Friend Codes
(Red=no NSFW messages because they are pussies)
AAH! - 7859 9926 9984 2416
Arcibi - 5024 6786 2934 2806
Areté - 5648 8165 9945 3569
Arsenic7 -2096 2351 7224 9353
Ashcroft - 5842 7180 9898 0409
Bedlam - 2889 4461 4059 6198
BelskieTheNinja - 1781 7748 4676 8493
Bigtimes - 0558 5482 9668 6464
Bloods End - 2135 2468 9707 3756
borfase - 0208 9068 2016 1188
BrokenAngel - 1759 1589 2473 4383
BusterK - 0114 9270 3019 4123
Butters - 4237 5142 0315 6063
Calebros - 5342 1099 9850 9914
Callius - 5877 9168 3232 1373
CoJoeTheLawyer - 8823 0757 6513 3231
Comahawk - 4778 3883 2662 9135
commie - 0435 4059 8069 6312
CorpseRT - 2513 4094 0583 2826
Dynagrip - 2218 7254 9211 7431
EffStarStarStar - 4582 7584 7195 8509
-=EIN=- - 3600 4811 9765 6924
Envy - 6480-4623-9120-1708
Evander - 8572 4759 9973 5701
Favlaud - 4162-6937-2533-5130
fightinfilipino - 3389 3100 0383 0338
Fission Mailed - 3155 5231 2274 0780
Fizban - 7289 6908 3616 7295
Fleebenworth - 7439 8952 7122 7310
FortyTwo - 1942 4044 7612 8808
Frabba - 6472 4120 1194 0370
Geebs - 7736 7802 8860 9852
Geek - 6854 3470 4546 9767
Gym (formerly Gigglio) - 6374 8802 8393 8533
Green - 6640 9814 2518 0343
Herr Caesar - 3426 0756 9555 0460
Homestar Gunner - 1990 7478 5626 5114
Htown - 8758 2174 6400 0262
i8246i - 0615 6697 5100 0708
Iskander - 4015 4103 0424 1262
Javen - 2469 4289 4068 1134
Joon - 3259 5112 6026 9511
Kadith - 4282 1104 5920 7646
Keith - 5491 6444 1873 1672
Kevin Crist - 2645 0098 8815 9523
Khavall - 0632 7806 6582 7192
Khaziim - 0791 5755 0531 7857
Knob - 8063 7443 3768 6408
Koshian - 6903 3461 7978 8741
Lardalish - 3250 0690 0950 1720
lessmore - 1418 2960 5944 9277
Litejedi - 2293 5121 4704 1914
Lurker - 3890 0489 6658 2024
Marathon - 6023 0196 1810 2917
Moriveth - 3611 4806 0897 6429
Munkus Beaver - 5069 3594 7610 0706
Mr. Embarkation - 4693 3122 3869 2013
Mr.Leonheart - 5061 6191 0610 3239
Nomad - 3558 0133 3279 5145
Odin - 2240 7835 0454 3723
phekno - 3296 3105 4004 6175
PkErthbnd - 6561 4230 6160 2045
Polago - 0998 2847 6510 5825
potatoe - 8661 8252 7813 5945
PotU - 0028 5677 5364 1905
Qorzm - 3596 0823 1229 8340
Raijin Dickfoot - 8508 0141 4424 5667
Rankenphile - 0602 5319 8291 7579
Redeemer - 5974 5619 5155 9561
redimpulse - 5187 4227 5832 4859
Riggs Blitzkrieg - 5631 6243 8223 8694
Rolo - 4089 9939 7427 8988
Ronjon - 2487-0936-0434-3328
SarsBoy - 1007 8333 1630 6903
Scrumtrulescent - 5682 2746 2952 1386
Shorty - 1493 0604 6777 3415
Silmaril - 1717-3891-2619-2958
Slungsolow - 7797-7336-9273-9409
Smart Hero - 4072 5313 8953 3777
SporkAndrew - 7802-0290-6270-4797
Squashua - 8980 7585 1015 3348
Strange Attractor - 4329 8742 5359 8439
sushiboy - 5850 0852 0940 2934
Synthetic Orange - 4408 9382 9336 2242
Talon - 4233-0327-0680-1655
ThatDudeOverThere - 0044 6611 3038 2907
The Cheese - 5728 4498 2296 9842
Theidar - 0072 4984 2399 2126
TheLovelyBastard - 1739 3523 8106 3030
TFS - 1803 1286 5234 5158
tony_important - 5068 2091 9658 4906
Trillian - 0998 2847 6510 5825
twispby - 1609 6078 6145 6796
Veretas- 6352 9093 7878 0869
Voth - 0453 6826 7709 5952
Vulnox - 8747 6408 7222 6436
Walrus Pete - 1919 2105 7901 3414
wombat - 7623 9955 2119 1775
Zot - 0676 8395 1412 0006
PM me your friend codes and they'll go here.
also let me know if you're fine with NSFW stuff or not.
because you are a bad enough dude to rescue the president
How do I find out my friend code? Is it in the box or something? I just got it a few weeks ago.
the address book is also where you enter other people's codes
Thanks, TDOT. Going to do that now.
I bought a 2,000 point Wii Points card today. I have Paper Mario 64 and Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. I'm going to get Super Metroid with 1,000 points. What should I get with the other 1,000?
I've never played any of the Bonk games. Fun?
buy kirby's adventure!
Oh I bought the classic controller today too.
that shit be off the chain son
it's not on the VC yet
The combos
The combos
It'd be awesome if someone released Warriors of the Eternal Sun for something. I wonder who has the rights to that now. I think it was a TSR-published game? I dunno. But it was one of my favorite Genesis games. VC or XBLA or GameTap or whatever...just fucking release it.
What else is good from back when? I heard SCIV is supposed to be good?
where is your manager
if they put that on soon, i would buy a card to get that and pokemon snap
but i won't buy a card because right now i just want snap
DDR with bobbleheads! Zounds, what heaven is this?
Man you can just buy points directly with a credit or debit card
i know but i don't save $3 off of 2000 point cards that way
wait is pokemon snap in the virtual console now
oh man
gift it to me, geebs
Are you trying to say that you want to shit on the Wii thread again?
Go ahead, I'd be disappointed if not.
I actually have never shit in a Wii thread. I've said things that are unpopular and been accused of thread-shitting, but that's totally different from just "Wii sucks ass!" or "whut." posts.
You want to take a huge dump, then.
I have zero cash dollars sir
Use your American credit card.
my credit card is malfunctioning
Turn your food stamps into Wii points.
I love those smooth dumps that slide out nice and easy and the first or second piece of toilet paper comes up clean. Those are good.