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BoreasBoreas Registered User regular
edited August 2005 in PAX Archive
I hate to evoke a retired vice.

But is there and off chance any old Star Wars CCG people will be in attendance let alone bring a deck?

KoA: Herakles
Boreas on


  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    Hell yes. What an awesome game. Want to meet somewhere?

    Just one question though, do you know about the Virtual Cards?

    Unknown User on
  • BoreasBoreas Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Of course I do!
    Where could we meet?

    Boreas on
    KoA: Herakles
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    Well, Saturday would be best for me. I'm not in any events then. How about in Tabletop Freeplay 2? I don't really have a time preference.

    Unknown User on
  • BoreasBoreas Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    yeah sounds good.

    Boreas on
    KoA: Herakles
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    I'll be there around 6:00 pm

    Unknown User on
  • Lazarus PlusLazarus Plus Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    I would want to play, but I don't want to go through my binders to build a damn deck. It took me enough work to get them all organized under the Scrye listings.

    Lazarus Plus on
  • BoreasBoreas Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    bummer, well if you find me I'll have a couple decks with me.

    Boreas on
    KoA: Herakles
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    Yeah, I just have one light side and 2 dark sides made up. But one dark side deck really kinda sucks. I might be able to whip up another light side deck too.

    Unknown User on
  • TrainwreckXTrainwreckX Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Are we talking Decipher CCG? I have about 400 cards, quite a few named rare cards too. I may be intersted in a sale.... This will enable me to purchase some things I have wanted for a while. I'll bring em with me. where will you guys be at?

    TrainwreckX on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    Yeah, Decipher CCG. If you just have premiere (White Border) I doubt they'll be in big demand. Still you might get a few bucks, I'd be interested in a Darth Vader. We'll be in tabletop gaming 2 on Saturday around 6pm

    Unknown User on
  • TrainwreckXTrainwreckX Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    I think I have a ton of black border. I played when the game first came out, all the way through the Dagobah expansion. I had two Executers, but one got stolen. I have an Anikin's lightsaber, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Death Star (just off the top of my head). I'll go look for them in about 20 minutes. Stay tuned here tonight. I'll post what I've got.

    TrainwreckX on
  • gray mattergray matter Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    I have a huge amount of SW CCG cards, I might not beable to bring them all, but I've never actually gotten a chance to play, but iy you guys are up for it, I'll bring as many as I can.

    gray matter on
  • TrainwreckXTrainwreckX Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    I'm only gonna bring my rares. Here is what I have:

    Black border 1st edition awesome cards:
    Han Solo
    Leia Organa
    Death Star
    Anakin's Lightsaber
    Tantive IV
    Tatooine: Obi-Wan's Hut
    Biggs Darklighter
    Velken Tezeri
    Concussion Grenade
    Tarkin Seeker
    Wookiee Roar
    Charming to the Last
    Dismantle on Sight
    Djas Puhr

    White Border:

    The Jedi Pack (all 11 cards):
    Hyperoute Navigation Chart
    Tedn Dahai
    Luke's T-16 Skyhopper
    Dark Forces
    Gravity Shadow
    For Luck

    I can't find my Dagobah cards, I had them in a binder because I was trying to collect the whole set (and got very close). You can get a reign check on any of this stuff, I do mail trades.

    TrainwreckX on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    Holy crap! People who play Star Wars CCG!

    Did you guys go to the state champs this year?

    Unknown User on
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