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BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
edited August 2008 in PAX Archive
Alright guys. Im all packed up and shutting down for PAX. Heading to my hotel and such tomorrow for some hawt setup action.

2 things

for the most part 3rd party sales of BYOC tickets is shut down, if you happen to do the following BEFORE THURSDAY then you can still buy one from someone selling one. This is assuming you cant get the physical ticket stub from them before PAX. If you can do that you can skip the following (although doing the following will help me greatly)


SELLER: Give the buyer the ticket # (Should be 100360 for example) and PM me (on these forums) your name/addy/phone you used to buy the ticket with. Also mention the handle of the guy who is buying it.

BUYER: PM me your name/addy/phone #, at the event bring your picture ID and the ticket #.

You guys need to go to the 4th floor north lobby (where the lineup was last year) to the BYOC ticket station there to get your BYOC badge.

the Brown paper tickets ticket stub (or know the ticket number)

present both those to the people working the BYOC badge desk and your shiny plastic BYOC pass will be given to you.

Then proceed to enter the skybridge and line up. Ill have 2 lines there. One line is for those who organized group seating with me before PAX. The other line is for those who didnt. They will be marked. Ill start yelling when its time to start seating the groups.
Im seating groups first in a specific order to make things go quick and to minimize traffic. (hence no line :P)

You guys can lineup in teh BYOC line as early as 8am on friday.

See you all there :D

Finally a gentle reminder...


(I spoiler taged the old OP)

To qualify for group seating you need to meet all of the following

1) Everyone in the group must be registered for BYOC
2) Group must be 6 or more people
(not really on 3 but BYOC is always too quiet, I want to hear screams of victory and curses of defeat)

So you want seats huh?

If you meet the criteria, you need to take a look at this HUEG SEATING CHART PIC in the spoiler tag, then PM me Your seating request in the format B 1-3 and C 1-3.
Here are some things I need

1) I NEED A GROUP NAME! Name your group whatever you want, the more awesome names the better. (clan, funny name, etc)
2) Your seating request for the group.
3) The handles (and at least first name) of everyone sitting there

Also you dont have to assign someone to a specific seat within the group, thats up to you guys to figure out. You can battle it out amongst yourselves what seat you get within the group seat block :P (Yes im looking at you Moe)

What will happen during pax:
You will get your BYOC badge from the BYOC badge desk, located where you guys will line up (look for little card table with a small eforcer and a laptop).

It has a barcode on it that will make the whole process smoother, if you come to get your badge without it, i will curse you and then have to manually look up your info.
(as long as it has your picture and name, It doesnt really matter what kind of ID it is. Passport, drivers licence, school id, etc)

I will call out for groups, you guys will get seated first, then everyone else gets free for all pick on seats. (mostly becuase It would eleminate someone accidently sitting in the wrong spot and me making them move)
Green = open
Red = taken (see list)


Current reserved status:
A 1-18 = #paforums_pax
B 1-18 = #paforums_pax
C 4-14 = #paforums_pax group 2
C 1 = Possible future BYOC contest winner
D 1-6 = Team Nub
D 7-9 = Team Epic
E 6-9 = Team Epic
D 12-18 = Basement Fools
E 13-18 = Basement Fools
F 1-4 = SD CREW
G 1-4 = SD CREW
F 16-18 = Super Awesome Good Friends Club Group in America
G 16-18 = Super Awesome Good Friends Club Group in America
I 1-7 = [CAUC]
I 15-18 = Lightswitch Ravers
J 16-18 = Lightswitch Ravers
Q 1-9 = BLE
R 1-9 = BLE
Q 10-18 = Intel / PAX staff
R 10-18 = Intel / PAX staff

<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
BigRed on


  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2008

    Q: Where do I signup for BYOC Lan?
    A: BYOC Signups will go up around June-ish.

    Q: How many BYOC Spots will be available?
    A: 324. The setup will be nearly exactly the same as last year.

