
Are you there, God? It's me, [Democratic Primaries]



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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    "This is your brain. This is your brain on hope." :lol:

    Richy on
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    KilroyKilroy timaeusTestified Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Saw a Hillary ad today. You'd think that since her campaign's in the red, she wouldn't waste money advertising in a state she's sure to win. Then again, no one ever accused her of making rational decisions.

    Kilroy on
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    TubularLuggageTubularLuggage Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Richy wrote: »
    titmouse wrote: »
    Barr confirmed that he was asked by McCain supporters not to run for fear he would pull votes from the GOP, but he defended his decision by saying that "American voters deserve better than simply the lesser of two evils."
    I hate my state.
    I'm ok with it.

    And why is the Libertarian nomination going to this Bob guy instead of Ron Paul? Paul has been the front centre libertarian candidate for months, and is polling pretty high (for a libertarian). Why's Bob getting the nomination?

    Apparently he actually meant it when he said he wasn't considering a 3rd party run. I figured at the time he just didn't want to do anything to make his run for the GOP nomination look like a second choice.
    The Libertarian Party actually set up a resolution basically saying that if Paul wants the Libertarian nomination, he has it.

    Anyway, I see absolutely no problem with offering people an alternative if they don't want to vote Democrat or Republican, but also don't want to abstain from voting. The Libertarian party has some good ideas if you ignore some wacky figures they've had (no, I'm not counting Paul as a wacky figure, I actually have a lot of respect for the man).

    TubularLuggage on
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    KiplingKipling Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Hachface wrote: »

    I don't really buy it. Isn't Obama's father the real apostate?

    As I understand it, though I'm no expert, Obama's fine because his father abandoned him and thus the obligation to participate in his faith was abandoned. This is what I read upon further research anyway.

    You could ask an expert. Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani will answer your questions about Islam: http://www.sistani.org/local.php?modules=nav&nid=12

    The rest of his Q&A section is excellent as well: "Is it allowed to marry a prostitute?".

    Kipling on
    3DS Friends: 1693-1781-7023
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    HilgerHilger Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    The "Obamacan" ad that won the "Obama in 30 seconds" contest is really fucking boring, and I'm really surprised it was the winner. I was rooting for the Mac vs PC parody to win and "This is your brain on hope" was really good too. Oh well.

    Hilger on
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    HozHoz Cool Cat Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Yeah, MoveOn should stick to accepting negative ads.

    Hoz on
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    DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Richy wrote: »
    titmouse wrote: »
    Barr confirmed that he was asked by McCain supporters not to run for fear he would pull votes from the GOP, but he defended his decision by saying that "American voters deserve better than simply the lesser of two evils."
    I hate my state.
    I'm ok with it.

    And why is the Libertarian nomination going to this Bob guy instead of Ron Paul? Paul has been the front centre libertarian candidate for months, and is polling pretty high (for a libertarian). Why's Bob getting the nomination?

    Because for whatever reason, Paul isn't leaving the Republican party.

    There's a clear reason, and it was posted on a previous page. Paul is sticking around so that his supporters can sieze a speaking position at the Republican convention. I have a feeling that it will be highly entertaining, and am glad that I live in Minneapolis to witness it firsthand.

    Speaking of disasters waiting to happen, I found a flier stapled to the telephone pole at my bus stop that reads:
    2008 Election Debate = Should we support the Democratic nominee or break from the corporate two-party system and vote for Nader? Is a new party for working people needed?

    It has pictures of Nader, Clinton, and Obama at the top (in that order) and a list of speakers: a Nader activist, a Green Party activist, a, and two Democratic city councellors.

    Then this:
    The 2008 elections are reflecting the wide-spread demand for "change," but many remain skeptical that the Democrats can deliver. Can the influence of big business campaign contributers be broken, allowing the anti-war, pro-worker politics of the Democratic base guide policy in Washington? Or is the Democratic Party too corrupted by corporate cash? Should progressive workers and youth support independant campaigns like Nader's and struggle to build a new mass anti-war, pro-worker party?

    Paid for by Minnesota chapter of the Socialist Alternative.

    I tore it down so I could type that to you all. Then I saw another posted in the bus stop shelter, where it says "post no bills." So I took that as justification to take that one down, too. Because the stupid was just too strong for me to resist the opening.

