Is this ever going to happen? I'd love to see one in the Boston Area/NY area. I think there would be more than enough gamers from the PA community to make it worthwhile.
Or has something like this been talked about already?
Sigh, that sucks.
I wonder what it would take for them to consider having one on the East Coast?
10,000 pre-sold tickets?
But maybe the east coast is too expensive to do an event, and maybe the logistics of doing an event not in your home town are too daunting as well.
Has there ever been an official word on an East Coast event from the guys?
ottobclark on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2008
Everybody wants PAX to be in their hometown. PAX however is in Seattle, which is better than your hometown. Don't believe me, go to PAX and you'll see that I'm right.
We had an official thread to suggest a location for another PAX we got a couple good locations suggested then it turned into "PAX should be in my town cause we got a some what big convention center, some hotels and I don't think the roads that I have known for years aren't as confusing as my first trip to Seattle for PAX this year." Then it just turned into a bunch of bitching and Moe probably closed the thread.
I don't think that they can handle more than one of these events in a calendar year. I also don't think that they really make much actual profit off of PAX so it doesn't make much financial sense to do an East Coast version. Maybe Scott Kurtz can whip up a PVPExpo.
If he did it would be in texas, still no help to east coasters. I'm just glad I'm on the west siiiiiiide this year so it's feasible to make it to PAX for once.
I don't think that they can handle more than one of these events in a calendar year. I also don't think that they really make much actual profit off of PAX so it doesn't make much financial sense to do an East Coast version. Maybe Scott Kurtz can whip up a PVPExpo.
I remember Khoo saying somewhere that PAX is more or less a break-even event simply to make it as accessible as possible. Sure it's worth a lot more than its price, but PA Inc. actually uses a lot of their sponsorship and exhibition fee money to defray attendees' costs.
Sigh, that sucks.
I wonder what it would take for them to consider having one on the East Coast?
10,000 pre-sold tickets?
But maybe the east coast is too expensive to do an event, and maybe the logistics of doing an event not in your home town are too daunting as well.
Has there ever been an official word on an East Coast event from the guys?
Sigh, that sucks.
I wonder what it would take for them to consider having one on the East Coast?
10,000 pre-sold tickets?
But maybe the east coast is too expensive to do an event, and maybe the logistics of doing an event not in your home town are too daunting as well.
Has there ever been an official word on an East Coast event from the guys?
We pre-sold 22K tickets last year.
Ok, I meant 50K tickets.... But seriously what would it take to get some East Coast Luvin?
Sigh, that sucks.
I wonder what it would take for them to consider having one on the East Coast?
10,000 pre-sold tickets?
But maybe the east coast is too expensive to do an event, and maybe the logistics of doing an event not in your home town are too daunting as well.
Has there ever been an official word on an East Coast event from the guys?
We pre-sold 22K tickets last year.
Ok, I meant 50K tickets.... But seriously what would it take to get some East Coast Luvin?
Whats stoping you from coming to PAX right now?
Also to answer your question:
Hookers and blow for everybody!
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
yoshamanoThe fuck is this. The fuck was that.Marshall, Soviet MichiganRegistered Userregular
Sigh, that sucks.
I wonder what it would take for them to consider having one on the East Coast?
10,000 pre-sold tickets?
But maybe the east coast is too expensive to do an event, and maybe the logistics of doing an event not in your home town are too daunting as well.
Has there ever been an official word on an East Coast event from the guys?
We pre-sold 22K tickets last year.
Ok, I meant 50K tickets.... But seriously what would it take to get some East Coast Luvin?
It would take $100 pre-reg tickets, $150 at the door, no single day passes, just as many pre-reg tickets.
Most of the Enforcers would have to be flown out to where ever ePAX is at.
Sponsors wouldn't pay nearly what they would now because they have to fly/truck all their people and stuff out (as opposed to driving everything a couple of hours like they do now).
It would be in either Chicago or Atlanta because they're the only two cities logistically prepared and EASILY! capable of handling the every growing attendance numbers of PAX.
