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On the road gaming...

twispbytwispby Registered User regular
edited July 2005 in PAX Archive
So I've got a portable dvd player with a flip up screen and although it doesn't advertise that you can play games on it, through inventive use of cables, I've made it work. My only problem is a power source for a gamecube on the road. As four of our group of five are entered in the smash bros. tourney it would be nice to practice a bit on the way up. I've never heard of any attachments for the gamecube that would let it run off the car battery, but if there is any advice would be appreciated. Also how much of a drain would that put on a cars battery?

twispby on


  • Element BrianElement Brian Peanut Butter Shill Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    just for fun you should post your set up with your game cube and dvd player because ive tried something similiar with my xbox and portable player to no avail.

    Element Brian on
    Switch FC code:SW-2130-4285-0059

  • YoshuaYoshua Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Can't recall the proper name for it, but you can buy them at car stereo places or places that carry a lot of car accessories. Basiclly it plugs into the cigarette lighter socket and gives you a few electrical outlets. You do not want the type made for laptops, for some reason these just don't provide enough juice to really run anything.

    Can get like a 400w one for about 50 bucks, so not too horribly expensive.

    Yoshua on
  • doczerodoczero Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Its called an inverter. It converts DC to AC with a large amount of power loss to heat. A gamecube and display might be a bit much for the cigarette lighter variety.

    doczero on
    Where there is no love,
    Nothing is possible.
  • YoshuaYoshua Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    doczero wrote:
    Its called an inverter. It converts DC to AC with a large amount of power loss to heat. A gamecube and display might be a bit much for the cigarette lighter variety.

    Depends on the draw. I got the impression the display was LCD which should draw very little power relative to a CRT.

    But yeah, I don't reccomend trying to run a TV off one unless the inverters is hooked up directly to the battery (good ones should come with clips for doing that, but I can't see it being very practical while your driving, and it will drain the battery quite fast).

    I did run my mother's laptop off one rather easily though, and that thing is something of a pig power-wise.

    Yoshua on
  • twispbytwispby Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    it's a real simple set-up. the screen i have is actually a dvd player with it's own battery (battery life of about 3 hours, rechargable) so it won't draw any power from the car battery and the gamecube a/v cable is hooked up to the player. all i need to know is if running a game system of the lighter outlet will cause the car battery to drain to much. hate to not make it to PAX and end up in B.C....where wild mountain men roam.

    twispby on
  • YoshuaYoshua Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    twispby wrote:
    it's a real simple set-up. the screen i have is actually a dvd player with it's own battery (battery life of about 3 hours, rechargable) so it won't draw any power from the car battery and the gamecube a/v cable is hooked up to the player. all i need to know is if running a game system of the lighter outlet will cause the car battery to drain to much. hate to not make it to PAX and end up in B.C....where wild mountain men roam.

    Ought to work. I don't believe the Gamecube draws all that much power. But you might wanna test it out, just get your setup going and drive around with it going for a couple hours.

    Yoshua on
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