At least, judging by the floorplan. Still seems like it'd be wise to show up early to get in line, with the massive amount of people going this year. Especially for the Minibosses.
Have a friend who doesn't like RvB hold your spot in line?
Or is that not allowed?
You could do that, I'm sure...but I don't know anyone who doesn't like RvB and would rather sit in line for four hours for me. Well, I haven't really asked.
And the could, also, do the random thing they did last time and hand out tickets. Which they better not...I had people that had started the line for the concert last year saving a spot, but then they did the ticket thing and I got screwed out of it. There was a possibility of a spot for me, but I didn't want to leave my girlfriend and other friends out either.
I am going to see that concert this year, though. They should really announce all the acts and what time they're playing soon. Eh, Khoo? :P
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Are the minibosses playing friday or saturday night?
Probably Friday night, since the Friday show is two hours and the Saturday show is three, and they've said the shows will be split up between rock and Hippity-Hop.
I'm predicting-
12-1: Neskimoes
1-2: Minibosses
10-11: Optimus Rhyme
11-12: MC Chris
12-1: Frontalot, yo.
They've gotta give The Front top billing, I'm sorry. He did our theme. It's in the contract, I bet. MUST BE GIVEN TOP BILLING AT ANY AND ALL PENNY-ARCADE CONCERTS. Or something like that. I'm sure there was a bunch more legalese, you know, a few "heretofore"s, that sort of thing.
Anyway, I sure as hell know I'm missing the hip-hop crap. No offense, but I am not impressed with any of the demo music from those three groups. I'm picky about hip hop, I know...
TrainwreckX on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
Anyway, I sure as hell know I'm missing the hip-hop crap. No offense, but I am not impressed with any of the demo music from those three groups. I'm picky about hip hop, I know...
I am NOT missing the Minibosses/Neskimos, though...
Though, if it comes down to having to miss the Red vs Blue panel to stand in line for the concert...I say fuck that. Which kinda makes me sad.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Concert > Red v Blue. I'm a big RvB fan, but after meeting those guys at various cons over the past couple years, I can tell you you aren't missing much.
I reeally wanna go this year. my friend wa saving my spot in line so me and another friend could go ged some disposable cameras, and they ended up handing out tickets. he got there in time, because he was running. but i cant run for very long, because i am a big fat guy. thats why i like what they're doin this year. i really hope i get to go, but it wont be a total tradgety if i dont. i got friends i can hang out with.
Or is that not allowed?
You could do that, I'm sure...but I don't know anyone who doesn't like RvB and would rather sit in line for four hours for me. Well, I haven't really asked.
And the could, also, do the random thing they did last time and hand out tickets. Which they better not...I had people that had started the line for the concert last year saving a spot, but then they did the ticket thing and I got screwed out of it. There was a possibility of a spot for me, but I didn't want to leave my girlfriend and other friends out either.
I am going to see that concert this year, though. They should really announce all the acts and what time they're playing soon. Eh, Khoo? :P
I rounded up.
Hmm, is that image being linked from somewhere? Where did you find it?
It's right there, floorplans for floors 1 and 4.
And when are you going to formally announce the Neskimos?
oh, and btw i changed the title. It was misleading to the passerby.
Thanks, I agree.
Probably Friday night, since the Friday show is two hours and the Saturday show is three, and they've said the shows will be split up between rock and Hippity-Hop.
I'm predicting-
12-1: Neskimoes
1-2: Minibosses
10-11: Optimus Rhyme
11-12: MC Chris
12-1: Frontalot, yo.
They've gotta give The Front top billing, I'm sorry. He did our theme. It's in the contract, I bet. MUST BE GIVEN TOP BILLING AT ANY AND ALL PENNY-ARCADE CONCERTS. Or something like that. I'm sure there was a bunch more legalese, you know, a few "heretofore"s, that sort of thing.
Anyway, I sure as hell know I'm missing the hip-hop crap. No offense, but I am not impressed with any of the demo music from those three groups. I'm picky about hip hop, I know...
I am NOT missing the Minibosses/Neskimos, though...
Though, if it comes down to having to miss the Red vs Blue panel to stand in line for the concert...I say fuck that.
btw, there are three performances (including the Neskimos) that have yet to be officially announced.
So that performances?
Okay i guess there are four more.
I hope I can get in
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Word. Wouldn't that be something? Let's see how well the Center stands up to PAX 2005 before we start jumping to conclusions though.