    Q: How much does BYOC cost?
    A: Last year it was $25 in addition to your PAX pass. Should stay the same this year but everyone will know for sure when BYOC registration goes live.

    Q: What time do you recommend (or require) people show up for BYOC check-in?
    A: Checkin will start at least 2 hours before PAX opening. I aim to have it all complete an hour before PAX opens, to give people an hour to get their stuff hooked up and ready.

    Q: What hours does the BYOC run each day?
    A: Same hours as PAX. The room will have to be cleared at PAX closing. About 30min before closing there will be an in-room announcement to start wrapping up your games or whatever for the night before everyone gets kicked out at closing.

    Q: Do I leave my stuff in the Lan the whole time?
    A: Yes. The room is guarded all during PAX and locked up at night. We are the first ones in and the Last ones out. If you must take your stuff up (like a laptop) you need to Check it out at the security desk as you leave and check it back in when you return.

    Q: What games are typically played?
    A: Whatever is popular this year. CS:S, TF2, Quakewars, COD4, SupCom, Warcraft3, WoW, Starcraft, etc. If you want to play a game you can find others that are up for it as well.

    Q: If I get a spot for the BYOC, I don't need to commit to being in there the whole time, right? Just when I feel like relaxing and playing some games with people?
    A: Correct, you arent chained to your spot in BYOC. The majority of BYOC attendees are just there inbetween the PAX events that they want to go see.

    Q: Can I bring my 30+ something inch monitor/TV?
    A: The max monitor size is 24" due to power and space constraints.

    Q: Can I bring a laptop with my desktop?
    A: Yes as long as you stay within your 30" of table space. Although remember you only get one network port per seat.

    Q: Can I bring a switch to increase that?
    A: NO! No outside networking devices are allowed. Any spotted will be removed.

    Q: Do I need to bring a network cable?
    A: Yes. You will need a network cable to hook your computer up to the network switch at your table. Bring around a 25ft cable otherwise, depending where you are sitting, the switch my be out of your cables reach.

    Q: Do I get a concert wristband if im in the seperate BYOC line?
    A: Yes! The seperate BYOC line automatically gets everything the Main line gets. All BYOC attendees get the swag bag and concert wristband.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • kaldoniskaldonis Registered User regular
    edited January 2008
    I'll throw out some typical nub questions for you to add to the OP, even though I don't plan on doing the BYOC.

    How many BYOC spots do you expect to be available?

    What time do you recommend (or require) people show up for BYOC check-in?

    What hours does the BYOC run each day?

    kaldonis on
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    edited January 2008
    I don't know if this was the case last year, but in '06 none of the enforcers guarding the doors were aware of the BYOC early setup arrangement. Has that been fixed?

    DoctorArch on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2008
    Archgarth wrote: »
    I don't know if this was the case last year, but in '06 none of the enforcers guarding the doors were aware of the BYOC early setup arrangement. Has that been fixed?

    Which doors are you referring to?

    Also in regards to the early setup thing, A lot of stuff is being fixed this year. New venue and all had a ton of little things come up that in a whole, delayed stuff a bit :( Things will go as planned this year.

    Or else BIGRED SMASH

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • ShmorkyShmorky Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    I plan on bringing my laptop rather than my desktop to the BYOC, so what all should I include to make sure everything stays safe?

    Shmorky on
  • ShineyBlueShoesShineyBlueShoes Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    What kind of monitor do people usually lug in as far as size? Don't really want to travel with this 19" CRT even if it's viable to set up.

    ShineyBlueShoes on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Shmorky wrote: »
    I plan on bringing my laptop rather than my desktop to the BYOC, so what all should I include to make sure everything stays safe?

    Buy a laptop lock if you don't own one.
    There *SHOULD* be some available for check-out. We were supposed to have them last year but AFAIK they got to the PA offices at the end of PAX, lol.

    Lock your Laptop to the table. Even if you have it in a bag under the table keep it locked up to the table leg.