    I know, I know, censorship and all. But Nader has not earned this opening to have his screed get a forum. I'm heavily considering going to this thing and giving the Nader advocate what-for. If there's any year to give the Democrats a shot at living up to their anti-war, pro-worker promise, it's this year. Nader is an inflexible coot who doesn't realize that a slightly flawed president is better than an absolute fucking monstrosity... and he's the one person who should know this lesson down cold. I just hope these city council people are as strong Obama supporters as Mayor Rybak is; if not, I'm gonna have to fucking do it myself.

    Dracomicron on
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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I'm with you Drac.

    One of my happiest days working for the student association was when some dumb sovereignist guy put up posters for some dumb sovereignist thing, but he didn't get them approved and stamped properly, so I had an excuse to walk around the building tearing down dumb sovereignist posters :)

    Richy on
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    DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Richy wrote: »
    I'm with you Drac.

    One of my happiest days working for the student association was when some dumb sovereignist guy put up posters for some dumb sovereignist thing, but he didn't get them approved and stamped properly, so I had an excuse to walk around the building tearing down dumb sovereignist posters :)

    I'm not even sure what you mean by "sovereignist thing." You in a monarchy or something?

    Anyways, I saw it earlier here, but MyDD made a much bigger deal of the 11 year-old who gave Bill Clinton $440 for Hillary's campaign.

    I posted in horror; saying that the Clintons need to give this kid back the money or donate it to Burmese relief charity or at the very, very least earmark it for the general so that it gets sent back to him if she doesn't become the nominee. This was a stand on principle due to my fundamental belief that, were I in Clinton's situation, I would not have earned this kid's bike or vacation money. Of course I got troll rated several times.

    A brilliant poster wrote the following:
    mazement wrote:
    Once upon a time, there was a young boy whose best friend was dying of cancer. His friend desperately wanted to go to Disneyland before he died. No one else in the neighborhood seemed to care.

    The boy decided to raise money for his friend. He worked long hours, and sold his most cherished possessions. Only the very day that he earned the last dollar he needed, he learned that his friend had died.

    The next day, he went down to the travel agency and bought a non-redeemable Disneyland package in his friend's name. He took the paperwork to the funeral home and slipped it into the coffin just before the lid was nailed shut. The townspeople all praised the boy for his generosity.

    Afterwards, a foolish and wicked man said, "You know, that was heartwarming to watch, but really he's just given his hard-earned money to a large corporation, for services that they'll never provide. Giving to charity is a noble thing, and it speaks well of him. And it is his money, and he's entitled to spend it however he wants. But surely there are other dying children who also want to go to Disneyland. If he had given a vacation package to one of them, wouldn't that have been a better way of honoring his friend's memory?"

    The townspeople were furious at his cynicism: "How dare you say that it's wrong to give money to charity!" With that, they troll-rated him into oblivion.

    And they lived happily ever after.

    That poster was both troll rated and hide rated (the latter being reserved for only the most egregious racism or personal slander).

    Dracomicron on
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    HilgerHilger Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I know, I know, censorship and all. But Nader has not earned this opening to have his screed get a forum. I'm heavily considering going to this thing and giving the Nader advocate what-for. If there's any year to give the Democrats a shot at living up to their anti-war, pro-worker promise, it's this year. Nader is an inflexible coot who doesn't realize that a slightly flawed president is better than an absolute fucking monstrosity... and he's the one person who should know this lesson down cold. I just hope these city council people are as strong Obama supporters as Mayor Rybak is; if not, I'm gonna have to fucking do it myself.
    Go there and cleanse it with fire. Seriously, it really shouldn't be that hard. Here's what you do:
    1. Bring pictures of Al Gore and George W. Bush.
    2. Point to George W. and say "This motherfucker here is our president. He is responsible for [blahblahblah Iraq, fucking the economy, fucking up the Kyoto protocol, torturing motherfuckers, impugning our civil liberties, electing assholes to the Supreme Court, etc.]"
    3. Point to Al Gore and say "This guy, who has dedicated the last several years to being a voice for action in regards to global climate change, is NOT our president BECAUSE"
    4. Point to graph of vote margin between Gore and Bush in Florida, and then point out Nader's vote total.
    5. Shout at the motherfucking top of your lungs, "YOU ASSHATS DE FACTO ELECTED GEORGE WALKER BUSH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES."
    6. Bring out pictures of Obama and Mccain.
    7. Point to McCain and say, "Okay. This guy wants to keep our soldiers in Iraq, wants to keep tax breaks for the wealthy and has at this point condoned torture. He has pledged to elect conservative judges to the Supreme Court, which leaves landmark Supreme Court decisions like Roe v. Wade in danger of being overturned."
    8. Point to Obama and say, "and THIS guy wants to get our soldiers out of Iraq, he wants to take tax breaks away from the super-wealthy and give them to the middle class. He wants to address climate change by giving people green-jobs working to help the environment, and he will elect liberal justices to the Supreme Court, ensuring the safety of cases like Roe v. Wade."
    10. Set the motherfucking house on fire.
    11. Mothafuckas.

