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LogicLBLogicLB Registered User regular
edited August 2005 in PAX Archive
I'm busy getting my laptop ready for this weekend with all the driver updates and games I can think of. For games, I have most of the bases covered, but I know there is alot of odd and end games and mods that people like to play at LANs. So before I lose my reliable internet connection, does anyone have any suggestions as to mods or games they are bringing with?

I currently have these games installed:

CS: Source
Warcraft3:Frozen Throne
Tribes Vengance
Guild Wars

Let me know, I'll be willing to join in any game you think is fun.

LogicLB on


  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited August 2005
    Armagetron/ tron2.0 if you have them

    Armagetron is free so i hope more people install/download it.

    Viscountalpha on
  • LogicLBLogicLB Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Armagetron/ tron2.0 if you have them

    Armagetron is free so i hope more people install/download it.

    Check - Downloading and installing

    you have a server for it installed?

    LogicLB on
  • AridholAridhol Daddliest Catch Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    network cable! bring 20 feet.
    Power bar
    All your game cd's. or at least what you want to play.
    An up to date virus scanner, you never know who has what.
    download the drivers for EVERYTHING first, not when you're there.

    Aridhol on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited August 2005
    LogicLB wrote:
    Armagetron/ tron2.0 if you have them

    Armagetron is free so i hope more people install/download it.

    Check - Downloading and installing

    you have a server for it installed?

    I don't know. Im borrowing some one elses machine during pax(Thank you Slactronix!!)

    I believe internet access will be available at pax(hopefully) so this shouldn't be a problem.


    Viscountalpha on
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