    Also, and this applies to everyone, don't leave little things that are easily pocketable laying around. Like CDs, a wireless mouse, a headset, digital camera, watch, wallet, etc.
    We watch the big expensive things, we cant keep track of the little stuff. Just use common sense. Put it away out of sight in your bag under your desk or something.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    What kind of monitor do people usually lug in as far as size? Don't really want to travel with this 19" CRT even if it's viable to set up.

    People usually own around 19-22" LCDs for monitors. Very few people had a CRT this year compared to the LCD crowd.
    Please dont bring a monitor over 24" though.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    Archgarth wrote: »
    I don't know if this was the case last year, but in '06 none of the enforcers guarding the doors were aware of the BYOC early setup arrangement. Has that been fixed?

    Which doors are you referring to?

    Also in regards to the early setup thing, A lot of stuff is being fixed this year. New venue and all had a ton of little things come up that in a whole, delayed stuff a bit :( Things will go as planned this year.

    Or else BIGRED SMASH

    In the old location at Bellevue, I came up through the garage and was stopped by enforcers until I name dropped "BigRed" and "Smash." Lugging computer equipment helped, but they still didn't want me to go up and setup until they radioed ahead to see if BYOC was, in fact, allowing early setup.

    DoctorArch on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Archgarth wrote: »
    BigRed wrote: »
    Archgarth wrote: »
    I don't know if this was the case last year, but in '06 none of the enforcers guarding the doors were aware of the BYOC early setup arrangement. Has that been fixed?

    Which doors are you referring to?

    Also in regards to the early setup thing, A lot of stuff is being fixed this year. New venue and all had a ton of little things come up that in a whole, delayed stuff a bit :( Things will go as planned this year.

    Or else BIGRED SMASH

    In the old location at Bellevue, I came up through the garage and was stopped by enforcers until I name dropped "BigRed" and "Smash." Lugging computer equipment helped, but they still didn't want me to go up and setup until they radioed ahead to see if BYOC was, in fact, allowing early setup.

    That was 2 years ago then and said issues have already been resolved :P

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • GeeCeeGeeCee Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    dibz on a spot and making a general d-bag of myself

    GeeCee on
  • xGunCrazyxxGunCrazyx Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    this is going to be my first PAX
    what would you guys suggest using to move around my huge antec 900 case and 22" lcd?

    also, what games are typically played?

    and one more noob question, do we leave our stuff in the LAN the whole time,
    or do we move them back and forth between the days

    hope i can get a spot :P

    xGunCrazyx on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    xGunCrazyx wrote: »
    this is going to be my first PAX
    what would you guys suggest using to move around my huge antec 900 case and 22" lcd?

    I am a fan of Geargrip products

    I have a Geargrip LT for my case and a widescreen LCD geargrip for my monitor.
    Sadly after the 8 years ive had it one of the clips on my geargrip LT has cracked, but I can afford the $20 every 8 years :P My LCD carrier is still going strong.

    Answered the rest of your questions in the OP as they apply to all of BYOC :)

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • Ty1012Ty1012 Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    The chances of this are very very low, but could seat reserving ever be a possibility at the BYOC? I had the PERFECT spot last year. P1. Near the back, on the edge, and symbolism thick enough to cut with a knife.

    Ty1012 on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Ty1012 wrote: »
    The chances of this are very very low, but could seat reserving ever be a possibility at the BYOC? I had the PERFECT spot last year. P1. Near the back, on the edge, and symbolism thick enough to cut with a knife.

    For individuals? Negative.
    (would be too much of a logistical nightmare to enforce and such, not really worth it)
    For groups? Possibly.
    (will know for sure later on)

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • Ty1012Ty1012 Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    Ty1012 wrote: »
    The chances of this are very very low, but could seat reserving ever be a possibility at the BYOC? I had the PERFECT spot last year. P1. Near the back, on the edge, and symbolism thick enough to cut with a knife.