The prices I pulled out my ass, and they're probably on the low side. I just got back from attending K/BIS in Chicago. It pulls in around 40,000 people from all over the world. Badges were $55/person, but only because the sponsors of the event have mountains of cash to spend on the event. As an example, Kohler's booth is $3 million plus the cost of transporting it, and the floor rental that the half a city block two story booth takes up, PLUS all the money they spent as a top level sponsor. That's just one of the hundreds of companies that are at the event. PAX isn't even in the same ballpark, league, or country as these guys are money wise. So what if it turns out pre-reg passes were $150/person? Could you swing that? Could 20k other people swing it too?
Basically I'm taking this somewhat angry tone because you didn't search, and we already had a very serious discussion about this. I want PAX to be in my backyard too, but if your backyard isn't one of those two cities then it's not going to happen, ever ever, fucking ever. The only reason Seattle pulls it off is because most of the people live around there. I use K/BIS as another example because it pulls in a crowd very similar to PAX's size. K/BIS had 52 official hotels all within 3 miles of the convention center to accommodate that many people. PAX had 5 official hotels. All 52 K/BIS hotels had on the hour shuttle service to McCormick Place. We were on our own to get to the WSCTC. Does <insert your favorite city here> have those kind of accommodations? If your answer is, "I don't know" then go check. If your answer turns out no, then stop asking. If your answer is yes, then I'll eat my words about Chicago and Atlanta.
The consensus here is its not going to happen for a while.
I wonder what it would take for them to consider having one on the East Coast?
10,000 pre-sold tickets?
But maybe the east coast is too expensive to do an event, and maybe the logistics of doing an event not in your home town are too daunting as well.
Has there ever been an official word on an East Coast event from the guys?
If you are holding out going to pax in the hope there will be an East coast one soon... I wouldnt hold your breath :P Just fly out for PAX.
If he did it would be in texas, still no help to east coasters. I'm just glad I'm on the west siiiiiiide this year so it's feasible to make it to PAX for once.
I remember Khoo saying somewhere that PAX is more or less a break-even event simply to make it as accessible as possible. Sure it's worth a lot more than its price, but PA Inc. actually uses a lot of their sponsorship and exhibition fee money to defray attendees' costs.
We pre-sold 22K tickets last year.
By east coast, you mean pretty much everything but the west coast.
It's not like there's anything going on in the Midwest, either.
Depends how you define gaming events. Origins and GenCon Indy are both midwest.
Ok, I meant 50K tickets.... But seriously what would it take to get some East Coast Luvin?
Whats stoping you from coming to PAX right now?
Also to answer your question:
Hookers and blow for everybody!
It would take $100 pre-reg tickets, $150 at the door, no single day passes, just as many pre-reg tickets.
Most of the Enforcers would have to be flown out to where ever ePAX is at.
Sponsors wouldn't pay nearly what they would now because they have to fly/truck all their people and stuff out (as opposed to driving everything a couple of hours like they do now).
It would be in either Chicago or Atlanta because they're the only two cities logistically prepared and EASILY! capable of handling the every growing attendance numbers of PAX.
The prices I pulled out my ass, and they're probably on the low side. I just got back from attending K/BIS in Chicago. It pulls in around 40,000 people from all over the world. Badges were $55/person, but only because the sponsors of the event have mountains of cash to spend on the event. As an example, Kohler's booth is $3 million plus the cost of transporting it, and the floor rental that the half a city block two story booth takes up, PLUS all the money they spent as a top level sponsor. That's just one of the hundreds of companies that are at the event. PAX isn't even in the same ballpark, league, or country as these guys are money wise. So what if it turns out pre-reg passes were $150/person? Could you swing that? Could 20k other people swing it too?
Basically I'm taking this somewhat angry tone because you didn't search, and we already had a very serious discussion about this. I want PAX to be in my backyard too, but if your backyard isn't one of those two cities then it's not going to happen, ever ever, fucking ever. The only reason Seattle pulls it off is because most of the people live around there. I use K/BIS as another example because it pulls in a crowd very similar to PAX's size. K/BIS had 52 official hotels all within 3 miles of the convention center to accommodate that many people. PAX had 5 official hotels. All 52 K/BIS hotels had on the hour shuttle service to McCormick Place. We were on our own to get to the WSCTC. Does <insert your favorite city here> have those kind of accommodations? If your answer is, "I don't know" then go check. If your answer turns out no, then stop asking. If your answer is yes, then I'll eat my words about Chicago and Atlanta.