So I bit the bullet and bought myself a PS3 the other night. I now have all 3 pieces of the triumvirate and I'm thrilled. No exclusive game is foreign to me. It no longer matters who wins the Blu ray/HD-DVD war. I am covered.
But the PS3 is bothering me. The story of the evening of purchase is a troubled one - full of system lock-ups, failures to update, and general pain and suffering. Then it it just started telling me the hard drive was not found.
Well, poop.
I've had 3 360s. The first, a launch unit, lasted 1 year then red ringed. The second goes strong to this day in the hands of my former roommate. Number 3, the Elite, also goes strong still.
I finally get a PS3 and it's a brick.
Then I recall that one thing that does not prompt a 'lolsony' - the easily removable hard drive. So I take that bitch out and re-seat it. Things seem to be okay now. However I have gotten the hard drive not found error once since.
Thoughts? Should I just call Sony?
Also has anyone else's Playstation store download speed been piss-poor lately? I have 16Mb cable and it's taking fucking
forever to get any demos. 1gig should not be taking hours. Bandwidth tests run from the PS3's web browser report the same results as those run from my 'puters.
And then there's games. I have Motorstorm, which I have less than 0 interest in and most other games I already have for 360. I've been eyeing up Uncharted but I hear it's really short. Any suggestions on that front?
That depends. Do you want to keep a malfunctioning piece of plastic or not? Don't be dumb. Call Sony, get a replacement, lest in six months there will be a "PS3 woes and such" part two, where you have a completely non functioning system.
Everyday Shooter.
I've always had slow downloads on th PS3. I don't know why, but it's always been slower to download than my PC.
Get Uncharted. It has great replayability, and it is simply a solid, awesome game. Also check out Ratchet and Clank, and give Heavenly Sword a rental at least. Warhawk is very fun as well.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
Holy shit, are those the recommended exclusives today?
Sounds like I'll have no problem holding out for Little Big Planet and Gran Turismo 5.
Uncharted may be short, but its not Gears Of War short. And as Reznik said, it has good replayability.
Ratchet & Clank Future is awesome (from what I've played so far). You may as well give Resistance a shot as well (also from the R&C guys, Insomniac). And if you aren't tired of Geometry Wars style gameplay, Super Stardust is a great downloadable title. Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Purchase Uncharted asap, its a great game and is no shorter than any other action game to come out in recent months, if you take your time and actually play the game rather than speed racer your way through it.
As for the PSN store, are you connecting over a wireless connection? Over wireless the PS store kind sucks, downloads take forever, but when wired everything comes across quickly.
I'd take that PS3 straight back to the store, should not be acting like that at all! Hopefully the store has a decent return policy, the only time ive ever got a lockup was during UT3 custom content server (it changed options while i was connecting), ive never had a failure to update - i had fan issues but so far my new one is much better (i think the first console i damaged on the first day or something).
In terms of games, i play COD4...a lot. I'm guessing its safe to bet that you already have it on the 360, but what you don't have is UT3! With all the custom content right now its an amazing game. i thought id prefer keyboard and mouse so i was playing with that initially but after a while the controller is just as fun but more practical (sit back on a sofa). Right now there are a few problems with voice chat but they are working on it. I imported it to EU and just play with the few hundred people that also imported it and have loads of fun with it, its nice as a break, not as much concentration as COD4 - don't have to listen to footsteps, can just run around wildly in death match.
Apart from that, there isnt anything else that i want from whats available. Well, nothing id pay for, i might rent uncharted later. I bought warhawk, and i really regret it, i think it was popular because there was nothing really to play on the ps3 a while back (although ive heard a lot of people say that you either love it or hate it). Ridge racer is nice but im a major fan and not many other people like it. Apart from that, id recommend you to rent the games/try the demos. Ratchet and Clank demo was fun, but im not sure that id play it anymore then that.
For now, UT3 & COD4 for me. Oh shit, and super stardust hd (PSN download) is an amazing game! I cant believe i forgot about that gem, and im eagerly waiting for everyday shooter to be released to the EU psn, but US already have it.
Thats whats out now, and not much else, but this next year is promising.
GT 5
Wipeout HD
---these are the exclusives that im EAGGERLY awaiting
Tekken 6
Battlefield bad company - might be more interested it if it plays anything like battlefield 2,
burnout paradise
devil may cry 4
street fighter 4
kill zone 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Resident Evil 5
---these are the games that are either non-exclusive OR that im a bit sceptical about
most of them are out sometime this year, and im just going to Wii/COD4/UT3 until they are out - and honestly if these are the only games to ever come out on the PS3 i would be happy for the next 5 years (game wise)
That's what I'd do, surely the quickest and easiest way to get it resolved.
Also, get Uncharted. That game is definitely worth it.
