This news just in: there are girls on the internet. And some of them are not offended by the idea other women being naked.
Don't be creepy.
Samyel on
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
This news just in: there are girls on the internet. And some of them are not offended by the idea other women being naked.
Don't be creepy.
Samyel, I you.
I read some of the SG stuff, I have no opposition to the website.
It used to be a lot cooler than it is now, actually.. They've changed it around a lot.
And, oddly enough, some of them play video games/care about gaming, etc.
Oh wait.
There are no girls on teh intarweb.
Shh, forget I said anything.
And yes, don't be creepy.
Also, before this post on SG, which was pretty recent,
someone made a post on their website about MC Frontalot.
That one was pretty cool too, but I'm too lazy to look for the link.
Granted i dont know you well but let me go over the things i kinda know about you
your from ohio
you make cookies
you were in girl scouts
um you dont look like a suicide kinda girl
hence the fact i was kinda surprised that you frequented the site...
Would it had been creepy if i said "wait, so you can make cookies?" in your cookie thread?
First off, let me say that what I said was in no way directed at calling you a creep, and I'm sorry if it came off that way.. and now, I'll explain:
I seconded her response as more of a general warning for the tone that this thread could easily take. Since you are a guy gamer, I am going to assume that you don't have tons of nerd girls hit on you. Granted, that is a generalization and a stereotype, because I know there are nerdy girl gamers out there who enjoy flirting with guys over the internet, but I would say the reverse happens more often. All in all, I wasn't trying to single you out and say you were being creepy, but moreso to take the tone off of the fact that yes, a girl had posted a link to the suicidegirls website, but not because it was like "hey check out this hot chick.." and more "Dude! Wil Wheaton! ZOMG!"
Also, I'm intrigued as to how you can say that I don't look or seem like the kind of person to "frequent" the Suicidegirls site. Yes, I'm from Ohio. Sucidegirls started in Portland, I believe. Not a huge city, but not the middle of nowhere, and it wasn't directed around anything mainstream that would rely heavily on a major city. Actually, I believe they have a photographer in the Ohio area, and I'm pretty sure there are girls on the site who are from Ohio, although I haven't personally checked.
I'm sure that if you read the Suicidegirls blogs/posts you would learn that many of them bake cookies, and I am sure a few of them were Girl Scouts back in the day. I also was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for 9 years.. but that doesn't make me any less likely to look at the Suicidegirls website..
The thing that really bothers me is that you, without knowing me, and having seen me, what, twice? decided that I didn't look or seem like the "type" of girl. Judging me like that and saying that I don't look like the type of girl is the same thing as me openly calling you creepy without actually having anything to base it on (which I explain above, was not my intention).
Other miscellaneous facts: I have 2 tattoos, 12 piercings, and am a Liberal Arts/English major. Again, sorry if you felt like I was trying to call you a creep, but don't judge a book by its cover, because I'm not going to.
Liar! we aren't girls remember? ;P THIS IS TEH INTERWEBS.
Oh right.
That was an entirely hypothetical argument about IF I was a girl.
In reality, I am not a girl because girls do not exist on the interwebs.
Thanks for reminding me, BA.
Granted i dont know you well but let me go over the things i kinda know about you
your from ohio
you make cookies
you were in girl scouts
um you dont look like a suicide kinda girl
hence the fact i was kinda surprised that you frequented the site...
Would it had been creepy if i said "wait, so you can make cookies?" in your cookie thread?
First off, let me say that what I said was in no way directed at calling you a creep, and I'm sorry if it came off that way.. and now, I'll explain:
I seconded her response as more of a general warning for the tone that this thread could easily take. Since you are a guy gamer, I am going to assume that you don't have tons of nerd girls hit on you. Granted, that is a generalization and a stereotype, because I know there are nerdy girl gamers out there who enjoy flirting with guys over the internet, but I would say the reverse happens more often. All in all, I wasn't trying to single you out and say you were being creepy, but moreso to take the tone off of the fact that yes, a girl had posted a link to the suicidegirls website, but not because it was like "hey check out this hot chick.." and more "Dude! Wil Wheaton! ZOMG!"
Also, I'm intrigued as to how you can say that I don't look or seem like the kind of person to "frequent" the Suicidegirls site. Yes, I'm from Ohio. Sucidegirls started in Portland, I believe. Not a huge city, but not the middle of nowhere, and it wasn't directed around anything mainstream that would rely heavily on a major city. Actually, I believe they have a photographer in the Ohio area, and I'm pretty sure there are girls on the site who are from Ohio, although I haven't personally checked.
I'm sure that if you read the Suicidegirls blogs/posts you would learn that many of them bake cookies, and I am sure a few of them were Girl Scouts back in the day. I also was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for 9 years.. but that doesn't make me any less likely to look at the Suicidegirls website..
