for pretty much everything made by Apple that is not the iPod.
So I made the original thread when I first got my iMac Core Duo. Since then I've pretty much figured out what you need to get everything up to snuff.
Video Playback: VLC: This will cover pretty much everything except QT. EDIT: VLC now handles WMV like a charm, so yay!
Flip4Mac: Plug this into QT to handle all your WMV/wmv streaming needs.
Torrents:TransmissionLoads better than this other shit, does pretty much everything, with some decent features.
Azureus: My personal favorite, with a great suite of options, and it seems to have more success in general at connecting to trackers.
Bits on Wheels: Kinda bare-bones, but completely native, if thats your thing.
[Chat] software:Adium: My personal favorite chat program, and probably the only one you'll need besides...
Snak: mIRC for the mac. Yessir.
Miscellaneous:Connect 360: If you have an XBOX360, but not a PC, and want music etc. on your BOX, this is your program.
USB Overdrive: If you don't use the mighty mouse (and who could blame you?) or even if you do, you will probably like this plug in.
MediaForkBased on HandBrake, which used to be the best at ripping DVDs. Now this is, though it's about to be reforked in HandBrake.
gDiskAllows you to use your gMail account for storing files. Good to have a secure backup, and could potentially be sued to share files ( I tihnk. I'm still working on the details)
WhatSizeShows your hard drive ina fancy tree view letting you know where all that space has gone.
Eobert adds: I demand that the OP replaces that piece of shit "whatsize" app which costs money and is ugly, with the beautiful (despite being java)
Also make sure to check out Apple's
site now and then, they put up nice streams of all their keynotes, and have some great support.
So, yeah, ... macs rule.
I've seen the guides on iFixit and it looks doable if slightly complicated. Anyone have any real-world experience, though? I don't want to fark up my laptop...
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
Unless the program has an uninstaller (and most don't) there really isn't an easy way to do this. Do a search for files with that application's name. The most common place to find residual files is in your Home > Library folder. Look in there in the Preferences folder, Cache folder, etc.
However, those little residual files generally don't hurt anything, so the only real reason to go searching for them is if you're just a neat freak.
So far, I'm liking Leopard, too. There are a few minor quibbles, but I'm hoping they either get fixed, or 3rd party fixes show up, as they are wont to do. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is that stacks suck. When I saw preview of this feature, I had high hopes, but they've really made it pretty useless. The dumbest thing about them is that you can't choose the icon for the stack in the Dock. It just automatically chooses the icon of the first item in that stack. Ugly.
Re: keyboards. I got the wireless version for my living room setup, and I now end up using it with both my Macs everywhere around the apartment. When I'm writing for long periods of time, I put my Powerbook off the side and just keep the keyboard on my lap. It's incredibly comfortable, and I'm actually considering buying a second one to leave in the living room and keeping the first one in my bed room (where the writing happens).
As far as Stack icons, I used the transparent set and instructions posted on TUAW shortly after Leopard came out (can't find the post right now). While hardly an ideal solution, they work as advertised and look pretty great.
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
If not, should I just try to sell the printer after redeeming the rebate and put that money towards a new printer. If so, what's a good, compact printer (I only need to print documents, not photos)?
Finally, what's a good mouse?
*I don't want to call customer support and ask them this question, because I'm worried it'll sound kind of like I'm trying to bilk them out of $100 even though the error was mine and not theirs.
**Less so if it's not guaranteed to work.
I use a Logitech G5, which works pretty well. Your best bet is to go to Best Buy and put your hand on a few models, once you find one you like you can log onto or and get it for less money. (Apparently BB doesn't price match websites anymore because they have no return policy, which is actually not true but that's their story and they're sticking to it.) People in this thread will probably tell you to get a mighty mouse but they are dumb.
Is there any other Intel Mac specific software that I may have missed out on as a PPC user since the switchover?
Songbird is another alternative, but it's a lot like iTunes.
Also, Syndalis -- Transmission? Can you edit your description, because you can indeed choose what files within torrents you want to eliminate, now. You just click the torrent and hit the "Inspect" button. Also, it's a lot faster and better at connecting to torrents that it used to be.
Token Leopard comment: I'm enjoying it, but a little peeved that it takes twice as long for it to shut down/restart my computer as Tiger did, and I'm not sure why.
(I realize this question is the wrong way round for this topic really, but not worth starting another for such a small question)
Are you watching them on DVD, and is the disc from your region?
