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Canadian Supertrip 2008

b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy ManagerCanadaRegistered User regular
edited September 2008 in PAX Archive

This is the thread for the 2008 edition of the Canadian Supertrip. I have been bogged down with school lately, so I apologize for the delay in getting this going. This post will be modified many times, and some things will be quite similar to the Cross-Country Supertrip thread.

The trip will be built in this thread, and we might have an actual website going also this year. Three branches make up the Supertrip; one from Eastern BC, one from Western BC, and one from Vancouver Island. These three routes merge progressively, with the convoy arriving in Seattle on Thursday, August 28th.

I had no idea how the Supertrip would turn out last year, but once we all packed into that Gamestop, I saw just how many people had come together for this adventure. Mainly, I want to really strengthen the idea of a caravan like the Cross-Country Supertrip-- their convoy is quite impressive, and I think we certainly had something to show for ourselves last year. I want to keep it tighter as a group this year, and maybe have a get-together once we've arrived in Seattle.

I'm always available for questions, and I'm easy to contact through forum PM, e-mail at jaymitchell (at), or you can find me in the PAX IRC channel: #paforums_pax on I'll respond as soon as I can, and with whatever information I can offer.

If you're interested in joining the trip, post here!

What It Is
The Canadian SuperTrip is the northern cousin to the Cross-Country SuperTrip. Every year, thousands of nerds and our kin flock to the Puget Sound region, in attendance of the Penny Arcade Expo. After three years of unorganized swarms heading south across the border, it was decided to form this Canuck Caravan. Where the CCST takes one primary route, our smaller region more easily lets us work with a combination of routes.

Our eastern route essentially begins in Kamloops B.C., with everyone from eastern British Columbia and Alberta heading southward together. Those from Alberta and beyond are entirely welcome, so please contact me or post in this thread if you're from the east. From Kamloops, this route leads down the scenic Coquihalla Highway, taking a break in Abbotsford-- the last Canadian stop on this leg of the journey before crossing the American border into Sumas. From Sumas, the group heads south through Bellingham, getting on the I-5 until the rendezvous point just south of the city.

The western routes begin in Victoria and Vancouver, respectively. Attendees from the Greater Vancouver area will meet up in the city, where they will head south through Richmond to White Rock and enter the United States through the Pacific Highway crossing at Blaine, WA. From Blaine, this group will head south on the I-5 until the rendezvous point just south of Bellingham.

Participating groups from Vancouver Island take the WA Ferries sailing from Sidney, BC to Anacortes, WA, where they head inland eastward to the meeting point in Burlington-Mt. Vernon, WA. This fully-merged convoy will head south to Seattle, for the glorious weekend in the Capitol City of Arcadia.

I hope you will join us on this quest. In the words of Moe_Fwacky: "Onward, forward and so forth!"

How It Works
The Canadian SuperTrip, or CST, is divided by stops known as Waypoints. A waypoint is our official stop to meet up with other Supertrippers along the route. Most waypoints are located where gas, snacks and washrooms are nearby. Each waypoint is allotted some time for members to get out and stretch their legs, giving everyone a short break. Supertrippers fall into two groups, Drivers and Passengers. Passengers, you are responsible for finding a ride and making your way to the waypoints. Payment comes in the form of your share of gas. Specifics can be arranged with the driver of your vehicle. We drive together in a caravan, keeping the group together between waypoints. The longer the line of cars, the more impressive this whole effort becomes.

If you want to be added to our list of participants, post here or contact b0wser to be added to the list. Use the following format for sending information.

Group Leader: This is the group's go-to guy, usually the most active person on the forums/internet. This person's main responsibility lies in relaying status updates between their group and the CST. This person is also responsible for getting their group together to depart from their location.
Location: City, State/Province where you live
Starting Waypoint: Our pre-selected stopping points on the route, pick the one closest to your location. This is where you will be joining the group.
Vehicle: Year, Make, Model
Riders: This includes your confirmed passengers
Unconfirmed Riders: Number of unconfirmed riders not listed here.
Space Available: Seats still available in your vehicle.
Contact: Your e-mail address, in addition you can add your MSN. One cell phone contact is required for each group.

