First, history: I have always been a really healthy person, my grandfather is a doctor and my grandmother is a nurse, and we're the kind of family that prefers walking it off to taking medications. Most of my visits to a medical professional involved sprained ankles or mandatory vaccinations.
So recently, I started to get sick with some frequency, and my boss encouraged me to see a doctor. One thing after another kept happening, which culminated in the doctor basically accusing me of being a depressed hypochondriac because I was complaining of excessive fatigue. It turned out to be a reaction to my allergy medication, and once I stopped taking it I was fine, although then the allergies kicked back in, etc.
The problem is that I have this huge zit-like thing on my back. WebMD says it's a boil or an abcess (same thing, I guess?) and seems to indicate that if I am careful about it, it could clear up on its own within a week or so.
However, there are also some symptoms that mean I should see a doctor, and I have some of them. These include:
The boil is on your face,
near your spine, or near your anus.
A boil is getting larger.
You are in a lot of pain. (I'm not sure what constitutes "a lot" but I can say that ibuprofen doesn't help)
The area around the boil is red or has red streaks leading from it.
My dad told me I have a staph infection and I'm going to die unless I see a doctor, but my dad is by no means an expert. After the whole shit with my doctor thinking I'm nuts, I'm uneasy about going to see him and having him basically tell me to suck it up and go home. I just had to see him for an infected lip last month, and he was kind of short with me and it felt like he sent me home with some antibiotics just to placate me. And of course, now I can't help but wonder if I AM a hypochondriac and I'm just in denial. Or if I'm making a big deal out of nothing.
Long story short,
should I go to the doctor or should I tough it out?
You know, one who cares about patients. This thread is worthless without pics?
But honestly, if it was me, I'd chill and not do anything about it. If you're worried though, look up a different doctor in your healthcare plan's book of allowable doctors
Or just any random doctor if you do not have such a book. Heck, go to a free clinic...get a few opinions on it.
oh, and go to a new doctor Kusanku
I mean, really, if the guy makes you feel like shit, how are you ever going to talk about him about a lump in your testicles or something?
But yeah, find a new doctor. Are there walk-in clinics you can go to?
And yeah, no lumps in my testicles, what with my having a vag. And I have a special nice doctor for that, thankfully.
See a doctor ASAP. They will lance and drain the boil and put you on antibiotics, which is better than the alternative (if it is in fact Staph): Developing worse symptoms and going to the hospital. Those boils can also leave gnarly scars - extra incentive to get it taken care of fast.
So yeah, gonna change the title and hopefully get this locked. Thanks again!
Edit: Okay, can't figure out how to change the title. Could a helpful mod call this fixed and lock it?