So, last night a coworker of mine didn't lock his computer or log off when he went home. And we all know what that means... time to fuck with him!
I screen shotted his desktop, hid his task bar, hid all of his icons, put the screen shot as the wallpaper and reversed his two mouse buttons. Lo and behold, he couldn't do shit.
Well, I got in to work this morning and he was fucking
livid, all bein' aggressive and saying that if I did it again he'd beat me. Shit like that. Turns out he couldn't figure out a way to fix it so he completely reformatted his computer.
yes... he
reformatted his computer instead of spending five minutes to "fix" it.
He is supposed to be tech support.
Anyway, moral of the story...
how have you fucked with your coworkers?
and go.
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
Now we have worms armageddon to settle scores.
You must work in a marvelous place
tech support
more like
I don't know, something dumb.
Not really but due to the business' small size we can get away with it over lunch and occasionally at the end of the day. Those of us that do it each have a laptop.
If I did this to him he'd have it resolved in about two minutes and then somehow make my computer explode in a puff of razor blades coated in ebola.
I put various items from my one coworker's desk in Jello.
Then when I changed offices, I started sending him faxes as himself from the future.
Yeah, isn't that from The Office?
One time I moved my coworker's desk into the bathroom.
It didn't seem to bother him that much, though. Maybe he's a pervert.
Each day, the smell got worse and worse. Everytime he walked, it kicked up the smell. Everytime he opened the door, everytime the air vents turned on.
To this day, I'm told he gets ill at the first scent of celery.
This is what happens when you deny me a long weekend. Learn from your fucking mistakes.
guess what it worked
Let's make love.
So basically what all my other coworkers in all the cubicles on the floor heard was a relatively quiet work morning followed by a loud blast followed by a loud scream and a crash and then a lot of loud laughing from another part of the floor. I almost passed out, I was laughing so hard.
He bought me donuts for that one.
Also, anytime somebody leaves their computer open, it is an automatic invitation to post the most fucked up picture (SFW) you can find.
That's awesome.
That's brilliant.
she got paid more for a week, then fired
that'll teach her not to get me lunch when she's going out and I offer money
place each wallpaper on the opposite computer, and switch the cables
For the next two weeks, our entire building of 200+ devs, QA and tech support staff filled Josh's cube up with empty pop cans and cardboard. His cube never smelled quite right ever again after that.
- My first gig at MS years ago. One of the PMs went on maternity leave for a month after his daughter was born. Our old building had a massive freight elevator around the back side of the regular elevator area, and one of the other managers decided it would make an absolutely perfect office for Terry, since Terry was an incredible dick about people fucking with his stuff.
So, we had Facilities close down the elevator for 2 days - took reference photos of Terry's office, and 10 of us proceeded to systematically take apart and re-build his entire office IN the freight elevator; desk, computers, haggard-ass futon couch thing...everything was removed and relocated into his new "office" and our boss's boss had MSIT change his office location in the GAL to "B25-Freight01" to make it official.
He was actually a really good sport about it when he came back, and even worked out of the elevator for a couple of days to keep the joke rolling. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Then really it's your boss who's messing with everyone by hiring you.
Or put hazard labels on DI water that warn of cancer or blood born pathogens.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
It's my mom that's messing with them for not just paying for all my stuff. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Over 2 months I took a perfectly sane aware confident man, and by the end he was haggard, costantly ill, and smelled celery EVERYWHERE. Even at home.
"It follows me..... it follows me."
Of course it did. he was kicking it up onto his pant legs each day. He spent thousands of dollars going to doctors. He was convinced he had a brain tumor.
yeah well
I was hungry and had six hours before I got off
I just got more and more pissed
plus she was fat and seemed to really relish her food
so it was extra infuriating
and she used to sing radio edits of shit songs; that is, she would sing the songs loudly and go "hmm" over any swears
We compose an email to the entire office saying how much they love ponies and usually include several "my little pony" images then send it from thier outlook.
I read that as microphones first, and I was trying to figure out what kind of microphone has an eye piece. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!