What You'll Need
A Working Vehicle - This is a fairly long trip, and we don't want to scrape your steaming wreckage off the side of the road, so do basic maintenance before you go, meaning: change engine oil, check air filter, top off engine coolant and washer fluid. Check road and spare tire pressures and tread wear and bring extra oil, coolant, fluids (brake, power steering, anything that ends in "fluid") to top off on the road with.

A spare set of car keys- you never know when you'll lock yourself out, so try to have an extra key if possible!

A Cell Phone - You or one of your riders will need to be carrying a phone. Cell coverage should be adequate along our routes, so a radio should not be required.

The CST Phone Directory - This is a full contact list of people on the SuperTrip. It will be e-mailed to you shortly before departure, this may happen a couple of times.

ALL POSSIBLE LEGAL IDENTIFICATION - Canadians are not required to have a valid Canadian Passport to cross the border into the United States until June 1, 2009. You do not require a passport if you have acceptible identification as defined on this page from the Canadian Consulate General office. Along with your passport, try to bring all other pertinent identification such as your driver's licence/government identification card, Social Insurance Card and your CardCard/medical coverage card. If you are under the age of 18, it is also highly recommended that you bring a Permission to Travel letter from your parent(s)/guardian. The border guards are known to often have a large attitude problem if you're underage and you don't have one. All proper identification is required for minors.

A Gallon Jug of Water - Good for you or your car. Other drinkables are good, but can't go in your car.

Non-perishable snackables - Food for the road, beef jerky is a good mainstay along with trail mixes and anything else you might like. Stay away from ideas like a cooler filled with sandwich fixin's. It may sound like a cool idea, but takes up way too much space and is very impractical.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why bother? If I'm in the Lower Mainland, why not just drive myself?
A: Because it's just not cool to act like an ogre. We had a good turnout last year, and despite some slight miscalculations in timing, I think everyone had a decent time. Besides, it's a whole bunch of Canadians-- and we'll all probably be around for the partying at some point.

Q: How much for a seat if I have no car but want to come along?
A: That depends on the vehicle and how gas is being divided up, contact drivers who have space available to work out an arrangement.

Q: When must I join by?
A: Groups need to be properly identified and confirmed their place in the trip by August 1st. The CCST went with July 1, but our shorter distance lets us work with that extra month. It would be nice to sort out all of the people who need rides, and leaving that until the week before PAX is a terrible idea. If a group decides they want to join after August 1st, they must make sure they're at the appropriate waypoint to make the linkup. Posting here will also still be a great idea, because we'll have an idea that someone is trying to make it.

Q: How can I help make this baby happen?
A: Number One thing anybody can do to help make this happen is word of mouth, point them here, to the official Penny Arcade Expo website and to the forum thread. Participate in the thread, or come loiter in the #paforums_pax channel on

Q: Did the thread/website just up and die or what?
A: Our website hasn't been put together yet, but we've had an offer to have one built. The information in the thread will always be the same as on the website, when it's up and running.

Q: What hotel should I stay at?
A: This is up to you. There are three choices currently on offer, and it is highly encouraged that you book at one of the official hotels. You can pick from the Sheraton, The Grand Hyatt, or The Roosevelt. You can get more information at the
official PAX hotels page.

Q: When is the Canadian Supertrip going to arrive in Seattle?
A: The afternoon of the 28th. We're not sure exactly when, but mid-afternoon to early evening should be an adequate span. We're looking to leave time available for those who join the 2008 Pre-PAX Dinner, which has not yet been scheduled.

b0wser on


  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Changes for 2008 (recommended read)
    Most of the route will stay the same as last year, with some slight tweaks here and there to improve the flow of the trip. The Vancouver route is simplified, and will use the Pacific Truck Crossing. The Abbotsford-Sumas post-border regroup and route southward through Lynden will be simplified, because Cherry St. continues south past Front St. to bend westward and become 546/W. Badger St.

    Streamlining the waypoints has been a priority. To make some stops easier, meeting locations have been moved from last year. We have one waypoint between Calgary and Kamloops, located just before Sicamous BC. This stop is right on the Trans-Canada Highway, making it very easily accessible.

    The waypoint at the Highway 99 Chevron in Delta is being used again, because the Anacortes ferry is no longer a viable option this year. This will serve as a small meet-up for any groups coming from Vancouver Island. Like last year, this stop can be pulled on the day of the Trip if nobody is coming in from the Island. If gas is required, the best place to get it will be during the post-border regroup breaks, where American gas is cheaper. The post-border regroups will be vital to the trip this year, since I really want to increase the group cohesion over last year.

