
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Registered User new member
    edited September 2007
    I posted a news blurb about this on icrontic (my site) and today somebody calling themselves "PhillyMovieFan" or somesuch posted a little defense of VGXPO - my sneaking suspicion based on years of living on the internet is that this is either Ed himself or someone very close to him.

    I didn't really say anything negative at all about the VGXPO, so his defense is somewhat suspicious....O_o

    Oh the internet! What a joy :D

    primesuspect on
  • aragorn18aragorn18 Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    So, another interesting wrinkle to the story. Back on Digital Press a new user just made a post:
    I will have you to know that those Enforcers that you give so much credit to happened to be a bunch of teenagers who were half asleep that evening!

    I saw a lot of it. From what I saw it looked like Ed was just having a good time and just trying bring levity to those sleepy "enforcers". There were others around also, not just the Enforcers.

    And where are those Enforcers? Why don't they come forward and tell the truth. He seemed like a nice enough guy from out of town.

    You guys have got to cool it with Ed and give him some slack until you know what really happened. God, I wish I had a camcorder that night so you guys could see. Something seems to be going on with this story that is out. They made him out to be the stupid beast. He was no more intoxicated then a lot of the others. I just had to sign up and write what I saw because I am getting sick and tired of it.

    According to one of the moderators over there, the IP address of this first time poster and Ed Fleming match.

    aragorn18 on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    lol teenagers? i know one was at least 30 :P

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Registered User new member
    edited September 2007
    I wouldn't mind getting in touch with the mods at digital press and comparing IPs with my friend PhillyMovieFan.... ;)

    primesuspect on
  • NorthNorth Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Wow. How out of touch do you have to be to think you can pull that off.

    North on
  • smilingmadmansmilingmadman Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Is it really possible that no one actually SAW what happened, aside from Amber and the involved Enforcers? I thought this happened near an escalator. Someone should be able to say if the story really is contrived, or if Ed Fleming is really pretty much a douchebag.

    smilingmadman on
  • TooManyGamesTooManyGames Registered User new member
    edited September 2007
    Absurdist wrote: »
    What really hacks me off about this whole VGXPO thing is how easy it would have been for Ed Fleming to make friends with the PA Community instead of making himself look like an asshat. Seriously, Gabe and Tycho seem like genuinely decent, helpful people, and I bet if Fleming had shown up at the con and just introduced himself properly, he could have counted on a certain amount of help.

    Hey, I'm Chuck Whitby. I run a small game convention in PA called Too Many Games (formerly East Coast Gaming Expo). We're nothing on the scale of PAX (our biggest show was 10,000sqft and the average show is 5,000sqft), but we hope to grow to something that the whole gaming community will enjoy. I'm not a businessman, I'm not a salesman, I'm not a viral marketeer, I'm not anything but a gamer who runs a gaming convention.

    We're really looking to get as many gaming communities involved in the show as we can, either as vendors/exhibitors or as attendees. I hope some Penny Arcade community members will come out and have a good time with us at our spring 2008 show. If you'd like to be a part of the show in any aspect, drop me a line either here or shoot me an e-mail.

    I've met Ed Fleming on numerous occasions, and while he's always been a seemingly nice guy to me, I don't have a hard time believing what occurred at PAX. He doesn't seem to be denying what happened, just spinning it, so I really think what's been recalled on PA is what really happened.

    If this comes off as spam or whatever, please know that's not what its intention is. Ask anyone who's been to one of my shows, I'm just a good guy looking to let everyone else have a great time. 8*)

    TooManyGames on
  • MoonVydeoMoonVydeo Lord Moon Enforcer at Large Istanbul (Not Constantinople)Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    BigRed wrote: »
    lol teenagers? i know one was at least 30 :P

    Well you know teenagers always trying to look older than they really are. :P 8-)

    MoonVydeo on
  • BurkhalterBurkhalter __BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2007



    Some guy got drunk and hit on a woman? Stop the fucking presses, Jenkins! This is gold! Gold!

    Burkhalter on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited September 2007
    Not just some guy. Go back and read the rest of this thread and come back when you have something constructive to say.

    Moe Fwacky on

This discussion has been closed.