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Stupid technology subforum verdict?

MKRMKR Registered User regular
edited December 2007 in H.Q. Reception Desk
So it looks like the forum's month trial is up some time tomorrow. Will it get the axe, or is it here to stay?
"voting" for a separate forum outside of G&T will be considered a deliberate attempt to incur my displeasure

MKR on


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited December 2007
    I have not decided

    Tube on
  • MalkorMalkor Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I think you should keep it.

    Malkor on
  • CorvusCorvus . VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I have not decided

    Are you interested in hearing what people think about it in here? If not, you might want to lock this.

    Corvus on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited December 2007
    Malkor wrote: »
    I think you should keep it.

    Well, that's the crucial Malkor vote decided.

    Tube on
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Did you hide it for now and sequester the threads in your private technology nook for further musing? I totally had a thread I wanted to check on and if I am unable to get to it I will be slightly inconvenienced.

    JAEF on
  • ShujaaShujaa Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    It's still readable (here, just not linked to right now.

    I really liked it personally, and hope it stays.

    Shujaa on
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Oh goody.

    JAEF on
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    As nice as it was, how many of the threads would have fit better in H/A? It looks like there were as many active tech discussion threads as there were when it was done in G&T, with the rest being threads asking for help and advice.

    MKR on
  • AndorienAndorien Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    MKR wrote: »
    As nice as it was, how many of the threads would have fit better in H/A? It looks like there were as many active tech discussion threads as there were when it was done in G&T, with the rest being threads asking for help and advice.

    This has always been an issue in G&T, as people often feel that they can get a better response out of people who work with tech all the damn time, rather than bank on someone knowledgeable passing through H/A.

    I like it. We had some threads that would have been buried to page 2 in about four seconds in G&T.

    Andorien on
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    It was good

    Shazkar Shadowstorm on
  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    While I didn't actively post in it (I rarely post in tech threads since I'm usually too broke to approach cutting edge stuff) - I thought it was a good idea that worked well.

    Lindsay Lohan on
  • BasticleBasticle Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I think it should stay.

    Basticle on
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    [ Crucial Basticle vote quip ]

    Saying "yes it is a pretty rad forum, it should stay" is a bit of a poor defense. I don't know if Tube is considering it, but quality arguments will be more likely to help if he is.

    MKR on
  • NibbleNibble Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Well, it did way better than the MMO subforum ever has...

    Nibble on
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Oh crap, my thread is channeling a high-school debate club.

    MKR on
  • bongibongi regular
    edited December 2007
    I don't want to be a pest, but I kind of wanted to ask a question in the Mac Thread about why Front Row is being a bitch, and now I can't post in it. Will the decision be swift?

    bongi on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2007
    I enjoyed the tech forum, it made tech threads a lot easier to find than combing through pages of G&T.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    _______moe wrote: »
    I enjoyed the tech forum, it made tech threads a lot easier to find than combing through pages of G&T.

    Agreed. I also enjoyed the fact that while, yes, H/A is a general repository of tech questions, I'm much more inclined to read and answer tech questions in the Tech forum than brave H/A.

    I only skim H/A when I'm really really really bored.

    Ringo on
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I really hope it stays. It's a great way to stop the premature burial of tech threads in the deluge of threads that appear in G&T.

    Brolo on
  • brokecrackerbrokecracker Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    For the record I really like it.
    I had an active thread there and was wondering if it was bumped to anywhere? (nevermind, I found it)

    I say put it back with the same name. I liked the name.

    brokecracker on
  • rayofashrayofash Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I rather enjoyed it.

    rayofash on
  • CorvusCorvus . VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I liked it.

    Corvus on
  • AzioAzio Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Andorien wrote: »
    I like it. We had some threads that would have been buried to page 2 in about four seconds in G&T.

    Azio on
  • ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Azio wrote: »
    Andorien wrote: »
    I like it. We had some threads that would have been buried to page 2 in about four seconds in G&T.

    G&T's speed really is pretty nuts. I only looked in the tech forum like once myself, but assuming they're topics that're gonna keep coming up, might as well have a place for them instead of making lots of redundant ones or having to spend forever searching for old ones. And given that H/A basically looks like "Help me with my girlfriend" half the time, I can see the want for a specific tech section.

    Scooter on
  • grrarggrrarg Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Scooter wrote: »
    And given that H/A basically looks like "Help me with my girlfriend" half the time, I can see the want for a specific tech section.
    I've never had any luck getting a tech question answered in H/A (not that I've had to ask many). In G&T, even with the insane scroll, I get an answer in 30 minutes or less.

    It's Tube's decision, but add me to the list of people wishing it would stay. While it was up, I read topics that I never would have noticed in G&T.

    grrarg on
  • AmpersandAmpersand United StatesRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    As a long time lurker, it was actually the stupid tech subforum that convinced me to create an account.

    For what it's worth, I'd like to see it stay.