    Hilger on
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    SavantSavant Simply Barbaric Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Polbano, everyone's favorite mathematical modeler of the election dynamics, has figured out a pretty specific path to victory based on demographics for Obama in November. At the base level he dubs them the "40/20" and the "40/30/20" plans. The 40/20 plan is to increase turnout relative to previous elections of youth voters (age 18-24) by 40% and AAs by 20%, and the 40/30/20 plan adds in increasing turnout of Hispanics by 30%. This turns what is currently on average a narrow defeat to a comfortable victory. If he can somehow pull out a 50/50/40 plan or something there abouts, McCain will almost surely be destroyed and there will be many Republican strongholds put into play.

    Given Obama's recent voter registration efforts and focus on GOTV, I think he has already been on top of this strategy.

    Savant on
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    GoslingGosling Looking Up Soccer In Mongolia Right Now, Probably Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Sometimes candidates like Nader rationalize it by saying "I'm not running to win. I'm trying to introduce an issue/change the debate/make a statement/move America or some other violently empty phrase that means absolutely nothing but sounds good in my head." So they refuse to leave, and the supporters refuse to be budged. And they regret nothing afterwards.

    Gosling on
    I have a new soccer blog The Minnow Tank. Reading it psychically kicks Sepp Blatter in the bean bag.
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    Psycho Internet HawkPsycho Internet Hawk Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Savant wrote: »
    Polbano, everyone's favorite mathematical modeler of the election dynamics, has figured out a pretty specific path to victory based on demographics for Obama in November. At the base level he dubs them the "40/20" and the "40/30/20" plans. The 40/20 plan is to increase turnout relative to previous elections of youth voters (age 18-24) by 40% and AAs by 20%, and the 40/30/20 plan adds in increasing turnout of Hispanics by 30%. This turns what is currently on average a narrow defeat to a comfortable victory. If he can somehow pull out a 50/50/40 plan or something there abouts, McCain will almost surely be destroyed and there will be many Republican strongholds put into play.

    Given Obama's recent voter registration efforts and focus on GOTV, I think he has already been on top of this strategy.

    I expect the first two are pretty much a given. The Hispanic vote not so much, although the fact that McCain's focus is less on religion/family values and more military probably makes him an easier target for this kind of plan.

    Psycho Internet Hawk on
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    HozHoz Cool Cat Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    General election strategy is premature. Who knows what it's going to look like after the conventions.

    Hoz on
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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Richy wrote: »
    I'm with you Drac.

    One of my happiest days working for the student association was when some dumb sovereignist guy put up posters for some dumb sovereignist thing, but he didn't get them approved and stamped properly, so I had an excuse to walk around the building tearing down dumb sovereignist posters :)

    I'm not even sure what you mean by "sovereignist thing." You in a monarchy or something?

    I'm in Québec. I meant a Québec separatist thing. You know, to get Québec sovereignty.

    Richy on
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    Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Ladies and Gentlemen I regret to inform you that I have been a sleeper agent all this time and am now accelerating my country's glorious plot to vaporize the infidels in light of your overwhelmingly stupid rhetoric.

