New from some french animations studio I have never heard of comes..... <---Clicky Clicky.
Click this for a working trailer.Well I see Emma in the poster, and they kill jean in the first 10 seconds of the trailer.
Now get this.....This is supposedly marketed for 6-12 year olds. SIX YEAR OLDS. Look at that trailer and tell me that should be for your six year old.
Charles Xavier leaves behind a mangled smoldering wheelchair!! Jean Grey vanishes!! Domino hangs by her knees!! Forge gets tortured!! Rogue goes rogue!! My girl pulls a helicopter through a wall!!
oh...and the foo fighters in the trailer rocks.
"Your sons a mutant. Deal with it."
"Good talk..."
This trailer looks really good. I just hope the final product delivers.
The animation kinda resembles X Men Evolution.
Which scares me because the cover has Cyclops in a trench and the name is
But, well, I guess at least they are being upfront about the show being a Wolverine sploogefest.
My girl flew a helicopter through a fucking building.
Spike Spiegal as Wolverine doesn't sit right with me. Space Cowboy =/= Feral killing machine
FFBE: 838,975,107
Dokkan: 1668363315
edit- maybe it's gambit wearing cyclops' hat?
90s style, if you will
that's the way he should look. i fucking love that 90s outfit. best 90s costume ever.
I don't mind the WOLVERINE and The X-Men, because it looks like while Wolverine is the star, the rest of the X-Crew are going to have very big parts.
Plus, you can't deny slapping Wolverine on something will help it sell better.
Also some parts definately made me chuckle.
Like when Angel says the line about the X-men being together, and Beast says "Well...kind of...where working on that" Then give a big smile. Laughed really hard.
Also where was magnetio? It looked like Quicksilver was leading the Brotherhood.
I imagine Magneto will show up later on and then Charles will make a triumphant return
ohh even better. A quick look at Wiki says that there is no idea when it will air and I don't see it mention a channel either. I hope it dosen't get thrown on the Kids WB.
Hope I am wrong though.
I like his current one well enough but it could use...something. Maybe he just needs hair.
And does this make Wolverine the HEART of the X-Men? It actually works, he'd be the one most attached to keepign the group together since it is the only family he's ever really known. Where as Scott is pretty much devastated because his father-figure and wife were both killed in front of him and the other X-Men in the trailer all have other lives outside of the big X.
I don't know. I like the new astonishing condom look (right). I don't like the old condom look with the flared gloves and boots(left).
But yeah, when I think of Cyke, I think old 90s costume.
if you look at the website in my OP, it says French TV Distribution @ 26 half-hour episodes.
IMDB has some cast info here.
Here's the link.
Shut it.
That costume was awesome and you know it.
It isn't like he had Cable level of pouches, these were reasonable.
I mean, I haven't read X-men in a while, and I am far from a Cyclops fan, but he'd have to be pretty stupid to NOT walk around with some spares.
Or at least like, those ruby quartz shades he is sometimes shown wearing in other media.
cause how easy must it be to break quartz when you're dealing with powerful, antagonistic mutants or other things that can bend steel and whatnot.
hey man, when you're getting dragged into star battles with space pirates and sewer massacres with packs of grim freaks all the time, you need a place to store your dramamine and romance novels.
he must be doing something right.
Also, is that new Spider-Man show on the air yet? Is it any good?
The 90s X-Men cartoon is probably my favorite childhood toon, even beating out Batman:TAS by a notch.
David Lucas?
Fake Ninja Edit: OH! After some googling turns out that's a name Stephen Blum uses.