Who from alberta, or more specifically Edmonton travelled to pax this year? I'm wanting to goto the '06 PAX, but i'm unsure if there'd be people to meetup with on the way, or a combined roadtrip that could be made from Edmonton.
So, who from Edmonton or Alberta went to the '05 one?
(I'm looking for the Canadian PAX goer's thread, but this will serve the purpose as well.)
I don't know about Albertans, but there are plenty of BC kids that could join you along the way.
The problem there is while I could join the BC kids along the way to Seattle, people who are actually going from edmonton seem to have been none or very few (found one on a list from before), so being part of a trip is tough without a greyhound busride or a 2-3 hour drive before meeting up with anyone. :P
Apo is in lethbridge which is a ways down from me, so it'd be 6+ hours of inconvenience for him or whoever else unless they want to go twice the speed limit.
There were a couple guys I met last year, they got me hooked on Dragons Gold. I'm not sure if he checks the forum whatsoever though, so....maybe try posting this again more towards august. They're cool guys though.
There were a couple guys I met last year, they got me hooked on Dragons Gold. I'm not sure if he checks the forum whatsoever though, so....maybe try posting this again more towards august. They're cool guys though.
If you mean PAX05, then either its a very big coincidence or it was my copy of Dragon's Gold.
I had some discussions with some Northern Albertans pre-PAX05 and there was a theory about meeting in Calgary and taking the Trans-Canada to Vancouver and then popping down to Seattle. Thats a possibility for next year, athough if I can at all afford it I'm going to fly.
I'm from edmonton (basically), and hope to make it out for PAX '06.
I think it'd be a lot of fun to get there and back as a roadtrip with a bunch of people- i'm up for organizing something if there's more people around interested
we're going to make some announcements at the first of the year regarding dates and location etc., so there will be a lot more people posting here when that hits.
I'm from edmonton (basically), and hope to make it out for PAX '06.
I think it'd be a lot of fun to get there and back as a roadtrip with a bunch of people- i'm up for organizing something if there's more people around interested
A foreigner in the city?
I'm totally up for it if something can be organized, so lets keep our eyes and ears open!
Khoo: Just like any other event, the buzz gets bigger the closer the show gets.
A bunch of us from Calgary go every year.
FIrst year it was three, second it was five (cos I couldn't go) next year we're hoping for five or six of us again
I seem to remember some BC-people talking about our own sort of West-coast Super Trip from the North. I'm wondering if there has been any progress on that or if anyone was even serious about that.
I seem to remember some BC-people talking about our own sort of West-coast Super Trip from the North. I'm wondering if there has been any progress on that or if anyone was even serious about that.
Perhaps as the above post mentioned with calgary groups, the chums from up in edmonton and red deer could meet up and head south down the highway to calgary. Perhaps other outlying areas could converge on edmonton first and then head south all at once.
I still like the idea of getting a greyhound for everyone going down to Seattle, and having it start a ways away in Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, or otherwise.
I'll have exams up until the week before PAX, so I doubt I'd be able to get any organizing done for a CWCST. Plus, I'll be heading down early and staying as long as my clean underwear holds out, so I dunno when I'll be coming home.
Trillian on
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
I'd be willing to throw up a website and perhaps help co-ordinate if an Alberta Super Trip is something people want planned.
We always drop into the states at Abbotsford and go through Nooksack(sp?) and such areas. Cos fuck, you get to go through Nooksack! and see our favorite kind of americans... dead ones (inside joke).
Anyone who is interested drop me a line at eclypsed at eclypsed dot com, and I will throw up a site with a roster of cars and folks and maybe some google maps of our route to Seattle/bellvue.
We're really waiting for hotels before my group does much more planning, but if we could get all the albertans in one hotel, we could rock the casbah.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
The problem there is while I could join the BC kids along the way to Seattle, people who are actually going from edmonton seem to have been none or very few (found one on a list from before), so being part of a trip is tough without a greyhound busride or a 2-3 hour drive before meeting up with anyone. :P
he's a great guy!
Apo is in lethbridge which is a ways down from me, so it'd be 6+ hours of inconvenience for him or whoever else unless they want to go twice the speed limit.
As in meet you in Hinton? I could very well be up for that, assuming that's what you're thinking.
I'm going again next year, but I might be living in Vancouver by that time.
GT(s): sagaciouz (Xbox 360), Annarchy (Halo 2)
If you mean PAX05, then either its a very big coincidence or it was my copy of Dragon's Gold.
I had some discussions with some Northern Albertans pre-PAX05 and there was a theory about meeting in Calgary and taking the Trans-Canada to Vancouver and then popping down to Seattle. Thats a possibility for next year, athough if I can at all afford it I'm going to fly.
Also, you had one very cynical compadre with you. Good times all around.
I think it'd be a lot of fun to get there and back as a roadtrip with a bunch of people- i'm up for organizing something if there's more people around interested
A foreigner in the city?
I'm totally up for it if something can be organized, so lets keep our eyes and ears open!
Khoo: Just like any other event, the buzz gets bigger the closer the show gets.
FIrst year it was three, second it was five (cos I couldn't go) next year we're hoping for five or six of us again
Perhaps as the above post mentioned with calgary groups, the chums from up in edmonton and red deer could meet up and head south down the highway to calgary. Perhaps other outlying areas could converge on edmonton first and then head south all at once.
I still like the idea of getting a greyhound for everyone going down to Seattle, and having it start a ways away in Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, or otherwise.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
We always drop into the states at Abbotsford and go through Nooksack(sp?) and such areas. Cos fuck, you get to go through Nooksack! and see our favorite kind of americans... dead ones (inside joke).
Anyone who is interested drop me a line at eclypsed at eclypsed dot com, and I will throw up a site with a roster of cars and folks and maybe some google maps of our route to Seattle/bellvue.
We're really waiting for hotels before my group does much more planning, but if we could get all the albertans in one hotel, we could rock the casbah.
I'll be sure to post something when I start to know for sure what's going on with me.