Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for the main events! Feast your eyes as two of comicdom's strongest and baldest writers weave a tale sure to stupefy both the brain and wallet! In the blue corner, kicking off in May and weighing at 7 issues strong and hinted at all the way back from the classic tales of the Animal Man of 1988-1990, brought to you by Grant Morrison and DC, The Final Crisis!
And in the red corner, starting next week and weighing in at 8 issues, confounding fandom since the fall of the old and the beginning of the New Avengers in 2004, brought to you by Brian Michael Bendis and Marvel, The Secret Invasion!
So what can we expect from the latest attempts to leave our savings and checking accounts a few bills lighter?
Final CrisisPros: -The biggest hints about the story (or at least a good chunk of it) revolve around the characters DC fans know Jack Kirby best by, the New Gods. While apparently decimated in the Death Of The New Gods mini-series, we'll still be seeing at the very least Darkseid coming to Earth. Anyone who's seen the Superman episodes where that happened or better yet read Morrison's JLA story about a Darkseid-ruled Earth knows how bad it can get (but in a good way). According to FC-related interviews, any New God we'll be seeing will supposedly come unleashed, dropping what's been said to be simply a shell used all these years to keep those on DC's Earth from going insane.
-Morrison plans to bring in elements of his 7 Soldiers story into the Final Crisis, mainly the events related to Mr. Miracle.
-Morrison's no stranger to writing big stories as mentioned above by his work on 7 Soldiers.
-Morrison and the mini-series' artist, J.G. Jones, aren't strangers as they've worked together before on the Marvel Boy mini-series for Marvel years ago. Jones' more recent work include Villains United and covers for 52.
-Promises to be the LAST Crisis.
Cons: -Morrison's no stranger to writing big, COMPLICATED stories. Some of which haven't completely stuck in either DC or Marvel continuity as his X-Men and 7 Soldiers runs will tell you. One can't help wondering if he's writing the Crisis partly to reinforce how important 7S SHOULD be to DC.
-DC didn't make us wait to let us know that the story would be delayed midway through or so, skipping a month before continuing. Doesn't mean we have to like it.
-The buildup for the Final Crisis hasn't been all that great as it's Countdown has been picked apart by everyone for the most part. It's gotten so bad that DC's actually decided to tone down how important the weekly series is to the Final Crisis and make it's zero issue into it's own 50-cent special simply called DC Universe.
Wild-Card To Watch For: Whoever's Trapped In The Lightning Rod - Not long after DC's current day resets of the JLA and JSA titles, both stories crossed over in a story that sent Legion Of Super-Heroes fans into a tailspin of confusion by reintroducing the original Legion back into DC-continuity after confirming the current Legion team as the legit future for DC's Earth. Not bothering to answer any questions, the Legion members found by both the JSA and JLA came together to use an old plan involving 31st-century lightning rods that one time were used to save the life of one of their own. This time, the rods were used to capture someone, spirit if not whole, inside of one. Taken back to their future, the rod was given to their Brainiac 5. B5 still has the rod as shown in the ongoing story in Action Comics, claiming that whoever's inside must stay in there until the 'crisis of the 31st century'.
Seeing as Final Crisis is supposed to be the last one, it seems that most likely whatever crisis Brainiac 5 mentioned will most likely tie into FC. The fact that this year's the Legion's 50th anniversary and more then one version of them are confirmed to show up in the prelude-issue, DC Universe, pretty much locks it in. The question now seems to be who's in the Lightning Rod. Top guesses amongst the fans include Barry Allen and his grandson Bart, two who've held the mantle of the Flash before, a hero that plays an important part to a Crisis. One important thing to note however is the fact that the Legion who holds the Rod once fought one of FC's known villains, Darkseid. Could it be that the person inside the Rod might be in fact the one and perhaps only being the Legion felt could beat Darkseid?
Secret InvasionPros: -This story's all about Skrulls, Skrulls, Skrulls, the shape-shifting aliens of the Marvel-U. Marvel and Bendis have done a pretty good job building up the suspense for the story, using the simple line of 'Who Do You Trust?' to cause comic-geeks in shops and message boards to go insane trying to guess who and how many of Marvel's Earth-bound characters have been switched out for an alien-substitute, especially as the hero who could have been Skrull #1, Iron Man, was taken off the Skrull-list by Bendis himself.
