...and I hope I'm teh first one to have perused this wee diatribe meself, so's I can be the first to pillory it!
Here 'tis:
A few minor things first: "What we saw will appeal to Penny Arcade fans, however its colorful style and even more colorful humor may strike a chord with those who haven’t read the strip."
In other words, "It's oKAY...and maybe some of you unwashed apes out there who aren't slavish Penny Arcade fans *might* get a jolly or two out of it...of course we're not saying we recoMMEND it or anything..."
Next, in homage to the huge and wonderful Bible-Belt that keeps this country together: "Basically, you’re raking the leaves in your front lawn one day when a super-sized version of the Fruit Fornicator stomps on your abode"
Um...is it *really* called "Fornicator" in the game, or were these guys just afraid to say "Fucker" on their site?
But the thing that grabbed my attention the most in this huge morass of "meh", was this bit, "The dialogue and text for the game was written by Jerry “Tycho†Holkins, but it seems like it could have also been penned by famous writer/director Kevin Smith."
Wha'? Hunh?!
</reflex> FUCK Kevin Smith!
I mean, not really, but still...
It's like this: I'm not on Jerry's dick, per se, neither do I harbor any great animus for Mr. Smith, but comparing those guys' writing styles is kinda like...kinda like...well, I really can't come up with a suitable parallel, you know? Further, more measured qualification: I admire Jerry's prose style and flair for phrasing, as well as his tendency towards logorrheia and sesquipedalianism; as I admire (some) of Kevin's movies, and the wit and heart contained therein, but, it's like...apples and oranges, man - apples and fucking oranges!
Okay, I'm done.
And I expect a full report on my desk by close of business today.
That is all. O_o
edit: I'm confused, in one part it says:
but then it says:
edit again: I don't think the article is saying anything bad about the game really.
You will notice I have been editing this post a couple times, but the more I read the OP and the Linked Article, the more apparent it is that someone lacks basic reading comprehension and raced to MAEK POAST.
Congratulations, good sir.
Okay. *rolls up sleeves*
Sorry about the "GameNazi" thing, but it's an affectation my wee cadre of gaming friends and I employ regarding the site. An "in-joke", let's say. Again, sorry about that.
"Trying read your post as its written in some alien dialect is incredibly infuriating." Hunh? I'll admit it's a bit rambling and vague from place to place, but..."some alien dialect"? I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to. O_o?
And, yeah - guilty as charged, I did *not* read the entire thing, and missed the whole "Fruit Fucker" explanation. I deserve a sound kick in the head for that.
As far as this goes (from the article, regarding the auctorial comparison), "To say it’s a bit colorful would be something of an understatement, as swear words are thrown about constantly. At the same time, there’s intelligence in the dialogue, a pop culture hipness almost."
I don't agree - one could have thrown ANY reasonably "hip" and verbose writer/director/actor/whatever in there -- I simply don't think Kevin Smith is a fair comparison.
"Upon inspection, this review seems hardly damning,..." Erm...yes and no. I think it wavers on the fence throughout the article, and just because he throws a life preserver out at the end as a parting shot does not make me think the author is clearly on one side or another (regarding the game).
"...the more apparent it is that someone lacks basic reading comprehension" Umm...all apologies, but fuck you.
"...raced to MAEK POAST" Again, guilty. And I apologize, because I *should* have read the article much more in-depth before running to create this post. I need to learn to rein in my tendency to emote before thinking!
So, in summation, "Christ, this OP is atrocious...trying read your post as its written in some alien dialect is incredibly infuriating."
Mmm-kay - I'll go out right now and purchase an "Alien-to-English" dictionary and study my ass off. So then my next maek poast will be less infuriatingly alien, n'cest pas?
(And, what, were you on a roll, or something? Pillorying my lack of sig? Jumping up and down on my head for signing my post? Perhaps I find it a bit more humanizing when I sign, instead of having a rubber-stamped sig, ya ever think o' that Kemo Sabe? I honestly didn't/don't think it's that big a deal. Apparently I am wrong.
"The parallels...lie in their ability to write natural sounding dialogue, their penchant for monologues and their frequent dabbling in profane vocabulary" Seriously nice summation and use of verbiage. I'm not kidding or trying to be, I dunno...wry or anything - I really think that's a hell of a description.
Positive phrasing in the article:
Note that he didn't say "might just if you're lucky." He was saying you don't have to be a drooling PA fanboy to enjoy it.
Not an overwhelmingly positive statement, but he didn't say it was shallow, simple, or boring. Nor did he say it felt out of place in an adventure game.
Negative phrasing:
Neutral phrasing: This is honesty. This is not a game for children. This isn't negative unless you hate Kevin Smith. It may not exactly be the most accurate description, but in this case the author was clearly comparing two writers he liked.
Now please unknot your knickers.
And the reason we don't sign our posts is, at least as far as I can tell, because we already know who you are by the name to the left of your post. The sig gives plenty of space for "humanizing" and can be turned off, in case people don't care for that clutter. Typing in your sig can't.
Heh - sorry (once again!) - I didn't mean to imply, whether through something I said or something I might have left out, that this article got me all up in arms or anything. I just wanted to point out that I thought it was a milquetoast article at best, and the guy should have taken more of a stand one way or another...and also that I didn't leave the reading with a particularly good taste in my mouth, so to speak.
And certainly my intention was not to start the next Great Flame war...lol!
All kidding aside, though, the brunt of the blame for any of that (obviously) falls squarely upon my shoulders - so...mea culpa, y'all.
*yeesh*! Did I really come off sounding like that! Wow. What a way to make my (re-)debut into these forums! Methinks I need to go douse my head for a while!
"This thread seems to be the epitome of a teapot-bound tempest." Lol - you are correct, sir! And mees salutes you!
Oh, and Tofytedeth - yah, I was only kidding about the whole sig thing - I was just tryin' to get a rise outta EvilBadman!
Meh - it's okay. It's just that calling a reviewer a nazi is not going to help anyone including PA. I think the important thing is that this game isn't going to be for everybody (and that's okay!) and that we should reserve judgments until after the actual product is released.
That being said, don't worry about it and welcome back to the PA forums!