    You should have sent me


    Denveeeeeeeeeeer! :x pewpewpew

    Also this ad is actually kind of good: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Vn55ZdmBPJ4&feature=bz302


    Bionic Monkey on
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    HilgerHilger Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Savant wrote: »
    Polbano, everyone's favorite mathematical modeler of the election dynamics, has figured out a pretty specific path to victory based on demographics for Obama in November. At the base level he dubs them the "40/20" and the "40/30/20" plans. The 40/20 plan is to increase turnout relative to previous elections of youth voters (age 18-24) by 40% and AAs by 20%, and the 40/30/20 plan adds in increasing turnout of Hispanics by 30%. This turns what is currently on average a narrow defeat to a comfortable victory. If he can somehow pull out a 50/50/40 plan or something there abouts, McCain will almost surely be destroyed and there will be many Republican strongholds put into play.

    Given Obama's recent voter registration efforts and focus on GOTV, I think he has already been on top of this strategy.
    "What would be the electoral impact of an increase in African-American participation of 10 percent, 20 percent, or more? Fortunately, we have the perfect tool to examine such scenarios in the form of the FiveThirtyEight.com polling averages and simulation engine. Suppose that we start with a baseline assumption wherein total turnout in each state is equal to what it was in 2004, and that this turnout is divided between John McCain and Barack Obama according to their present standing in the FiveThirtyEight.com polling averages. This is probably fairly close to what most pollsters are assuming, as they lean heavily on statistics from the previous elections in establishing their turnout models."

    I don't know, it's shit like this that makes me question the methodology that pollsters are using. Apparently African-American turnout is going to be the same for a lackluster and uncharismatic white guy as it is for a once-in-a-lifetime, hyper-charismatic, ridiculously well-funded, African-American candidate right? Uh, wait.

    Seriously, trying to base Obama vs Mccain on Bush vs Kerry is like comparing apples to oranges, or ninjas to pirates, or something. They're so completely different.

    Hilger on
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    DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Richy wrote: »
    I'm not even sure what you mean by "sovereignist thing." You in a monarchy or something?

    I'm in Québec. I meant a Québec separatist thing. You know, to get Québec sovereignty.

    Ah, I see. The thing I don't get is, if they successfully secede, aren't they still inexorably tied to the greater Canadian economy? Isn't it, you know, fucking pointless for them to pretend that they're not Canadians? What, do they think they could pull off a Liechtenstein?
    Hilger wrote: »
    Go there and cleanse it with fire. Seriously, it really shouldn't be that hard. Here's what you do:
    1. Bring pictures of Al Gore and George W. Bush.
    2. Point to George W. and say "This motherfucker here is our president. He is responsible for [blahblahblah Iraq, fucking the economy, fucking up the Kyoto protocol, torturing motherfuckers, impugning our civil liberties, electing assholes to the Supreme Court, etc.]"
    3. Point to Al Gore and say "This guy, who has dedicated the last several years to being a voice for action in regards to global climate change, is NOT our president BECAUSE"
    4. Point to graph of vote margin between Gore and Bush in Florida, and then point out Nader's vote total.
    5. Shout at the motherfucking top of your lungs, "YOU ASSHATS DE FACTO ELECTED GEORGE WALKER BUSH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES."
    6. Bring out pictures of Obama and Mccain.
    7. Point to McCain and say, "Okay. This guy wants to keep our soldiers in Iraq, wants to keep tax breaks for the wealthy and has at this point condoned torture. He has pledged to elect conservative judges to the Supreme Court, which leaves landmark Supreme Court decisions like Roe v. Wade in danger of being overturned."
    8. Point to Obama and say, "and THIS guy wants to get our soldiers out of Iraq, he wants to take tax breaks away from the super-wealthy and give them to the middle class. He wants to address climate change by giving people green-jobs working to help the environment, and he will elect liberal justices to the Supreme Court, ensuring the safety of cases like Roe v. Wade."
    10. Set the motherfucking house on fire.
    11. Mothafuckas.

    So some sort of Space Hulk/James Doakes strategy? I'm intrigued to say the least.
    mtvcdm wrote: »
    Sometimes candidates like Nader rationalize it by saying "I'm not running to win. I'm trying to introduce an issue/change the debate/make a statement/move America or some other violently empty phrase that means absolutely nothing but sounds good in my head." So they refuse to leave, and the supporters refuse to be budged. And they regret nothing afterwards.

    I don't regret letting the purifying flame cleanse their souls, either.

