All the enforcers I talked to were generally cool people and helpful, but there was one that deserves complaint. The one that was actually participating in the lame ass mosh pit during the Saturday concert, needs to learn how to do his job. I wish all of those involved in that had been kicked out of PAX. This isn't ozzfest, its god damned PAX, stop being douches and let me enjoy the concert.
No worries regarding Enforcers and the mosh pits. We do have an established rule against it, and he should have known better. I'll make sure that it's made crystal-clear to all concert security Enforcers next year so we don't have a repeat.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
If others don't like it, they don't have to participate. It happens every year, don't fight it, guide it. Set aside a mosh area. The first year me and mine didn't start it, we participated. The last two years we started it, AND brought our own bouncers to stand around the group. However, I will admit that when others start jumping in it starts to get out of hand. But this shows a demand for a moshing area.
You need to either meet this demand, or stand aside as it is met by others. We chated with the Minibosses after the show this year, and they support the idea of a mosh pit area. Mosh pits get bands pumped, which means a better show for everyone.
If the bands support it, and some of the fans support it, and Penny Arcade has a tshirt that says "Jesus is f-ing metal", why is everyone down on the idea of a mosh area? Liability? If you jump in any pit you instantly sign away any rights you have to freedom from bodily harm. I'd be more worried about the liability to the people who don't want to mosh getting hurt, while nothing is done to meet this need.
I am a loyal reader. I've been to every PAX. I've been to all the concerts. We need a mosh pit area.
They were right behind me, bumping into me repeatedly until another enforcer came along and made them stop. Having a dedicated Mosh area just takes up more room and more enforcers. When they're trying to squeeze more people into the room already, it doesn't seem like a productive use of space for the handful of people interested in it.
If you want to appear to the higher-ups regarding whether this is a possibility, there are other avenues of contact open. The Enforcers don't have /too much/ influence over the rules. We're just there to do what our name implies.
Well, and to have fun, but business before pleasures, yadda yadda.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
Also, who can I talk to to make this happen? Enforcers may not have much say, but they know who does, and I'm sure their opinions count for something.
Honestly, this is a purely personal opinion, but I would prefer no mosh pit. Maybe I'm just getting old at 25, or maybe I don't want to deal with the potential medical nightmare that would result of a badly constructed mosh put, but if the higher ups were to ask me if we think there should be a mosh pit, my answer would be no.
(note: This is purely my opinion, and does not reflect anyone else's feelings on this but mine.)
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
Yeah our opinions do count and im sure most will say no thanks to any type of mosh anything.
Also, who can I bring this suggestion to please? I would really like to see this happen and want to make sure I'm bringing it to the attention of who it needs brought to. Thank you.
Moshing you down the stairs, moshing you down an elevator shaft, moshing you off the tops of buildings...THE FUN NEVER ENDS!
Qft. Im not sure how many concerts you guys have been to that fucking kick ass. But when the Minibosses are playing and they are ripping it up - There are going to be some people rocking out hard, Moving, Jumping, dancing, Moshing. Either small or large, people move and bump, and in really good concerts people mosh.
Whats wrong with designating a small area near the front for the people that want to rock out as hard as possible to an amazing band? We're not jackasses punching eachother and trying to kill one another. We're nerds - If someone falls we help them up. We know not to hurt our brothers. And its a dammed shame that when we're rocking out hard and having a hell of a time - someone has to ruin our fun because they fear its going to get bad. When it hasnt the whole concert.
Hell - a kid lost his glasses in the middle of the mosh (Who was in the mosh from the start) And everyone, EVERYONE, people who didnt know him or his friends stopped instantly. We all stopped and helped him find his glasses asap to help the guy out. Once we found his glasses after awhile we started moshing again after patting the guy on his back telling him to watch his lenses.
Its the moshers choice to do this, and its a common choice - and getting more and more popular every year. Its something that happens at EVERY good concert. Its safe, and all in good fun. I dont see why about an extra 5 minutes of organization is out of order to set up a small area for the people that wish to rock out - and rock out hard.
Edit: But yea on topic: Its amazing every year to see how much ass the enforcers kick, and willing to help. Not hired goons, nerds alike who are friendly and will talk to you about whats up. (And totally I love the Enforcer that was moshing)
When people try to do moshing or contact dancing and such at random in the clubs, I end up having to spend the evening in a fricking boxing pose to stay on the dance floor.
I, personally, like to zone and sway to music, rather than throw punches at people. It's really unpleasant to get punched in the chest when you are half-aware and swaying like a reed, or to have to dodge flying bodies.
Now, an actual -dance- area, not moshing, but actual dancing, I'm all for.
A roped off mosh pit with Enforcer bouncers is perfect for everything I said above. You sign the form and get the mosher wrist band and the Enforcers let you in, if you don't have it then no entry for you, if you are moshing outside the pit then you face the wrath of the Enforcers that catch you.
The people that want to mosh get to without letting an angry parent to sue if their kid got hurt and they are separated from the rest of the crowd so they don't bother anyway.
Only problem after that is making the pit big enough to fit all the moshers and put it in a spot near the stage without being in the of the media badge people trying to take pictures with really expensive cameras.
It sounds like a lot of work for something that could happen in a parking lot, away from expensive cameras and delicate Enforcers who have been on their feet all day anyway..
"Take it outside!"
You know what I mean?
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
Despite all of the stuff I said earlier I don't see much of a need to mosh unless the Miniboess and NESkimos are playing at the time.
Besides I doubt the average PAX attendee is in good enough shape to last moshing for 3-4 hours with only a break when the next band is setting up.
Oh and, no one got hurt.
And to reply to Incenjucar :
Who throws punches? There were none this year, or the years before. This is a mosh pit comprised of nerds. A mosh pit of nerds. We're not a retarded violent bunch. We just wanna throw ourselves around, and rock out as much as possible to a kick ass band.
If one wants to mosh in a good circle pit, or something; one should stay an extra day and see a punk show.
And that's all I have to say on the matter.
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
It was kept to a minimum this year. If the wsctc doesnt want it there then we will have to enforce that. No amount of waivers or such would change their mind on that one.
Heard, and agreed.
No, I fully agree
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
To the people who said "I kept getting bumped into and didn't like it" then what did you do about it? For instance, if a man came up to me and stood right in front of me and said "I'm going to poke right in front of me." I wouldn't merely stand there as he pokes me thinking "gosh this is so rude, " I would move slightly so that I would no longer being poked. That seems like common sense that if you are in an area that you are uncomfortable in you would vacate that area. Yes you can come back and say "well I shouldn't have to move away from the pit I was there first." And maybe that's true, you shouldn't have to move. But why be so uptight? I guarantee it didn't bother the people moshing that you were there. You were the only one who suffered from refusing to move.
So what you are saying is we need to make the moshers suffer more. Good point.