    The West Meets East rendezvous is moving south of Bellingham a small distance down the I-5 to the Bow Hill Rest Area, this merging of branches becomes much easier here than in town. After we meet up at the Bow Hill Rest Stop, we travel as a full convoy to the Burlington GameStop-- we had a lot of people at this final waypoint last year, and I want to conquer them this year.

    The main scheduling issue, in my opinion, was the time allotted for border crossings. Being that we are travelling on the Labour Day Weekend, the lineups will be unimaginable. If our dollar is doing well, we will be stuck in peak lineups. We were stuck in the Sumas crossing lineup for at least an hour, which made me decide to veto the post-border regroup. The crossing threw the whole American section of the schedule out of whack.

    I recommend that Vancouver Island groups taking the BC Ferries ferry make a reservation as soon as possible, because peak Labour Day Weekend traffic will snatch up all available space really quickly. The only sailing that can participate in the Canadian Supertrip will be the 06:00 sailing, leaving Swartz Bay terminal on Thursday, August 28th.

    The Sidney-Anacortes ferry arrives in Anacortes too late for this method to work with the newly updated schedule. This is an issue that has been partially solved, by including a BC Ferries meet-up and bringing in some Victoria Clipper groups.

    The Routes
    These are arranged in by length, from longest to shortest.
    Times are currently only in Pacific Time, Central will be added later.
    Click on the link to see the GoogleMap routing.

    Edmonton, AB to Seattle, WA (need Edmonton waypoint)
    Edmonton to Calgary
    Departure Point:
    Departure Time: 16:00, August 27th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~280km/approx 3h
    Arrival Point: Tim Hortons @ 1341 32 Ave NE Calgary AB
    Arrival Time: 19:00, August 27th
    Downtime: 30 minutes for meetup

    Calgary to Skyline Esso Truck Stop
    Departure Point: Tim Hortons @ 1341 32 Ave NE Calgary
    Departure Time: 19:30, August 27th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~480km/approx 6h
    Arrival Point: Skyline Esso Truck Stop, Highway 1
    Arrival Time: 01:30, August 28th
    Downtime: 30 minutes for gas-up and small break

    Skyline Esso Truck Stop to Kamloops
    Departure Point: Skyline Truck Stop
    Departure Time: 02:00, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~190km/approx 1h45m
    Arrival Point: The Verse, 1885 Trans Canada Highway West, Kamloops BC
    Arrival Time: 03:45, August 28th
    Downtime: 20 minutes for meetup

    Kamloops to Merritt
    Departure Point: The Verse, 1885 Trans Canada Highway West, Kamloops BC
    Departure Time: 04:05, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: 80km/approx. 1h
    Arrival Point: Tourist Info Booth, Junction of Hwy. 5 & Coquihalla
    Arrival Time: 05:05, August 28th
    Downtime: 30 minutes maximum for meetup from Kelowna

    Merritt to Abbotsford
    Departure Point: Tourist Info Booth, Junction of Hwy. 5 & Coquihalla
    Departure Time: 05:35, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: 192km/approx. 2h30
    Arrival Point: Castle Fun Park, 36165 North Parallel Road, Abbotsford
    Arrival Time: 08:05, August 28th
    Downtime: 40 minutes of fun

    Abbotsford to Sumas Border Crossing
    Departure Point: Castle Fun Park, 36165 North Parallel Road, Abbotsford
    Departure Time: 08:45, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: 31km/2h allotted for variable border crossing time
    Arrival Point: Bromley's IGA, 315 Cherry St, Sumas, WA
    Arrival Time: 10:45, August 28th
    Downtime: wait until everyone makes it through

    Sumas to Bow Hill Rest Area
    Departure Point: Bromley's IGA, 315 Cherry St, Sumas, WA
    Departure Time: 11:00, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: 70km/1h
    Arrival Point: Bow Hill Rest Area, I5
    Arrival Time: 12:00, August 28th
    Downtime: wait until Vancouver group arrives

    Bow Hill to Burlington GameStop
    Departure Point: Bow Hill Rest Area, I5
    Departure Time: 12:30, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: 16km/15m
    Arrival Point: GameStop @ Costco & George Hopper, Burlington
    Arrival Time: 12:45, August 28th
    Downtime: 45 minutes

