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Battlefield 2 ???

MtWjakeMtWjake Registered User regular
edited July 2005 in PAX Archive
I looked at the schedule and it does not seem there is a change for Battlefield 2. I think it would be great for a BF2 tournie. What does everyone think?

MtWjake on


  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited July 2005
    There will be a Battlefield 2 tournament. Details should be posted next week.

    David Coffman on
  • HighfireHighfire Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    DiscoDave wrote:
    There will be a Battlefield 2 tournament. Details should be posted next week.

    Fuck that! I want them sooner. That's one of the main tournaments, I'm looking forward too.

    Highfire on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited July 2005
    There's also a large possibility it'll be BYOC only, unfortunately.

    David Coffman on
  • MtWjakeMtWjake Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Shit I already registered without paying ten to bring my pc. I figured I wouldnt need it plus im flying from PA so I didnt want to be charged for extra weight. Is it possible i could change my registration?

    MtWjake on
  • HighfireHighfire Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    DiscoDave wrote:
    There's also a large possibility it'll be BYOC only, unfortunately.

    Now that's bull shit! They can't make it BYOC, so late. There's people that didn't buy a spot for a computer. That would be like telling everyone, to bring there own games, t.v., and console. If you want to be in the Omegathon, right when the doors open.

    Highfire on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited July 2005 know I'm just talking about the BF2 tournament, right?

    The problem here is that BF2 is extremely picky about what systems it will and won't run on, and about half of the shared systems will be running on Nvidia 4200s, which is just fine for most games, but BF2 doesn't support it at the present.

    David Coffman on
  • Trent{TS}Trent{TS} Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    I'm not going to be as crude when criticizing this move, but as myself and the rest of my team are flying down from Alaska, we don't have the luxury of bringing our personal PC's.

    Will this tournament be replacing the Desert Combat tourney, or will it be in addition to the current schedule? As late in the game as it is, I would suggest keeping the Desert Combat tournament in place, or possibly push the supplier of the shared PC's to upgrade the video cards. I know it's an outside chance, but what if we brought video cards capable of playing the game and installed them in the shared PC's for the tournament<huge logistical problem - I know>.

    Any indication when next week the updated information will be available?


    Trent{TS} on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited July 2005
    It will be a replacement for fact, on the schedule itself you'll see it says DC or BF2, and that clause was there in case BF2 was released late.

    So if you're looking for when the tournament will take place, it'll start on Friday at 8:00pm.

    This whole Battlefield 2 issue is a recent development, so we're still looking for solutions. We'd really like to have a BF2 tournament rather than DC, but the suggestion of reverting to DC isn't completely out of the question. We'll see.

    My advice for those of you non-byoc'ers who would like to participate in this tournament in particular is to stay close to these forums, get to PAX as early as you can, and stay close to the tournament area we'll have setup.

    David Coffman on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    DC or BF2, it doesnt matter, me and story will conquer all...again.

    But seriously, I am really digging BF2 but if that means people without their BYOCs cant be in the tourney, I would rather play DC. just my opinion though.

    uc4life on
  • Trent{TS}Trent{TS} Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Another question I'd like to ask, if the tourney does turn out to be BYOC. Do we need to purchase seats for those computers, or is the tournament area completely seperate?

    Trent{TS} on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited July 2005
    Huh...coulda sworn I responded to that.

    There is no seperate Tournament area in's all BYOC, and you can elect to enter tournaments or not.

    We are going to go ahead with BF2, and we're also going to dedicate all the Shared Systems we can to the tournament. This means if you're not bringing your own computer and you want to enter the BF2 tournament, definitely make sure you're not far from the tournament area on Friday evening at around 7:00. We'll probably start seeding the tournament at around 7:30ish.

    We'll post detailed rules as soon as Fallout, the admin for this particular tournament gets it all worked out.

    David Coffman on
  • FallFall Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Expect CAL rules ( adapted for LAN play with a reduced map selection (five or six 8v8 maps).

    Fall on
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