Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Pictochat while waiting for MC "X" to get off stage and neskimos or Minibosses to come on was quit dirty. And I don't mean your typical penis chat dirty. It was nice to have a full group of people to complain to while we waited for the bands we wanted to come on.
I was randomly drawing things during both concerts, that is, when I wasn't playing Nintendogs or waving my DS in the air. I preferred to draw especially since the conversation was either very confusing or not too intelligent.
I downed a few pints at double tree and came back for the concert. Signed onto pictochat and started playing Meteos in a drunken manner. Shit was fun. If RedFive reads the forums, then fuck you for kicking my ass repeatedly in that game.
I stopped with the DS shit once minibosses started though.
I downed a few pints at double tree and came back for the concert. Signed onto pictochat and started playing Meteos in a drunken manner. Shit was fun. If RedFive reads the forums, then fuck you for kicking my ass repeatedly in that game.
I stopped with the DS shit once minibosses started though.
Shit, I think I was playing Meteos with you. Don't feel that bad, I was first out, both times I played. In my defense, it was also the very first time I'd played Meteos.
My favorite picto-chat moment was when we were drawing frowny faces over something someone said, so I did a >( kinda face, then this guy added fangs to it, then I added horns, or whatever, and we went back and forth like 5 times, it looked pretty cool when we were done actually.
I downed a few pints at double tree and came back for the concert. Signed onto pictochat and started playing Meteos in a drunken manner. Shit was fun. If RedFive reads the forums, then fuck you for kicking my ass repeatedly in that game.
I stopped with the DS shit once minibosses started though.
Shit, I think I was playing Meteos with you. Don't feel that bad, I was first out, both times I played. In my defense, it was also the very first time I'd played Meteos.
Ahh yeah a fellow Oregonian! Yeah I just bought Meteos that day for the event so it was pretty much my first time too. Was really good fun though I wish there were more events like this.
the best one was when waiting for saturday's concert
someone drew a pic of a chic (i think it was a chic), opening up her asshole with her two hands... then people repeatedly drew a bunch of shitty things around that hole.
I downed a few pints at double tree and came back for the concert. Signed onto pictochat and started playing Meteos in a drunken manner. Shit was fun. If RedFive reads the forums, then fuck you for kicking my ass repeatedly in that game.
One of the Redfive's read it and thinks it's pretty funny. But I think the only time he played meteos was during the Gaming & Controversy panel.
I downed a few pints at double tree and came back for the concert. Signed onto pictochat and started playing Meteos in a drunken manner. Shit was fun. If RedFive reads the forums, then fuck you for kicking my ass repeatedly in that game.
One of the Redfive's read it and thinks it's pretty funny. But I think the only time he played meteos was during the Gaming & Controversy panel.
Yeah my older brother was playing during that so it was probably him.
I downed a few pints at double tree and came back for the concert. Signed onto pictochat and started playing Meteos in a drunken manner. Shit was fun. If RedFive reads the forums, then fuck you for kicking my ass repeatedly in that game.
I stopped with the DS shit once minibosses started though.
Shit, I think I was playing Meteos with you. Don't feel that bad, I was first out, both times I played. In my defense, it was also the very first time I'd played Meteos.
Ahh yeah a fellow Oregonian! Yeah I just bought Meteos that day for the event so it was pretty much my first time too. Was really good fun though I wish there were more events like this.
I just went out tonight and bought Meteos as a direct result of those two games I played. I got my ass handed to me, but damn it was fun while it lasted.
Your Pictochat sessions are actual improvements over what they usually are, just pictures of genitalia.
WTS color=blue]Wang[/color x1 PST
I blame Munkus and the crew for that, though.
phew, that's good to know
for a little bit there i thought i was a morbidly obese racist/sexist 4th grader
thanks for the heads up
yeah, you showed me.....*shudder*
That was you? You fucker.
Seriously. I expected something at least a little better from late-teen, early 20's.
i will try to
let's trace our dongs
I stopped with the DS shit once minibosses started though.
Shit, I think I was playing Meteos with you. Don't feel that bad, I was first out, both times I played. In my defense, it was also the very first time I'd played Meteos.
I tried talking to the people around me. Sometimes it worked but I was always left feeling like I had accomplished nothing.
I just started talking to a lot of people randomly. I'd say that about 50% it stalled but the rest we were joking around and having fun.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Ahh yeah a fellow Oregonian! Yeah I just bought Meteos that day for the event so it was pretty much my first time too. Was really good fun though I wish there were more events like this.
i was actually telling that dude to shut the fuck up
someone drew a pic of a chic (i think it was a chic), opening up her asshole with her two hands... then people repeatedly drew a bunch of shitty things around that hole.
One of the Redfive's read it and thinks it's pretty funny. But I think the only time he played meteos was during the Gaming & Controversy panel.
Yeah my older brother was playing during that so it was probably him.
sp00n loves you
I just went out tonight and bought Meteos as a direct result of those two games I played. I got my ass handed to me, but damn it was fun while it lasted.