As for games there's a truckload you can't really play anywhere else:
Heavenly Sword
Everyday Shooter
Super Star Dust HD
(those two are my favorite of the stick shooters)
Calling all Cars
Super Rub a Dub (shut up... its fun playing with a bunch of non gamers and laughing at each other)
Tekken5 ain't half bad and now its online
Piyotama (fun little puzzle game but nothing AAA)
fl0w (well.... a lot of people loved this game but I guess it wasn't for me. More like an interactive screen saver or a way to fall asleep peacefully)
Not to mention the various arcade type games that you can get on PSN AND XBLA.
Is simply returning it still a viable solution? I've long been out of the retail game and I almost never return stuff. I'm ignorant to policy.
I'm actually very pleased with the thing thus far. What I've used of it it seems pretty awesome. There are some things that I wish Sony had taken from Microsofts playbook and vice versa.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Okay I'll try that. But what happens when the register biscuit plugs it in and everything is fine?
Like I said, I've only seen this error once since I re-seated the hard drive.
Sorry with all the questions on return policy and shit. I'm at work so I don't really want to call Gamestop and I plan on swinging by home at 5, grabbing it, and returning it. I'd like my trip to not be in vain.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705 Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Warhawk is hit or miss with people. There is definitely a learning a curve to be an effective Warhawk pilot. It becomes a lot more fun if you play with friends or a clan.
Eye of Judgment is great but only if you like trading card games. I really love this game the only problem I have is having to move the coffee table over and not being to play with kids around. (They play with the camera steal the cards.)
Rent Heavenly Sword. (The game is shorter than Uncharted and has less replayability, but is quite great the first play through)
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
Non-scientific sample ftw, PS3s have generally been reported as very reliable, so I'd just chalk it up to a QA fluke.
Resistance:FoM is a good shooter, heard good things about the multiplayer. FlOw is definielty a unique game, gives you a chance to play with the motion control.
I'm taking it back, definitely. Unfortunately the store where I got it is sold out of the 80gigs right now(really? this happens? olololol)
As such we can now focus our attention on cool things I should know about the unit or games I should be playing.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
And for the love of god buy all of these. Resistance is a stellar online experience but YMMV what with having a 360 and all. Uncharted is one of the best video games I've ever played, and is literally the only one I've immediately started again after beating it.
I would also like to nab a game. Right now it's a toss-up between Uncharted and Warhawk.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Sometimes I Stream Games:
I'm loving calling all cars too, very fun in multiplayer but only really pick it up if you know others who have it.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
What, exactly, is Folklore? I kinda don't read most (any) vidja game sites anymore except Kotaku and PA so I am at a loss in general for things of the 'review' variety.
Usually you cats in the forums are fairly on point with the sort of thing so my interest is piqued.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Sometimes I Stream Games:
The next paycheck will likely result in Warhawk or the re-buying of CoD4.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
I'm ashamed no one has mentioned Assassin's Creed or Orange Box yet. Both are must-haves. Unless you hate repetiveness.
General PS3 Stuff - Get all the updates. Think Zen-like thoughts when you realize they only give you a 2" cord to charge the controller: it lasts 30-odd hours, though, so I've got no complaints there.
Which model do you have? The USB 4-port?
He has the 80 gig, so yes 4 ports. Really your cord is only 2'? Mine is at least 3' I have it plugged into my cable box, USB ports built into everything now FTW.
You will not regret Uncharted. This game is under appreciated. If you get Warhawk buy the disc version with the head set, it's worth it. Heavenly Sword is awesome and worth a rent. Folklore, you'll want to rent it first. I plan to buy it but I'm going to wait to see if they release a later version with the add on packs built in.
Also, in the video settings make sure you set RGB to full. There a big mess over at Game Trailers about that right now, so I thought I'd throw it out there.
He has a 360. I would buy both of these on the 360 first. PS3 version of AC is buggy, OB has framerate issues, and of course you don't get achievements on either one.
I suppose you might want TF2 on PS3 if you aren't a Live subscriber, but seriously if you have the trifecta why don't you have Live?
Oh and about Warhawk: If you don't have a headset, and don't want to be bothered with a USB cord, then the disc version is worth it. It comes with the game ($40), a Jabra BT125 headset ($25 last I checked on Amazon), and some extra goodies which are probably worthless. And it's $60.
If, however, a bluetooth headset doesn't interest you, you can get the game as a download via PSN for $40. This version can only be played on the PSN account which purchased it. Also, unlike other PSN downloads (which can be shared freely among 5 PS3's), it can only be played on one console per 24 hour period. Just throwing that in there, one of my buddies didn't read the fine print and is now stuck with his GF playing on his account. Oh and a USB headset works just fine, and can be had for like $10.
As for other games, you should probably go and download all the demos available from the store. Some are better than their demos, some aren't, (Ratchet is much much more fun than the demo would suggest) but it will give you an idea. You already have the best exclusive single player game available, and it will easily eat up a week of playing all the fucking time. Because you'll want to play it more than once. Because it's so pretty.