Robert Khoo wrote:BYOC will be in the Meydenbauer Center. No worries.
Robert Khoo wrote:The BYOPC will in fact be an option this year, but will be a separate registration, as will all tournaments. Keep an eye on the forums as well as your inbox in the upcoming weeks for the link.
It sounds like it's being placed in one of the hotels...
Thats because after we got everything set up there was nothing else to do but watch the door and manage the freeplay area. The LPNW guys (people running the BYOC) were able to sit and play games since there were no problems with any of the servers, network, or power.
Me and my security were just sitting and BS'ing while checking badges and checking newcommers in.
Our boredom also spawned the videogame trivia on the projector I had, the guess the obsecure game thing from a screenshot, the AMD swag giveaway (w00t PAX!), and me pimping my computer chair to various people :P
Awesome! And this time, I'm bringing my La-Z-boy recliner:
No more buttaches for me!
Plus im quite sure theres some firecode thing to an immoveable object in an isle.
Yes! One final thing - how do I register to bring my pc in? I know previous years it was directly on the pre-registration to fill out, but do I just show up with my computer this year?
from another thread.... enjoy...