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PAX07 retrospect in pictures, and our sites' 08 plans

GodfatherXGodfatherX Registered User regular
edited February 2008 in PAX Archive
Ok, most probably don't remember me from last year but im the managing editor [and podcast host] of and overlord of the recently launched The other day [when i should have been working] I finally got around to organize some photos and uploaded my PAX07 pics to Slide.

click on "Original view" to get a better view

let me know if the link doesnt work

and for 2008 the Stylecast network is going to PAX and bringing numbers. Avid and myself will be attending again, as well as possibly 2 members from the 360 staff and 3 members from my staff. Considering hosting a pre-PAX party [would make sure it didnt fall on the Robot Chicken or Sealab events], details are forth coming.

Would like to thank everyone for a great PAX experience last year, without the community there wouldn't be a PAX at all. Special thanks to Mr. Khoo for all the work as well, I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is to put this together.

GodfatherX on
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