    Burlington GameStop to Seattle
    Departure Point: Park and Ride @ Costco & George Hopper, Burlington
    Departure Time: approx. 13:30, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~145km/approx 2h
    Arrival Point: Washington State C&T Center, 800 Convention Pl. Seattle, WA 98101
    Arrival Time: 15:30, August 28th

    Vancouver, BC to Seattle, WA (complete)
    Vancouver to Delta
    Departure Point: Safeway @ Granville St. & W. 70th Ave
    Departure Time: approx. 07:15, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~21.9km/approx 25m
    Arrival Point: Chevron Station, junction of Hwy. 99 & Hwy 10
    Arrival Time: 07:45, August 28th

    Delta to Pacific Truck Crossing (Blaine WA)
    Departure Point: Chevron Station, junction of Hwy. 99 & Hwy 10
    Departure Time: approx. 08:15, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~21.9km/approx 30m
    Arrival Point: Pacific Truck Crossing, 176th Ave
    Arrival Time: 08:45, August 28th

    Blaine regroup:
    -Drive south until you arrive at H St.
    -Left on H St.
    -Left on 14th St.
    -Group together at the gas station, along the far edge if possible

    Blaine to Bow Hill Rest Area
    Departure Point: Gas Station, junction of Hwy. 99 & Hwy 10
    Departure Time: approx. 11:00, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~60km/approx 40m
    Arrival Point: Bow Hill Rest Area, I5
    Arrival Time: 12:00, August 28th

    Bow Hill to Burlington GameStop
    Departure Point: Bow Hill Rest Area, I5
    Departure Time: 12:30, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: 16km/15m
    Arrival Point: GameStop @ Costco & George Hopper, Burlington
    Arrival Time: 12:45, August 28th
    Downtime: 45 minutes

    Burlington GameStop to Seattle
    Departure Point: GameStop @ Costco & George Hopper, Burlington
    Departure Time: approx. 13:30, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~110km/approx 1h45m
    Arrival Point: Washington State C&T Center, 800 Convention Pl. Seattle, WA 98101
    Arrival Time: 15:30, August 28th

    Vancouver Island, BC to Seattle, WA (functional)
    Victoria, BC to Tsawassen, BC
    Departure Point: Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal
    Departure Time: approx. 06:00, August 28th
    Travel Time: approx. 1h35m
    Arrival Point: Tsawassen Ferry Terminal

    Tsawassen, BC to Delta, BC
    Departure Point: Tsawassen Ferry Terminal
    Departure Time: approx. 07:40, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: approx. 20m
    Arrival Point: Pacific Truck Crossing, 176th Ave

    Delta to Pacific Truck Crossing (Blaine WA)
    Departure Point: Chevron Station, junction of Hwy. 99 & Hwy 10
    Departure Time: approx. 08:15, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~21.9km/approx 30m
    Arrival Point: Pacific Truck Crossing, 176th Ave
    Arrival Time: 08:45, August 28th

    Blaine regroup:
    -Drive south until you arrive at H St.
    -Left on H St.
    -Left on 14th St.
    -Group together at the gas station, along the far edge if possible

    Blaine to Bow Hill Rest Area
    Departure Point: Gas Station, junction of Hwy. 99 & Hwy 10
    Departure Time: approx. 11:00, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~60km/approx 40m
    Arrival Point: Bow Hill Rest Area, I5
    Arrival Time: 12:00, August 28th

    Bow Hill to Burlington GameStop
    Departure Point: Bow Hill Rest Area, I5
    Departure Time: 12:30, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: 16km/15m
    Arrival Point: GameStop @ Costco & George Hopper, Burlington
    Arrival Time: 12:45, August 28th
    Downtime: 45 minutes

    Burlington GameStop to Seattle
    Departure Point: GameStop @ Costco & George Hopper, Burlington
    Departure Time: approx. 13:30, August 28th
    Travel Distance/Time: ~110km/approx 1h45m
    Arrival Point: Washington State C&T Center, 800 Convention Pl. Seattle, WA 98101
    Arrival Time: 15:30, August 28th

    Bus Trip from Vancouver to Seattle
    tr0tsky will be leading a Greyhound bus trip this year, as an option for those who don't want to drive. If there are any people in the Greater Vancouver area interested in taking the bus, post here or contact tr0tsky via PM.

    Greyhound from Vancouver to Seattle, round trip
    Departure Location: Pacific Central Station, Downtown Vancouver
    Departure Time: approx 08:15, Thursday, Aug. 28th
    Arrival Location: Bus Terminal, downtown Seattle
    Arrival Time: approx. 12:00, Thursday, Aug. 28th
    Ticket Cost: ~$50 for a return trip
    Riders: tr0tsky +1, MustardTiger, Stoicheio +1, tundemeson, AbsintheMinded, delphinus

    Friday: tenchikaze, SupaNova, Hammy +1, Angrytofu +5

    Victoria Clipper Ferry to Seattle
    There are multiple groups using the Clipper this year, so I'll list them here. It would be really decent if everyone could get together for a meet and greet on their respective sailings.

    Sailing Info: Thursday, 28 August, 7pm
    Riders: SmallLady, SirSchwein

    Sailing Info: Thursday, 28 August, 10am
    Riders: Retardical_Sam +1, Magiic +1
    Other: hamburger helper will be sailing on Friday, 29 August

    The People

    Unconfirmed or Debating Joining
    DMUSER - Edmonton
    Trichotomy - Merritt (maybe Vancouver)
    dopeski - Abbotsford
    Lail - Surrey

    Looking For Group
    Bob_E & two others - Vancouver
    Trichotomy - Merritt/Vancouver

    The Groups
    Sorted by location.

    Eastern Route
    • Edmonton, AB 1 group
      Group Leader: DeadlySherpa
      Location: Edmonton, AB
      Starting Waypoint: Edmonton
      Vehicle: 2002 Hyundai Accent
      Riders: DeadlySherpa, healthpack, some others
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: 0
      Contact: freeskierman16 at hotmail

    • Calgary, AB (1 group)
      Group Leader: Spinel
      Location: Calgary, AB
      Starting Waypoint: Calgary, AB
      Vehicle: 2000 Mazda Protege
      Riders: 3
      Unconfirmed Riders: 1
      Space Available: 0
      Contact: pm

    • Kamloops, BC (1 group)
      Group Leader: Cimreau
      Location: Armstrong, Vernon, Kamloops
      Starting Waypoint: Kamloops
      Vehicle: 1992 Toyota Corolla Station Wagon
      Riders: 3
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: comfortably 1, potentially 2
      Contact: learnedman (at)
    • Merritt, BC (2 groups)
      Group Leader: Daedaleus
      Location: Westbank, BC
      Starting Waypoint: Merritt, BC
      Vehicle: 1995 Chevrolet Suburban LT (black)
      Riders: 2
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: 2
      Contact: pm, phone available

      Group Leader: Yuritau
      Location: Kelowna, BC
      Starting Waypoint: Merritt, BC
      Vehicle: SUV
      Riders: Yuritau
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: 3
      Contact: pm, email on file
    • Abbotsford, BC (2 groups)
      Group Leader: b0wser
      Location: Abbotsford BC
      Starting Waypoint: Abbotsford
      Vehicle: Toyota Matrix
      Riders: b0wser, Cossack, Dave, goldenyak
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: 0
      Contact: PM or email (jaymitchell at gmail)

      Group Leader: Sumi
      Location: Abbotsford, BC
      Starting Waypoint: Abbotsford
      Vehicle: Probably either a Jetta tdi or Honda Civic
      Riders: Sumi, EmoEric, kb, Eathen
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: 0
      Contact: PM-ing is best bet, phone on file.

    Western Route
    • Vancouver, BC (3 groups)
      Group Leader: X1Zero (Mike)
      Location: Coquitlam
      Starting Waypoint: undecided right now
      Vehicle: 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
      Riders: X1Zero + 1
      Unconfirmed Riders:
      Space Available: 2 back seats, limited trunk space
      Contact: PM

      Group Leader: Torren
      Location: Mission BC
      Starting Waypoint: Safeway @ Granville St. & W. 70th Ave
      Vehicle: 2004 VW Golf or a 2000 Jeep Cherokee
      Riders: Wildcard and 2 other non-forum members
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: 0
      Contact: Torren1000 (at)

      Group Leader: Theros
      Location: Richmond
      Starting Waypoint: Safeway @ Granville St. & W. 70th Ave
      Vehicle: 2000 Chrysler Intrepid
      Riders: Theros, deadmetal, one other
      Unconfirmed Riders: 0
      Space Available: 1 or 2 depending on comfort
      Contact: PM

    • Delta, BC 0 groups

    b0wser on
  • smessmes Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Oh Hai fellow CSTers.

    smes on
  • LailLail Surrey, B.C.Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    I'm still undecided about joining up at this point. I can only imagine the horror the border crossings are going to be on Thursday so I might be trying to cross in the early, early morning.

