While it was mentioned in the Omegathon thread, the point that the learning curve in this game can be
vicious was raised. Still, if this game isn't represented in
some way at PAX '06, I'll be sorely disappointed.
So, you know, if a crappy game like
Halo gets a tournament, I don't see why Guitar Hero can't have one. A big one.
I imagine single elimination, matching up people at random. First 1/4 of rounds are Easy, second 1/4 Medium, etc. etc. Flip a coin each round to figure out who gets to choose the song.
Last round, both players pick a song, plus a third song selected by the judges, winner decided by total points in all three songs.
Extra points awarded by spectators for whoever does the most physical rocking out.
and it must be on stage
The more I think about it, the more I think a seperate contestant should get a prize in the vein of "Most Rockingest Player," to try and coerce more people into rocking out and making bigger fools of themselves while playing.
Today I was playing Spanish Castle Magic with a friend and, during the chorus bit, hit the strumbar with my nose. I'm not badass enough to do it true-to-life Hendrix style, though, especially since playing the guitar with my penis might result in people refusing to play with me anymore.
I'm not a Guitar Heroes pro, but I still love the game
Open multiplayer would be nice though, it';s no fun playing my brother when he has to use the duelshock, even though he almost kicked my ass on Killer Queen.