-Bendis has been planning this for four years, ever since he took a sledge-hammer to the Avengers team in Avengers Disassembled. Ever since then, he's kept a tight rein on New Avengers and lately Mighty Avengers to make sure there were no unexpected swerves to his big story.
-Bendis chose wisely in picking the more speedier of his initial post-CW Avengers artists, Leinil Yu. Yu's gotten praise for his work on New Avengers since the first big Skrull reveal and doubts about how his art being big-event worthy have been killed off as fans read through the preview for the story put up on Entertainment Weekly's web-site.
-Promises to have at least one big Skrull-reveal mind-fuck and not to be one big reset button.
Cons: -Bendis has been planning this for four years and that can be a long time for a story to stay fresh. That combined with all the raised expectations for the story could lead to an ugly crash.
-There's gonna be a Frontline mini-series with the event. Sorry. Not written by Paul Jenkins though.
-The rise or fall of the event all depends on how scary Bendis can make the Skrulls. Concidering they've still been trying to overcome their loss in their first appearance by being hypnotized into cows...
-Marvel's done a lot of good with their lesser-known characters lately as can be seen with Iron Fist and Luke Cage. This'll lead to a lot of disappointment if one of those characters we've grown to love turns out to be only cool because they were replaced.
Wild-Card To Watch For: Marvel Boy - Created and brought to Marvel by the duo behind DC's event this year, Marvel Boy may finally have a chance to shine since his debut in 2001. A Kree from an alternate reality, Noh-Varr AKA Marvel Boy made a definite impact from the moment he got stranded in the 616 by writing a giant 'Fuck You' all across New York City big enough to be seen in space by SHIELD. Pissed off at humanity, he decided (while being carted off to jail) at the end of his mini-series to take over the Earth.
Timeline-wise, the next time he's mentioned is in the Illuminati mini-series, visited astrally by the think-tank while in his special jail, the Cube. They try to change his mind when it comes to using his powers against the Earth, capping it off by showing him images of Captain Marvel and what he'd look like in the suit as a modern-day replacement. Any second thoughts end up being quashed though as the Cube's caretaker manages to brainwash him and sends him under orders of Maria Hill to capture both the Young Avengers and Runaways during the Civil War. Once his mind is freed though, he quickly takes over the Cube, declaring it to be the capital of the new Kree Empire. It's hard to tell exactly what role he'll play in SI though it's confirmed to be a big one. While he may not be cosmic, he has other powers that'll make it difficult to stop him once he gets started, especially if he brings whatever knowledge of his reality's advanced-then-regular-Kree-tech to the table.
shit you already know bendis is gonna do this
it will take J.G. Jones thousands of years to finish his stuff
(look at me I'm a comic written by Bendis) (love comics)
because diana rigg in the avengers was quite a pretty lady
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
Some of them are life model decoys of skrulls.
Where the hell would one start? Heck, the only super hero I even like or know anything more than the briefest of history about is Batman, and even he has a vast selection of comics to his name.
why must they make me wait
nick furry and the yiffing commandos
get to work fat 13 year old girls
Just read Nextwave. You'll thank me later.
Maybe after this one we'll move into Predicaments, Calamities, and Kettles of Fish.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
you should always take a chance to read something with machine man
Cans of worms.
Find a graphic novel in your local librarium or bookshop and read it. Go to GV and talk about it and prepare to wade through millions of recommendations of everything under the sun.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
We are so getting that shit when it comes out in trades.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
Fine messes.
Right outta the park
Rank tell me more about all the comic books you read.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I was reading my manager's toyfair and they had the All Star toys and it said, "Inspired by the Best Selling Graphic Novel All-Star Batman & Robin Volume 1"
shit doesn't come out until June and they already say it's best selling
I'm sure he's seen the same eight panels that people posted all the time
That's really all you need to get out of Nextwve
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
f u final crisis 4 life
because i mean like, most stories don't really have anything to do with them, do they?
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Fuck Yeah!
Amazon Wishlist:
lol retard j.g. jones more like join gays jones
fucking benids is 8 tymez the righter than morrizon
please I implore you