    Though this does sound like a total blast...

    Lail on
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    I'll see what sort of projected estimates the border office will have, but I don't know if they're looking that far ahead yet. The border crossing itself was very smooth, it just took a long time. No matter what, there's going to be a long line to get through-- the schedule just needs to have a large enough window. I think the crossing will be around 10:00AM PST, bumping it back by over an hour from last year.

    Both the east and west branches have a similar distance to the merging point at the Bow Hill Rest Area, so that meeting should be unimaginably smoother than it was last year.

    Hopefully I'll block a large enough window that we actually get through ahead of schedule!

    b0wser on
  • Mustard TigerMustard Tiger Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    I'm all for leaving super early in the morning too. Or else I was thinking the bus would be way easier and possibly cheaper. But would prefer the CST.

    Mustard Tiger on
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    I'm in the same boat as MT. Supertrip can be fun, but the border is going to be a nightmare this year compared to last year since it's the long weekend. I might just take the bus and save myself 4+ hours :P I think taking over an Amtrak/Greyhound bus would be pretty fun as an option.

    tr0tsky on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Group Leader: Me I suppose?
    Location: Abbotsford
    Starting Waypoint: Abbotsford
    Vehicle: Not sure.. Probably either a Jetta tdi or Honda Civic.
    Riders: Sumi, EmoEric.
    Unconfirmed Riders: none
    Space Available: possibly 2. (depends on getting a class 5 lisence)
    Contact: PM-ing is your best bet. Do you have our numbers from last year?

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • smessmes Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Don't take the bus from Vancouver. Its smelly, uncomfortable, full of weird people and no fun! Would you rather be stuck in a hot bus full of strange people or a car full of gamers?

    smes on
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    smes wrote: »
    Don't take the bus from Vancouver. Its smelly, uncomfortable, full of weird people and no fun! Would you rather be stuck in a hot bus full of strange people or a car full of gamers?

    *shrug*...I took the (Amtrak) bus in '06 and there was no one next to me and the bus was mostly empty.

    tr0tsky on
  • Mustard TigerMustard Tiger Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    smes wrote: »
    Don't take the bus from Vancouver. Its smelly, uncomfortable, full of weird people and no fun! Would you rather be stuck in a hot bus full of strange people or a car full of gamers?
    How early in the morning can you pick me up?

    Mustard Tiger on
  • DeadlySherpaDeadlySherpa Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    missed out on this last year.

    Group Leader: me.
    Location: Edmonton, Alberta
    Starting Waypoint: Closest is Kamloops. Will be driving down through alberta though so if anyone needs a pickup i can make a detour.
    Vehicle: 2002 Hyundai Accent
    Riders: 1 (me)
    Unconfirmed Riders: 1
    Space Available: 2 left
    Contact: freeskierman16 at (msn, or email) Have cellphone, will roam.

    2 unconfirmed riders. Didn't get a followup email though so i'm not sure of their status.

    DeadlySherpa on
  • delphinusdelphinus Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    never been before. is there a definate $ sign i can put to all of this? not including food.

    so im looking for est on gas assuming its $1.10 per litre
    hotel costs


    delphinus on
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    If your driver fills up in the states, gas is a lot cheaper. I spent ~50 bucks on gas last year, split between 5 people.

    As far as hotel rooms go, you'll probably want to try and room with someone else to save money. The hotels up now are going to run you about 1000 bucks for 4 nights, then split however many ways. The Days Inn, which was a pax hotel later last year, was around 400 for 4 nights, again split however many ways. You can check out the Room-Share sticky thread to see if people have space, etc.

    Admission is 40 bucks for a 3-day pass if you get it early, and a small bit more if you pre-order it before pax.

    The "New to PAX" sticky has a lot of good info in it as well.

    tr0tsky on
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    tr0tsky nailed that one pretty well. Aside from that, the hotel and gas costs are pretty much variable, depending on how many people you split them with-- and how far you're driving from. If you can get a car filled with four people as a group, then share the room costs with that same group, the costs will come down quite a bit for each individual.

    b0wser on
  • X1ZeroX1Zero Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Count me in!