The thing that really bothers me is that you, without knowing me, and having seen me, what, twice? decided that I didn't look or seem like the "type" of girl. Judging me like that and saying that I don't look like the type of girl is the same thing as me openly calling you creepy without actually having anything to base it on (which I explain above, was not my intention).
Other miscellaneous facts: I have 2 tattoos, 12 piercings, and am a Liberal Arts/English major. Again, sorry if you felt like I was trying to call you a creep, but don't judge a book by its cover, because I'm not going to.
neuroslice on
Hotel bound on PAX Saturday,
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
I'm intrigued as to how you can say that I don't look or seem like the kind of person to "frequent" the Suicidegirls site.
I never said you didn't seem the type i said i know little about you and you didn't look the type Granted i did only talk to you in person for a total of like 5 mins and saw you twice and a picture once.
I'm pretty sure there are girls on the site who are from Ohio, although I haven't personally checked.
I'm sure there are girls on there from all around i did not say you could not be one because you are from there just listed that as one of the few things i knew about you.
I'm sure that if you read the Suicidegirls blogs/posts you would learn that many of them bake cookies, and I am sure a few of them were Girl Scouts back in the day. I also was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for 9 years.. but that doesn't make me any less likely to look at the Suicidegirls website..
the cookie thing was a comparison as to the creepiness of a similar observation. Honestly i think most ppl have made cookies or helped make cookies.
The thing that really bothers me is that you, without knowing me, and having seen me, what, twice? decided that I didn't look or seem like the "type" of girl.
Yes, I used generality's to fill in gaps about you that i didn't know first hand.
Hey your a girl that doesn't LOOK like you go to EXTREMES to stand out in a crowd like most of the girls on the site.
Other miscellaneous facts: I have 2 tattoos, 12 piercings, and am a Liberal Arts/English major. Again, sorry if you felt like I was trying to call you a creep, but don't judge a book by its cover, because I'm not going to.
Perhaps i came off a bid defensive but i just didn't get how a generalized comment like that coulda been taken as creepy and set out to explain my actions and let you KNOW it was not meant in a creepy way.
Generalize me all ya want. I wont be offended by it. i don't expect you to know me to a T anyway. If you dont know something about me and want to ask. I realize that society has a generalized image of how things are and untill you make a point to show your not part of that generalization you will still be seen that way. its how it is and I've learned to deal with it.
as for the misc. facts you have now doubled what i know about you. the 12 piercings and 2 tattoo's doesnt quite put you in what i would generalize as a suicide girl but your getting closer.
and to end things ill toss somme random facts in about me as well.
I have no piercings and no tattoos (piercings i never thought belonged on guys really and the tattoos isnt that i don't like them its more of a I don't want to be judged because of them and then miss out on opportunities in a work environment and granted i could get some that wouldn't show up in a day to day area but why have something like that if no one gets to see it?)
I dropped out of high school but got a GED and Graduated from a trade school with flying colors. However i have never had a job in said trade.
I have a suspended license yet i drive daily.
I have a brother and sister that i love very much and consider them more like my own kids them my siblings. At one point in time i even tried to get custody of them while my mother was having some drug problems.
I dont smoke. I tried a cig once and tried pot once and it never understood why ppl would do it. I have never tried any other drugs because i have seen what it can do to a person and a family.
Though i do not do drugs or smoke myself i do not begrudge my friends that do.
Well, this was the most well thought out series of topic derailment responses I've ever seen. And I know I don't get a moderator badge on this side of the forum but could be please be so kind as to either drop the issue or take it to PM's? That would be lovely. I've CC'ed Moe on this to keep it all on the up and up.
(i wonder how well brownies travel in the mail...)
Well, this was the most well thought out series of topic derailment responses I've ever seen. And I know I don't get a moderator badge on this side of the forum but could be please be so kind as to either drop the issue or take it to PM's? That would be lovely. I've CC'ed Moe on this to keep it all on the up and up.
(i wonder how well brownies travel in the mail...)
You didn't need to edit your post, Aubrie.
There, fixed it.
Also, I make scarves. They travel better.
I just noticed the edit to your post, Apotheos.. I got tired of it, and tired of scrolling, so I fixed it.
Most of what I wrote is linked in other people's quotes, if people REALLY want to know that badly. :P
Anyway, as I originally intended:
Look at how many people are concerned enough with Wil Wheaton to feature him on their website! Go read and Geek Out! And, if you're so inclined, read the responses to his article. They say it all.
Oh right.
That was an entirely hypothetical argument about IF I was a girl.
In reality, I am not a girl because girls do not exist on the interwebs.
Thanks for reminding me, BA.
In my dream interweb, everyone is female untill proven male. I just hit on everyone, it's easier that way. ;-)
Also, before this post on SG, which was pretty recent,
someone made a post on their website about MC Frontalot.
That one was pretty cool too, but I'm too lazy to look for the link.
