The count of users viewing a forum, which appears next to each forum name on the index, like so: [xxx viewing] is no longer being updated realtime. It is now loaded from a cache, which is refreshed every 10 minutes.
It's just a minor little thing, so don't expect any
great performance improvements thanks to this, but since 10% of our pageviews are index.php pageviews, any little thing I can do there is probably going to have /some/ impact, I hope.
If anything the thread bump is a nice opportunity for me to go RAMIUS WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR AVATAR
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
It's a Tarsier monkey.
I don't want to get further off topic, but this is conceivably the best first post I've ever seen.
Edit: And on the topic, I think this is a pretty reasonable thing considering that the site considers you active some minutes after your most recent click.
Further Edit: We could submit the post to the awesome posts forum to find out what the humor-inista think about it?
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
I read this as "I'm a Tarsier monkey." and I thought this was the newest wave of weird spam bots
On an on-topic note, I have never seen anything other than 5 people viewing Awesome Posts. Bug, or mod conspiracy? You decide!
You forgot the third possibility, that the awesome posts forum is dumb and nobody finds in very interesting.
And yea, this happened so long ago I forgot that they actually did it. It's really not a big deal.