    Group Leader: Me (mike)

    Location: Coquitlam, British Columbia

    Starting Waypoint: Wherever is needed (couldnt find any in the post?)

    Vehicle: 2007/Chevrolet Cobalt/SS-SuperCharged

    Riders: 1 confirmed passenger

    Space Available: 2 back seats, limited trunk space

    Contact: Use PM until its more official

    X1Zero on
    - X1Zero
  • LailLail Surrey, B.C.Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    tr0tsky wrote: »
    The hotels up now are going to run you about 1000 bucks for 4 nights, then split however many ways.

    $1000 for 4 nights? They're $169 a night. I realise that's in US dollars but we're hovering around parity. Even with taxes and fees it should only be around $800 for four nights, no?

    I hope I'm not missing something really obvious...

    Lail on
  • X1ZeroX1Zero Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    No, you are correct. $1000 for the weekend is an average I would say.
    My room is $215/night for 4 nights. So $1000 is correct for me, but if you take $169/night x 4 nights + taxes then yes, should be less than $1000.

    X1Zero on
    - X1Zero
  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Mine is about $195 a night but they were charging like an extra $50 a night for rollaway beds if you had more then 2 people in them.

    Just lie about the extra people and bring an air mattress or two.

    TNTrooper on
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    Lail wrote: »
    $1000 for 4 nights? They're $169 a night. I realise that's in US dollars but we're hovering around parity. Even with taxes and fees it should only be around $800 for four nights, no?

    Yah, sorry. I checked my reservation and it's $781 for 4 nights for a 2 double-bed room. Then you can add $140 for 4 nights of parking and it comes up to $921, plus whatever room expenses you might accrue.

    Note, this is just in my case. There will most likely be cheaper hotels opening up as we get closer to the event.

    tr0tsky on
  • delphinusdelphinus Registered User regular
    edited February 2008
    so i might be bringing another with me. but hes on the limb of the fence.

    so if he does come, its around 500 bucks each?

    by the way, im coming from surrey, rider or driver.

    delphinus on
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2008
    delphinus wrote: »
    so i might be bringing another with me. but hes on the limb of the fence.

    so if he does come, its around 500 bucks each?

    by the way, im coming from surrey, rider or driver.

    It will only be so expensive if you stay as just the two of you. If you can find more people to stay with between now and then, it will be cheaper. Many people look for roomspace with other attendees, so if you're open to sharing with forumers, then that might cut your costs.

    Note: I've done a basic group list update, with the information I've got to this point. (09:38 AM, Feb.27)

    b0wser on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited March 2008
    so emo boy got his lisence, meaning we can drive with more than just the two of us. As of the moment we have about.... 6 unconfirmed passengers, so we will be adding another car to our group.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited March 2008
    I heard reports that Gas could reach up to $1.50 per litre this summer. We will be traveling at possibly the worst time for this. So everyone should prepare for this... unfortunate circumstance.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2008
    I've just got the schedule posted for the Edmonton-Seattle route. Next to be completed will be the Vancouver-Seattle route-- but the new schedule creates a problem with the Vancouver Island-Seattle route.

    By arriving in Mt. Vernon earlier this year, the Sidney-Anacortes ferry sails too late to be an effective connection with the Supertrip there. This is only a problem because this ferry only sails once a day-- while BC Ferries sails many times a day.

    I'm looking for ideas from Vancouver Island attendees about this situation and how we can resolve it.

    b0wser on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    We have another vehicle to add to our group.

    Heres how the situation appears as of today:

    Vehicle 1: Honda or Jetta
    Driven by EmoEric & Confirmed Passenger: Sumi.
    Unconfirmed passengers: 5
    Seats still available: 3

    Vehicle 2: Toyota Tercel
    Driven by Healthpack.
    Confirmed passengers: 0
    Unconfirmed Passengers: 2
    Seats Still available: 3

    So that Equals 6 available seats and 7 unconfirmed passengers.

    Still a possibility of a third vehicle tho I don't think that will be necessary. I'm positive some unconfirmed passengers will drop out.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • Bob_EBob_E Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I'm one of three Kiwi blokes who will be in Vancouver leading up to PAX; could we hitch a lift on the convoy? We will have passports sorted, and of course be willing to help with fuel costs and travel expenses as per the requirements.