I heard about SG on Frontalot's website, lucky find. I wonder if they have given him a free account yet. heh
I should add 'Not camping in the Wil Wheaton line' to my PAX Regrets list. I thought it was impossible to love him more.
KaitouAyashi on
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
So wait, you frequent the suicidegirls website?
This news just in: there are girls on the internet. And some of them are not offended by the idea other women being naked.
Don't be creepy.
Samyel, I
I read some of the SG stuff, I have no opposition to the website.
It used to be a lot cooler than it is now, actually.. They've changed it around a lot.
And, oddly enough, some of them play video games/care about gaming, etc.
Oh wait.
There are no girls on teh intarweb.
Shh, forget I said anything.
And yes, don't be creepy.
Also, before this post on SG, which was pretty recent,
someone made a post on their website about MC Frontalot.
That one was pretty cool too, but I'm too lazy to look for the link.
Granted i dont know you well but let me go over the things i kinda know about you
your from ohio
you make cookies
you were in girl scouts
um you dont look like a suicide kinda girl
hence the fact i was kinda surprised that you frequented the site...
Would it had been creepy if i said "wait, so you can make cookies?" in your cookie thread?
I don't think you're creepy.
And, [insert hypothetical girl argument here].
Thanks a ton, I was looking for that.
Liar! we aren't girls remember? ;P THIS IS TEH INTERWEBS.
That was an entirely hypothetical argument about IF I was a girl.
In reality, I am not a girl because girls do not exist on the interwebs.
Thanks for reminding me, BA.
- H. P. Lovecraft
I am actually a member of Suicidegirls.
By the way, I got my lip re-pierced while I was in Seattle.
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
Left, right or middle?
Mine is on the left.. or right, depending on how you look at it.
I never said you didn't seem the type i said i know little about you and you didn't look the type Granted i did only talk to you in person for a total of like 5 mins and saw you twice and a picture once.
I'm sure there are girls on there from all around i did not say you could not be one because you are from there just listed that as one of the few things i knew about you.
the cookie thing was a comparison as to the creepiness of a similar observation. Honestly i think most ppl have made cookies or helped make cookies.
Yes, I used generality's to fill in gaps about you that i didn't know first hand.
Hey your a girl that doesn't LOOK like you go to EXTREMES to stand out in a crowd like most of the girls on the site.
Perhaps i came off a bid defensive but i just didn't get how a generalized comment like that coulda been taken as creepy and set out to explain my actions and let you KNOW it was not meant in a creepy way.
Generalize me all ya want. I wont be offended by it. i don't expect you to know me to a T anyway. If you dont know something about me and want to ask. I realize that society has a generalized image of how things are and untill you make a point to show your not part of that generalization you will still be seen that way. its how it is and I've learned to deal with it.
as for the misc. facts you have now doubled what i know about you. the 12 piercings and 2 tattoo's doesnt quite put you in what i would generalize as a suicide girl but your getting closer.
and to end things ill toss somme random facts in about me as well.
I have no piercings and no tattoos (piercings i never thought belonged on guys really and the tattoos isnt that i don't like them its more of a I don't want to be judged because of them and then miss out on opportunities in a work environment and granted i could get some that wouldn't show up in a day to day area but why have something like that if no one gets to see it?)
I dropped out of high school but got a GED and Graduated from a trade school with flying colors. However i have never had a job in said trade.
I have a suspended license yet i drive daily.
I have a brother and sister that i love very much and consider them more like my own kids them my siblings. At one point in time i even tried to get custody of them while my mother was having some drug problems.
I dont smoke. I tried a cig once and tried pot once and it never understood why ppl would do it. I have never tried any other drugs because i have seen what it can do to a person and a family.
Though i do not do drugs or smoke myself i do not begrudge my friends that do.
I supose thats enough random facts for this post.
peace out?
Everyone, go read the article.
(i wonder how well brownies travel in the mail...)
You didn't need to edit your post, Aubrie.
There, fixed it.
Also, I make scarves. They travel better.
I just noticed the edit to your post, Apotheos.. I got tired of it, and tired of scrolling, so I fixed it.
Most of what I wrote is linked in other people's quotes, if people REALLY want to know that badly. :P
Anyway, as I originally intended:
Look at how many people are concerned enough with Wil Wheaton to feature him on their website!
Go read and Geek Out! And, if you're so inclined, read the responses to his article. They say it all.
Right for me, left for everyone looking at me.
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
We're like reversed twins now.
So, which one of us is the evil twin?
Or even better, which one of us is BIZARRO?
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
I heard about SG on Frontalot's website, lucky find. I wonder if they have given him a free account yet. heh
I am going to go read the article now. :P
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
also, bugger beats me by 1 piercing, but once the next paycheque comes in, the next implant is getting shoved in.
Yeah i sort of wish I had waited in line for wil, same as I had no idea freezepop discs would sell out that damn quick.
It's impossible not to love this man.