    For individuals? Negative.
    (would be too much of a logistical nightmare to enforce and such, not really worth it)
    For groups? Possibly.
    (will know for sure later on)

    hm....makes sense. I understand you wouldn't really know now, but if it did become possible, what do you think would be a minimum group size? Thought it was worth asking. T'would be nice to see such a program.

    Ty1012 on
  • xGunCrazyxxGunCrazyx Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    xGunCrazyx wrote: »
    this is going to be my first PAX
    what would you guys suggest using to move around my huge antec 900 case and 22" lcd?

    I am a fan of Geargrip products

    I have a Geargrip LT for my case and a widescreen LCD geargrip for my monitor.
    Sadly after the 8 years ive had it one of the clips on my geargrip LT has cracked, but I can afford the $20 every 8 years :P My LCD carrier is still going strong.

    Answered the rest of your questions in the OP as they apply to all of BYOC :)

    thanks a bunch!

    one more question. how many spots are there typically for BYOC?
    thanks :)

    xGunCrazyx on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    Last year, I think there were about 350 seats. This year, who knows? There isn't really a typical number for these things because the rate at which PAX grows makes it impossible.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • ShineyBlueShoesShineyBlueShoes Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    That geargrip stuff is pretty awesome if it works and lasts as long as you say. Think I'm going to have to add those into my budgeting.

    ShineyBlueShoes on
  • xGunCrazyxxGunCrazyx Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    yeah i think i'll have to get some geargrip stuff
    a little spendy, but i plan on coming to PAX every year after this one :P

    xGunCrazyx on
  • ShineyBlueShoesShineyBlueShoes Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Well when I'm going to be buying a 19" or 22" LCD just for this I think the $80 or whatever to protect and carry my stuff isn't all that bad when compared with having to buy another one once I get there and in the big picture of what the trip's going to cost.

    ShineyBlueShoes on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    xGunCrazyx wrote: »
    yeah i think i'll have to get some geargrip stuff
    a little spendy, but i plan on coming to PAX every year after this one :P

    I use these things about twice a month when I go to Lans (Yes I Lan 2-3 times a month :P), so the cost is worth it when you use it often.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    xGunCrazyx wrote: »
    one more question. how many spots are there typically for BYOC?
    thanks :)

    Last year there was around 300-something

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • coelacanthcoelacanth Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    My boyfriend and I are coming up for our first PAX from Texas. Instead of bringing both our comps over on the plane, would we be able to purchase one BYOC and take turns using the computer we brought? Or is the pass specifically tied to the name of the person who purchases it?

    coelacanth on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    coelacanth wrote: »
    My boyfriend and I are coming up for our first PAX from Texas. Instead of bringing both our comps over on the plane, would we be able to purchase one BYOC and take turns using the computer we brought? Or is the pass specifically tied to the name of the person who purchases it?

    There are no guests allowed into BYOC. You need a BYOC pass (and PAX pass) to enter the room.

    Personally I sugguest you guys get 2 and bring both computers (or a computer & laptop if you have it). The room is a great place to escape the crazyiness of PAX for a bit to unwind and have a nice dose of internets and/or gaming before heading back into the fire :P

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • coelacanthcoelacanth Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    coelacanth wrote: »
    My boyfriend and I are coming up for our first PAX from Texas. Instead of bringing both our comps over on the plane, would we be able to purchase one BYOC and take turns using the computer we brought? Or is the pass specifically tied to the name of the person who purchases it?

    There are no guests allowed into BYOC. You need a BYOC pass (and PAX pass) to enter the room.

