So. I just got a 360. I got Bioshock, obviously. And Gears. Now I'm realizing that I don't have another $800 on me right this moment, which means I need to find some games that don't break the bank.
My budget successes so far are Crackdown and Call of Duty 2. I also got Zuma for $5 during the XBLA sale last weekend. Crackdown is simply the funnest, and the cheat pack has made it my favorite sandbox ever. Call of Duty 2 suffered from being a game that I had to play on Veteran, and also some really odd design decisions. But it was $20, and when it was good it was good.
So, what other titles are old, cheap, and good? XBLA or retail, so long as it doesn't go over $20-$30.
Do what you can to elect Harris/Walz and downticket Dem candidates in your area by doorknocking, phonebanking, or postcarding:
GRAW too maybe. Vegas. viva pinata are all budget now I think.
Yes it's the 360 version
Amped 3 is also good fun, and should be dirt cheap by now.
edit: and just try every demo, you may always find a hidden gem on there, and if not.. well they're free anyway.
Live near a Fry's? Check there.
So, Dead Rising seems like a must. I've heard R6:V is a lot like Gears. Is it much cheaper?
Vegas I think is still up there... it certainly hasn't hit $30 yet. However, it is fantastic, and is very much like Gears. I enjoyed the single-player game in Vegas a lot more than Gears, but Dom is fucking retarded, so that may have something to do with it.
As others said, Condemned is a must. If you like platformers, Kameo is a lot of fun (screw you guys).
If you want some XBLA titles, and enjoy board games, I'll throw support out for Catan and Carcassonne.
Lastly, Geometry Wars. Now.
*EDIT: Also, any xbox games that are backwards compatible might be a good choice for some cheaper gaming.
Ya, I was going to add, "Hey just try the demos, maybe you'll find something you enjoy you maybe would normally skip since it got mediocre reviews". Also another vote in for XBLA, lot of gems in there.
As for Dead Rising, DAMNIT! I didn't realize that... No wonder the game's so bloody hard for me.
Kameo is recommendable, and it's cheep. Gorgeous too.
Viva Pinata is also $20 or less, and its a fantastic game once you figure it out.
And yea, XBLA and demos, natch.
But if thats not your bag then the cheapies I recommend:
Shadowrun is down to $39.99 new can probably pick it up for half that used. Need a gold account for this one though.
PGR3 is excellent and should be cheap. Although PGR4 comes out Oct 2nd.
Dead Rising as others have said, should be cheap now.
as far as XBLA goes some of my favorites have been/are:
Geometry Wars
Marble Blast Ultra
Space Giraffe
Hexic 2
Bomberman Live
I'm fairly sure theres a demo on the marketplace for all of the games I mentioned. Try before you buy FTW
Virtua Tennis 3 can be found for thirty at Gamestop.
Tomb Raider Legend is also $20 and it is fantastic
Giant bugs, giant robots, space ships, every single B-monster movie cliche, all packed into one game where you get to explode and shoot the shit out of them.
Also, Co-op.
And the demos in general really are an amazingly nice thing to have, but are there demos for all games currently released? That, and adding a "currently $X" would make them even more useful.
Unreal Championship 2
I don't see how you can recommend that when we're getting a non-shitty version of it in October on 360.
Viva Pinata
Earth Defence 2017
These games are pretty damn cheap and sheer awesome, Dead Rising for being a very fun game if you just know not to take the game to seriously and learn to just mess around and have a laugh, Viva Pinata because it's one of the best looking, and one of the most uniqe games I'v ever played and Earth Defence because, well, imagine the starship troopers given Serious Sam's armoury of weapons and sent off to fight every alien and monster ever seen in a late night B-movie. And there are explosions, lots and lots of huge, pretty explosions.
Seriously, go on eBay and get this. It looks, sounds, and even seems to TRY to be a crappy budget game, yet somehow manages to be pure awesome.
I'v said it before, the fact that it IS a low budget game with a lot of rough edges just adds to it's B-movie charm.
I absolutely love the insane weapon variety (and in turn, the collectability element the game has trying to unlock them all), and the absolutely ridiculous enemy designs are so laughably terrible they actually come out the other side as awesome - seriously, you fight giant ants with graphics that make it look like someone just upturned an ant farm over a scale model. And of course, there's the awesome destructible environments, which the game makes absolutely no attempt to dissuade you from blowing to pieces. I just blew up a 50-story skyscraper? Whoops. My bad. Oh, and then there's the Iron Giant-style robots you fight and... yeah, for a super-cheap game with super-low production values, it just has wall-to-wall awesome.
That got some good reviews at first, any verdict on whether it's worth going back to now?
That said, any fighting game might be good. Is DoA really the only option?
Download the demo first.
I bought the game because it was only $30 and got glowing reviews, only to find out I hated hated hated the controls and the game was thus unplayable to me.
There is nothing shitty about the Xbox version of HL2 except for an occasional stutter when you're loading a new area. That, and lack of multiplayer.
But the kicker is, the poster is looking for cheap games, and HL2 Orange Box is gonna be $60. I bought a brand new copy of HL2 for the Xbox for $5 at a Best Buy a few months ago. Buying the Xbox version and playing through singleplayer right now wouldn't be a bad idea, and then once Ornage Box is out the poster would know whether or not they enjoyed the game enough to shell out $60 to play Episode 1 and 2 and TF2 and all that stuff.
Also, I'll second Ridge Racer 6. It's awesome purist arcade racing (no traffic to dodge or parts to buy and tune), which isn't for everyone, but it's still the best pick up and play game that I've found so far on the system. And there is a ton of races to do and cars to unlock if you feel like putting some time into it.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
I would agree with this advice, but I'll add you should give the controls some time, they definetly grow on you. Oh, and like every other game, online sucks becuase people are assholes. Still a good game, I reccomend it.
Virtua fighter 5 is coming out soon, but that wont be cheap.
As for demos, definetly check out Timeshift, its alot of fun.
I just got dead rising, seems pretty good, but those
skate, halo 3