Wow! That Peanuts Live video was truly stunning! (His site appears to have been tubed!) I'm surprised that video wasn't already viral and all over the interweb. Can't wait to see this guy live!
He's absolutely incredible live. I was at an Amon Tobin show in San Francisco last year when I found him- he was the opening act but totally stole the show.
Robert Khoo on
Some guy.
flatrabbitKing of ToastThat place, over there.Registered Userregular
edited February 2006
I'm so looking forward to this.
flatrabbit on
--"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde
Well Gabe did kind of direct the entire readership to a video on there. Maybe next time he'll see about kindly mirroring such a thing on PA's servers first but I question even their file serving powers when it comes to such rich full motion medias.