    Personally I sugguest you guys get 2 and bring both computers (or a computer & laptop if you have it). The room is a great place to escape the crazyiness of PAX for a bit to unwind and have a nice dose of internets and/or gaming before heading back into the fire :P

    I'm glad I don't have to make such tough decisions for awhile! I'll see what our laptop situation is as the BYOC registration nears. Pretty sure he wants to do it no matter what...I just wanted to steal his pass and not have to lug my baby across the country. :-D

    coelacanth on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    Yeah, I do BYOC with my laptop. I don't even think I used it for gaming all weekend. Just an escape from the madness and internet access.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • KaitouAyashiKaitouAyashi Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Yeah, I do BYOC with my laptop. I don't even think I used it for gaming all weekend. Just an escape from the madness and internet access.

    Hmmmm, I think I gamed maybe a total of 2 hours in the BYOC last year. The internet access was great, but mostly it was a great place to SIT and REST and STASH your stuff (swag dump) during PAX.

    KaitouAyashi on
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
    [15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
    PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
  • JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    How much does BYOC cost? Or if it changes, what was it last year?

    JPants on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    It was $25 last year.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Sweet, thanks. I'm thinking i might do this, just for the internet access/swag spot/place to sit reasons people have mentioned.

    JPants on
  • altmannaltmann Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Plus everyone knows that people in BYOC are smarter and more well-adjusted than their "regular PAX going" counterparts.

    We're like... 1 tier above regular PAXers, and 1 tier below enforcers. Right?

    Also I love walking 3ft into BYOC and calling my friends names because they can't come in.

    altmann on
    Imperator of the Gigahorse Jockeys.

    "Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"

  • MinjaMinja Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    altmann wrote: »
    Plus everyone knows that people in BYOC are smarter and more well-adjusted than their "regular PAX going" counterparts.

    We're like... 1 tier above regular PAXers, and 1 tier below enforcers. Right?

    Also I love walking 3ft into BYOC and calling my friends names because they can't come in.
    Well...its a big tier. ;-)

    And that was all fun for you, but not for me...the one who had to cart all of you guys back and forth between "the gate" as I called it.

    Minja on
  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Yeah, I do BYOC with my laptop. I don't even think I used it for gaming all weekend. Just an escape from the madness and internet access.

    I'm pretty sure I spent about 20 minutes talking to you about Sealab on Saturday while you were playing Quake 3. But yeah, there are those of us who realize that we don't necessarily go to BYOC to play on our computers but do it anyway.

    whypick1 on
    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2008
    Haha, yeah I forgot about the Quake 3. I stand corrected.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • proXimityproXimity Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Also remember, if your case has castors, please make sure they don't squeak before rolling your case all around the BYOC lineup area.

    proXimity on
  • Pat McRotchPat McRotch Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    I was a CRT and Tower guy last year... ugh. The to people I went with were both notebook guys. This year I will have my new 19" LCD and a Shuttle. I guess I will get some Gear Grip type stuff too!

    Pat McRotch on
  • Ty1012Ty1012 Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    proXimity wrote: »
    Also remember, if your case has castors, please make sure they don't squeak before rolling your case all around the BYOC lineup area.

    All hail mineral oil!
    if that happens again, I will either put on earmuffs......or squeak that thing all the way out the window and into a street. not the most pleasant sound when you're really tired and sitting in line for 2 hours.

    Ty1012 on
  • RCars2RCars2 Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    xGunCrazyx wrote: »
    what would you guys suggest using to move around my huge antec 900 case and 22" lcd?

    Little late on the response here but anyways, you could do what i did in a modified way. Get yourself a nice large suitcase and some towels/padding for the insides and you can load everything in one nice package, with wheels, and a handle.

    I did this last year with my case and my 22" LCD. Granted i had a mATX case so i was able to cram it into a carry-on size suitcase but if ya went with checked luggage size you should be able to get everything in with a little extra room to cram in "shock proofing" material. Plus you dont have to carry all your accesories in a separate bag, you can pack them all right inside.

    RCars2 on
  • ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... ... and hard.Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    If you decide to check or ship a computer, you may want to take out the hard drives (by far the most sensitive piece of equipment in your computer) and take them with you on your person.

    ASimPerson on
This discussion has been closed.