    Bob_E on
  • pandorajeannepandorajeanne Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Talking to my boys that will be heading to PAX, they live in Van area and I live in Kamloops. Just emailed them and let them know about this Supertrip. Sounds rad, hopefully they're in. Will totally keep you posted.

    pandorajeanne on
    You can brag if you win, but don't cry if you lose.
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    okay we are confirming Dathose as a passenger in our first vehicle.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    For the bus trip, I'm planning on taking the 8:15 am Greyhound from Vancouver on the 28th arriving around noon in Seattle. It's gonna be about $50 plus tax round-trip.

    If there are people from Coquitlam who want to take the bus down with us, let me know because then we'll have to take the 10:50 bus (the 8:15 doesn't stop in Coquitlam) arriving around 4.

    PM me if you have any questions, but the bus is pretty straightforward :D

    tr0tsky on
  • TrichotomyTrichotomy Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I am hopefully going, depending on when I have to go to university, but that shouldn't be a problem. I'll be going from Penticton and hoping to hitch a ride. Thanks all.

    Trichotomy on
    This is my signature. It is funny.
  • SirSchweinSirSchwein Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Hell yes! One more for the Victoria clipper.

    SirSchwein on
  • SnoowySnoowy Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Is there anybody who is planning on leaving Victoria for Seattle Friday afternoon? I know it's probably not the best time to leave but my friend has school that day I believe and he is going to attempt to leave then.

    Can anybody give me some ferry options from Victoria to Seattle that I can rely to him? Thanks.

    Snoowy on
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Snoowy wrote: »
    Can anybody give me some ferry options from Victoria to Seattle that I can rely to him? Thanks.

    For vehicles, the best bet is to try getting a reservation for the Washington State Ferries Sidney-Anacortes boat. It sails once daily, departing from Sidney which is just north of Victoria. The BC Ferries boats are sailing on a reliable enough schedule, but it would add a significant chunk of time to the trip by making a land-based border crossing. The Sidney-Anacortes boat does not fit in with the Supertrip schedule, and the only BC Ferries option that fits is the 06:00 Thursday morning sailing.

    Pedestrians get the best deal though, because they can board the Victoria Clipper in downtown Victoria and then get to downtown Seattle hassle-free. If your friend is interested in the Clipper and schedule permits it, there's a group getting together for the 7pm Thursday night sailing.

    b0wser on
  • SnoowySnoowy Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Well I don't think that he would be able to do a Thursday night trip since he's staying with us and we aren't arriving till Friday. BUT I shall tell him all the wonderful things that you told me! Thanks!

    Snoowy on
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Snoowy wrote: »
    Well I don't think that he would be able to do a Thursday night trip since he's staying with us and we aren't arriving till Friday. BUT I shall tell him all the wonderful things that you told me! Thanks!

    I don't think it'd be hard for him to find a place to crash that first night. If he would rather go down on Thursday night, he might want to try and contact one of the people going on the clipper to see if he can borrow some floor space for Thurs night. Most people are pretty happy to help out.

    tr0tsky on
  • DMUSERDMUSER Registered User new member
    edited April 2008
    I have what might be a dumb question, but in the trip leaving from Edmonton on the 26th of August...where do the extra 24 hours go that suddenly time warp us to the 28th go?

    Do you mean we should be leaving on the 27th instead?

    Maybe I'm missing something.

    DMUSER on
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I think the dates are kinda messed up for the Edmonton->Vancouver leg, considering it says you're leaving the Skyline Esso station on the 22nd :P Probably copy/pasted from last years and got mixed up.

    tr0tsky on
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I've just corrected those bits, thanks for pointing them out. The Eastern group does leave Edmonton on the 27th.

    b0wser on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Two more confirmed riders: Kb and Eathan in my vehicle

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • BeranabusBeranabus Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Alright I make no promises as to being able to come for the super trip but I'm already working on it though being in Ontario it is some work. None the less I'm working in the possibility of my dad driving down to there as our vacation time I might also bring along a few others depending and I can almost say for sure that I will be meeting up with my friend in Vancouver to join with us if all this happens I will have two seats left. My fathers vehicle is a truck so it's bad on gas but can at least bring a lot. Once I talk this through with him I'll be back with the details. Pray I can make it!

    Beranabus on
This discussion has been closed.