Hello i hope that the right person can answer this question. i am on staff for the 2006 Sakura-Con gaming staff and i did attend the 2005 PAX con and i have to ask. does anyone know who supplied the game for the console?
besides the people was there a company that let you rent out a lot of ps2 games ect?
i have tryed emailing some people but haven't gotten a replie.
please help.
thanks for your time
Husher~ on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2006
I may be wrong, but I think all of the consoles were loaned from people. I don't remember hearing a company mentioned when G&T were doing the final thank yous at the end of the Omegathon (I my PAX05 DVDS)
Moe Fwacky on
flatrabbitKing of ToastThat place, over there.Registered Userregular
edited March 2006
Donations and loaners.
flatrabbit on
--"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde