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2008 BYOC registration

slacktronslacktron Registered User regular
edited January 2008 in PAX Archive
I'm quite keen to reserve my tickets for PAX, but the registration procedure didn't include the usual fee & checkbox to reserve a seat in the BYOC room. The early bird registration page made no mention of it in the pricing section.

I gathered the following from the FAQ:
Can I bring my own computer for the LAN?
Yes! But you need to pre-register first, so we can reserve your space--don't just show up at the event with a computer under your arm. Bring-your-own-computer registration will take place a few months after general PAX pre-registration opens, and those who pre-register will get first dibs on BYOC slots. So when you pre-register, make sure to register an email address you actually check.

Any news on costs and when we can expect a signup email?

EDIT: The answer is I'm daft and simply didn't have the nerve to go far enough in the registration process to get to the checkbox. Also: whoo-hoo! I got tickets 1852752 and 1852753, hopefully the 10^6 people who have tickets before me won't take up all the BYOC slots. :)

slacktron on


  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2008
    Yeah, BYOC should open in June

    Moe Fwacky on

This discussion has been closed.