Please help me,
I went to PAX 2007 all three days and lost a copy of Super Smash Brothers: Melee.
I believe it was actually found and announced over the Speaker-system, but I wasn't paying much attention because I was under the illusion that I still had it. It is my favourite game currently available, and one of my prized possesions. I hope I can still get it back. To make things more complicated, I am a Canadian Citizen, so getting it back (assuming that it was not swiped mistake/some dasterdly deed-doer) may be problematic.
Also, I did not spot a lost and found thread for 2007, so I figured I should start one here.
Edit: I believe I left it in one of the freeplay Wiis
I believe I lost a few ds games when I was there. Hopefully I just lost them at my house beforehand. Tetris and a japanese kanji dictionary...maybe something else too, but I haven't registered its absence yet.
At PAX05 my idiot friend left his entire laptop bag on the sidewalk outside the Red Lion. It was found and returned with nothing missing thanks to a number of fine folk, most of all Doc who facilitated the shipping.
I believe I lost a some DS games as well, namely Pokemon Pearl, Mechassault: Phantom War, and what I think was either Digimon World DS or Animal Crossing. In a nice little plastic case, and probably in Wireless Lounge B. Didn't realize it was lost until I got home from the final day. I'd like to be able to find it...
Also, anyone see the dudes outside trying to pawn off shit that probably wasn't theirs? DS + 5 games for sale, make me an offer? Trying to sell off my old ipod? etc.
I believe I lost a some DS games as well, namely Pokemon Pearl, Mechassault: Phantom War, and what I think was either Digimon World DS or Animal Crossing. In a nice little plastic case, and probably in Wireless Lounge B. Didn't realize it was lost until I got home from the final day. I'd like to be able to find it...
Oh gosh pokemon??? That would *suck* to lose. I hope you hadn't put *too* much work into it. o.O
I lost the ability to not think about games for at least a week after. I wonder what you call PAX flashbacks and if there is a cure.
jeruvin on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited September 2007
I don't think there is. I have CCST flashbacks fairly regularly when I'm driving and dreams of PAX all year round. They'll peter out and become less frequent over the winter, but once the weather warms up, they're back with a force again.
My backpack had a bad habit of gaping open by accident all the time (during concerts argh) , I'm surprised that I didn't lose any stuff when people could basically reach in and take it out...
strangemusic on
"Always be wary of people who use quotes... I don't know who said that" - Murdoc Nicalls.
My mother called me the other day to say "Your brother lost his phone at PAX, but some nice person there" by which I'm pretty sure she means "some nice Enforcer" "called the "mom" entry and they're mailing it back to us."
I was impressed! Not very impressed that my brother lost his phone (I have years of practise at pretending I'm not related to him in public) but that not only did the phone make it back to someone who bothered to find out whose it was, it's actually getting sent back to California. It kinda makes me warm and fuzzy.
Euphasie on
Euphasie 83 Human Paladin, <Keepers of Azeroth>, Silver Hand (RP-PVE) Smithereena 67ish Gnome Rogue, <Keepers of Azeroth>, Silver Hand (RP-PVE)
I left some Merch merch by the exhibition hall when I went to do concert security at Round 4. Brand new and still in the bag, and someone was cool enough to take it back to the lost & found at the info booth.
Does anyone know what happened to all the leftover lost & found stuff from Info booth? The box might be hanging around somewhere still...
If you lost something and didn't claim it the weekend of PAX, your best course of action would probably be to email Robert Khoo because the Lost and Found box probably went to PA headquarters.
If you lost something and didn't claim it the weekend of PAX, your best course of action would probably be to email Robert Khoo because the Lost and Found box probably went to PA headquarters.
I think my doctor works in the same building as that.
I believe I lost a few ds games when I was there. Hopefully I just lost them at my house beforehand. Tetris and a japanese kanji dictionary...maybe something else too, but I haven't registered its absence yet.
Just wanted to give people some hope.
Hope this helps.
Um, you can keep it. :P
I was impressed! Not very impressed that my brother lost his phone (I have years of practise at pretending I'm not related to him in public) but that not only did the phone make it back to someone who bothered to find out whose it was, it's actually getting sent back to California. It kinda makes me warm and fuzzy.
Does anyone know what happened to all the leftover lost & found stuff from Info booth? The box might be hanging around somewhere still...
I think my doctor works in the same building as that.