Hey, ive never been to PAX before but im coming this year for the 3 days ::D Im coming alllll the way from the UK with a mate of mine which is costing us like $1200 between us to get there and back, so obviously im gonna be a little short on cash cos i only work part time. Cos of this i was wondering if anyone could tell me like how much food and drink costs there on average? and i was wonderign what other things there are to buy merchandise wise? id really appreciate a little knowledge so im not jumping straight in the deep end without arm bands
I survived last year on US$15/day for food. Probably not the healthiest thing I've done, but I was also at PAX each day for 12-18 hours and didn't have a lot of time to grab a bite to eat. I'd consider $15/day a good minimum if you want to do this cheap. You could go even less, but it's always good to have extra on hand.
There's also a lot of awesome advice here. I strongly suggest you check it out.
There's also a lot of awesome advice here. I strongly suggest you check it out.
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