Alright you lazy homps, Nevada is caucusing on fucking
Saturday, and California sent 1,000 volunteers to Las Vegas and Reno to Get Out The Vote on the ground, so there are really only two operational offices left in CA -- mine (santa ana) and Palo Alto. Between us we need to make 10,000 GOTV calls to Nevada. This is
crucial to Obama winning in Nevada. This is crunch time. This is how we win elections.
Not only that, but those uppity Palo Alto faggots have said they can do more calls than my office.
Here's where you shit-heels come in: I can set all you bitches up with online accounts so you can phonebank for Obama from wherever the fuck you live. Call my office's number tomorrow after 9 AM pacific time and ask for Sam if you want to help. In the meantime send me a PM and I will send you my office's phone number.
You go to and login with the account I give you, and you will see a phonebank list to call Nevadans.
Yes, I'm recruiting campaigners from PA. Yes, I am that desperate. My office absolutely peaks at 5,000 calls per day, and we usually do closer to 3,000, so I need some help.
If you (American) fucks support Obama and want to do something about it but stay naked, masturbating covered in cheeto dust in the privacy of your own homes, then send me a PM so I can send you my office's phonenumber and we can get started.
Edit: or post in this thread and request the phonenumber and I'll send it to you.
(Hey, you asked for it.)
I have to work tomorrow, otherwise I would love to do it. I need to make up for Michigan sucking so bad this year.
Well it's just volunteering, so you don't have to be 18 to do it.
@ Satan -- what are your hours? Calls to nevada start at 9 AM (Pacific Standard Time) and end at 9 PM.
They understand who to vote.
uh oh sounds like we're in for a cauc-off
Office number PM, please?
NNID: Hakkekage
I'll post back this evening when I know if I'll have time tomorrow.
Unpopular people unpopular with those who don't like them.
News at eleven.
would that be considered carpetbagging?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Yeah. I've already corrected three of my friends about this. Stupid emails.
You're a goddamned moron. Isn't there more pressing shit right now than your right to bludgeon somebody?
It isn't an issue. It isn't likely that anyone will actually be trying to talk someone into voting for Obama anyway.
Most of the time when you phone bank on an election day you are:
1. Just calling someone and asking if they plan on caucusing. If so, for who? If for Obama do you need a ride?
2. Calling a list of people provided by a union or organization, letting them know that their organization has endorsed Obama and asking them to remember to caucus - also, do they need a ride?
3. Calling people who are on a list as being Obama supporters and reminding them to caucus/seeing if they need a ride.
I'd say it is a pretty outside shot anyone making calls would actually be tasked with trying to convince people over the phone. It's more likely about turnout and organization than selling anything.
So don't get all shy guys. I assure this will be a very robotic, mechanical experience with little personal pressure.
what's amazing (and horrifying) to me is that this e-mail and the lies in it are so pervasive. i can't figure it out. the mainstream media outlets have pretty much debunked it and yet there seem to be so many people who lend credence to it.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
What horrifies me the most is that the email specifically directs people to check for support, and if you do then clearly states that the email is false. But of course, enough people are not going to bother checking because after all, if the email tells you to check then it must be right.
10-4, boss man.
are any of the Massachusetts folks helping out this weekend on this?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Why would MA be out? The Mass caucus isnt until Feb 5th - super-ooper-dooper-snooper Tuesday or whatever....
"Bender: Ah, yes! John Quincy Adding Machine. He struck a chord with the voters when he pledged not to go on a killing spree.
Professor Farnsworth: But, like most politicians he promised more than he could deliver. "
Um . . . ?
you see, i'm not driving a dump truck, i'm in Boston with a series of tubes that run all the way to Vegas, baby ;-)
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Oh. Right.
That awful thing that Bell fellow invented.
So, I’m a little worried but hopefully we can get some virtual lists rolling soon. I’ll post here and send out PMs as soon as I know more.
I would do it, but my phone situation is a little sketchy. As in, I only have a cell and I really don't get reception from home. I assume you actually need a reliable phone to get this done, non?
Functioning phone is kind of necessary.
I'm out of town and driving home tonight, but if I can get out of here at a reasonable hour I'd like to help.
Yeah there will be a script. As for needing a ride there is probably going to be a drop-down menu of answers so you will just enter it into the page, and it will get recorded in the database.
Excellent. I probably won't get out of here till 6 or so EST and I've got 1 - 1.5 hour commute home, but I'll definitely try and help if I can.
Because it doesn't?
At least, I just read over the rules again and couldn't find any it broke.
I can't think of any specific rules it might be breaking. And getting people more politically involved is sort of a good thing. And of course, people are welcome to make GOTV threads for any candidate they choose, so this isn't like a forums endorsement of Obama, or anything.
And it looks like Oakland (our main tech-oriented office in California) is pushing hard for paper lists since it’s easier for them to keep track of who’s been called if we stick with paper.
I’m pushing them to give me a virtual list, however. I’ll keep trying, but it is possible that I won’t be able to set you guys up virtually to call Nevada.