    Ampersand on
  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I think it would make more sense to have technology as a full forum on the main page instead of a subforum. You could have games as the first one and then technology right before D&D. Game news and comments definetly go way too fast that fledgling threads will get buried in no time flat so seperating them definetly makes sense.

    Bedlam on
  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2007
    That doesn't really make any sense.
    What's the difference if it's a subforum or a main page forum? The threads in the subforum aren't affected by the ones in G&T. They don't get buried at all.

    Me Too! on
  • InvisibleInvisible Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Lol! wrote: »
    That doesn't really make any sense.
    What's the difference if it's a subforum or a main page forum? The threads in the subforum aren't affected by the ones in G&T. They don't get buried at all.

    Visibility is pretty much the only difference. Though, since Tube has expressed displeasure at the number of main forums, I doubt it has much of a chance of being anything other than a subforum, if even that.

    I didn't really use the tech subforum, but if it's true that it was a H&A forum that actually answered tech questions, then I'd certainly find it useful.

    Invisible on
  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I think the ST subforum should stay. It was useful. Even though you could stretch it and put the threads from Stupid technology in either G&T or H/A, they really belonged in this subforum more.

    Djiem on
  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2007
    I would actually find the tech forum handy about now, when I'm having computer issues.

    Me Too! on
  • Qs23Qs23 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Bedlam wrote: »
    I think it would make more sense to have technology as a full forum on the main page instead of a subforum. You could have games as the first one and then technology right before D&D. Game news and comments definetly go way too fast that fledgling threads will get buried in no time flat so seperating them definetly makes sense.

    I could see that. What would be great is if you named the threads "G" & "T".

    I'm all for the tech thread. I brought up threads and contributed to threads that I wouldn't have in the regular G&T forum. I realize that many threads were part of the H&A genre and could have / should have been posted there, but as you notice, there were posted in the tech thread. I think if people thought that they were going to get a better answer out of the H&A thread then the Tech thread, then they would have posted to the H&A thread.

    But is that a bad thing? I always felt odd posting a question about my computer next to a (no offense), "It burns when I urinate" thread. I would think that H&A would be a better place if we got rid of the tech questions. Think about it, would people be willing to ask for the big, heavy advice if their other threads keep on getting bumped by people with video card and monitor problems?

    And I do have to agree that it was nice not to have to wade through the first umpteen pages of the G&T thread to see if there was any sort of non-gaming news mixed in with all the gaming stuff. I felt that "technology" that wasn't console related got shafted by getting placed in with gaming only because there was no other place to put it.

    Yes, I can see a relation between video games and technology. But I feel that technology is alot broader then just video games and could use some breathing room instead of getting crushed by the 97 threads updated within the last 24 hours and 30 of those that were updated within the last hour. (I found that out by just looking at the front page at 7:30pm on a Saturday night) I don't know what the other forums are like, but if I had more time right now, I would have found out.

    But right now I gtg. Did that sound high-schoolish MKR?

    Qs23 on
  • mausmalonemausmalone Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Shujaa wrote: »
    It's still readable (here, just not linked to right now.

    I really liked it personally, and hope it stays.

    My only 2 cents to add here is that removing it without moving any of the threads and not posting a sticky in G&T was mighty confusing.

    I was going to report it to a mod as a bug, couldn't find any online, and came here to report it as a bug.

    I hope it dies, personally. Most of the threads didn't get much play and I think people who would've otherwise added to it couldn't be bothered to read two forums.

    mausmalone on
  • SilvoculousSilvoculous Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Ampersand wrote: »
    As a long time lurker, it was actually the stupid tech subforum that convinced me to create an account.

    That was partially it for me too. G&T, just at first glance, seems a lot more geared towards megathreads for specific videogames/genres of videogames, and so-called "stupid technology" hardly got any time on the spotlight of the first page due to the insatiable number of posts in the former threads. Having their own section was kinda nice, and it certainly wasn't a nuisance to essentially read two forums. Or at least I didn't think so.

    Silvoculous on
  • ThatOneYoYoGuyThatOneYoYoGuy Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    As a Lurker, I enjoyed going to the topics in Stupid Tech, especially the Programming threads and the Zune Thread.

    I would like to see the subforum stay.

    ThatOneYoYoGuy on
  • wunderbarwunderbar What Have I Done? Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I too, would like to see it stay.

    wunderbar on
    XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
  • Paradox ControlParadox Control Master MC Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I vote it stays, also, It should get a better name!

    Paradox Control on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited December 2007
    You realise you're all pissing into the wind right? This would be a horrible way to collect opinions and as such isn't going to play into my decision even vaguely.

    Tube on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited December 2007
    I mean if you've got something interesting to say, say it, but if it's just "I think it should stay" keep it to yourself.

    Tube on
  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I think it should stay.

    Wait, fuck, gimme a do-over!

    Henroid on
This discussion has been closed.