The Canadian Supertrip used the Sidney-Anacortes ferry last year, but it doesn't jive up with the revised schedule this year. I will recommend that people take the Clipper, and it can be another part of the CST.
SmallLady: If you want, we can organize this idea quite well. Just let me know, and I'll add a specific Clipper section to the Canadian Supertrip. It looks like we'll have a bus group from Vancouver too, so this could be pretty interesting!
in anycase, if anybody cares to travel wtih us, feel free to drop me a line at angthurston at
SmallLady: If you want, we can organize this idea quite well. Just let me know, and I'll add a specific Clipper section to the Canadian Supertrip. It looks like we'll have a bus group from Vancouver too, so this could be pretty interesting!
that would be great!!! also please add my email if people want more details on meeting up at the Victoria clipper and such
angthurston at