There is a program called Appzapper that will do this for you. You drag your unwanted app into the little window, and it'll automatically locate and place all the residual files into it. It's not free, but I can't live without it.
There's a freeware alternative, but I can't remember what it was called. Just google "appzapper freeware alternative"
Perian - native Quicktime support for loads of popular codecs. Why not use VLC? Well VLC is kind of buggy and doesn't jog/shuttle as well as QT. Also, FrontRow. This isn't a replacement for VLC (since it doesn't play as much), but for the average .avi file it will do just fine.
NicePlayer - a better Quicktime player. Quick and lightweight, and has most of the functionality I want from a video player (except for shortcomings already built into Quicktime, like inability to handle subtitles or multiple audio tracks).
I've been using HierarchicalDock to get my Apps folder in the dock to be non-Stacksy, and I like it. It's not as great as it was in Tiger, but it at least kills some of Stacks horrible functionality on any folder where you don't need it (which for me is all of them). It's free, easy, and fixes the biggest problem I have with Leopard.
edit: and in case you haven't seen it, this is the way Stacks was supposed to work. That would have made so much more sense.
Xee - A great viewer for folder albums. Why? Because I detest iPhoto and Preview may be a bit faster but I don't like having to drag things into the program to see them. Though quicklook isn't bad, Xee carries more functionality.
...and I like Stacks. But probably because I never had folders in my dock until Leopard forced me to try Stacks out. I also just access my applications by going to finder and just hitting cmd + shift + a. And stacks is purdyyy, hur hur
Xee is also the best comic viewer for Mac that I can find. It's not dedicated to that purpose, but it has functionality like full screen, and keys to scroll or go to the next image in a folder that are missing in Preview. Preview also has (in Tiger at least) the old problem where it fucks up numerical sorting that Mac OS Classic used to have (while Xee sorts a folder correctly).
Xee works fine.
Being able to download youtube videos/ audio files is basically what it does.
This morning my Macbook speaker output simply did not work. The previous evening it worked just fine when I plugged in headphones, and now no sound comes out. I've tried multiple headphones that work just fine, but no sound plays through the ear buds. When I plug in the headphones, they make that sort of click noise, but other than that, nothing. On the other head, the normal speakers on the Macbook work just fine. Is there any setting I may have unwittingly changd that would explain this? Thanks for any help!
Shameless bump
Flash forward to today, and I've got enough spare cash for a new laptop (and I'm gonna need it soon, have business flights coming in a couple weeks). So I guess my question (no doubt answered with "yes"s from the Mac crowd but damnit I'll ask anyway) is: is the basic, 13" Macbook a good laptop for getting work done, mostly Internet browsing and maybe a little bit of game playing (I'm thinking of Dwarf Fortress and City of X here, but in the general sense)?
How's the screen? I've heard they finally changed to a glossy instead of a matte finish, which I love in theory, but how does it pan out?
And in a more general question, how good is the Windows support via Bootcamp or Crossover or whatever the fuck it's called?
Last one, is it still vaguely UNIX-y? I liked having familiar linux/UNIX commands at my beck and call on the iBook back when.
Thanks folks
Done. Please leave a contribution in the little box.
apple store will fix this right
Yes and yes.
If you use Firefox, there's an extension called Download Helper that will let you dl youtube stuff. You can use ffmpegx to convert them to whatever you need once you've downloaded the .flv file.
Could be the disc is slightly scratched or something then. I've had rental DVDs that won't play in my mac but will play in regular DVD players - I guess the mac is a bit more sensitive to damage. Maybe.
All I can think of if it doesn't work in VLC.
There's also KeepVid, a web service that'll pull down .flvs. And Perian has FLV support built in, so provided you only want to view the videos on your mac you should be golden from there. Otherwise, use FFMpegX as Kal suggested.
Yes, and they will probably suggest buying a Marware Protection Pack to help prevent that from happening in the future. I caved, and after using it for almost 6 months now, haven't seen any cracks. Don't forget you need to schedule an appointment, silly me thought I could just waltz in there and get my MacBook fixed.
Sorry for not being really speedy on this... y'know, work and all. ;-)
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
gotta find time to go there though
dang finals I bought a Marware protection pack the day I got my MacBook and the cracks still happened. It was a specific manufacting date range that had the flaws in the bottom plastic cover. It took them two weeks to get the part in, which was a huge inconvenience. When you take it in ask them to see how long it will take to get in stock, and if you can just bring it back when it's in.
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