    Dracomicron on
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    ArdeArde Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    PA has given you the authority to do so, Drac. Unanimously.

    Arde on
    Wii code:3004 5525 7274 3361
    XBL Gametag: mailarde

    Screen Digest LOL3RZZ
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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Richy wrote: »
    I'm not even sure what you mean by "sovereignist thing." You in a monarchy or something?

    I'm in Québec. I meant a Québec separatist thing. You know, to get Québec sovereignty.

    Ah, I see. The thing I don't get is, if they successfully secede, aren't they still inexorably tied to the greater Canadian economy? Isn't it, you know, fucking pointless for them to pretend that they're not Canadians? What, do they think they could pull off a Liechtenstein?

    Yeah, it's fucking pointless, if not downright damaging, both economically and politically. But that's never stopped anyone before. Believe it or not, irrational unshakable political convictions that are completely disjoint from reality are not a feature unique to Republicans.

    Richy on
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    DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Arde wrote: »
    PA has given you the authority to do so, Drac. Unanimously.

    I really should be apartment hunting, but... I'll consider it. :P

    Dracomicron on
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    HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Arde wrote: »
    PA has given you the authority to do so, Drac. Unanimously.

    Thanatos, with the power of COCKS! Jeffe, with the power of DICKS! And Elki, with the power of LOL! With our powers combined, we summon


    Here to save the earth from rampant stupidity!

    Hakkekage on
    3DS: 2165 - 6538 - 3417
    NNID: Hakkekage
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    TubularLuggageTubularLuggage Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Richy wrote: »
    Richy wrote: »
    I'm not even sure what you mean by "sovereignist thing." You in a monarchy or something?

    I'm in Québec. I meant a Québec separatist thing. You know, to get Québec sovereignty.

    Ah, I see. The thing I don't get is, if they successfully secede, aren't they still inexorably tied to the greater Canadian economy? Isn't it, you know, fucking pointless for them to pretend that they're not Canadians? What, do they think they could pull off a Liechtenstein?

    Yeah, it's fucking pointless, if not downright damaging, both economically and politically. But that's never stopped anyone before. Believe it or not, irrational unshakable political convictions that are completely disjoint from reality are not a feature unique to Republicans.

    I've honestly never understood it either. They get all kinds of special treatment by basically throwing tantrums about seperation, while the provinces that are actually neglected continue to be neglected (like here in the Atlantic region, for example). At least we Atlantic Canadians realize that seperating is one of the stupidest possible solutions one could suggest to fix those problems.

    TubularLuggage on
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    DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Arde wrote: »
    PA has given you the authority to do so, Drac. Unanimously.

    Thanatos, with the power of COCKS! Jeffe, with the power of DICKS! And Elki, with the power of LOL! With our powers combined, we summon


    Here to save the earth from rampant stupidity!


    I'm not that good.
    Just pretty good.:winky:

    Dracomicron on
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    FirestarterFirestarter ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    So this shit has officially gone on for way too long. A few nights ago my girlfriend and I had a huge fight over Obama and Clinton. She has always been a Clinton supporter, as much as I have always been an Obama supporter. It's coo, it's been the topic of a few debates, but it was all in good fun. I figured she was supporting Hillary because she really believed she was the better candidate. However, the other night she was with her friends (also clinton supporters) and they were all spouting so much retarded bullshit together about Obama that I just couldn't take it anymore. I knew what I was getting into, being pretty much the only Obama supporter among them, barging into a conversation that didn't really involve me but I said fuck it and I told them exactly what I thought about Hillary Clinton and the campaign she's running.

    Safe to say, her fucking friends have painted me as a misogynist, a sexist, an asshole, a fucking madman, and now she is very pissed at me. But I know it's just because her friends are pissed at me, so I know this won't last too long hopefully.

    But man, sometimes she can be a bigger douche than me. H8 her

    Firestarter on
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    zakkielzakkiel Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Kipling wrote: »
    Hachface wrote: »

    I don't really buy it. Isn't Obama's father the real apostate?

    As I understand it, though I'm no expert, Obama's fine because his father abandoned him and thus the obligation to participate in his faith was abandoned. This is what I read upon further research anyway.

    You could ask an expert. Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani will answer your questions about Islam: http://www.sistani.org/local.php?modules=nav&nid=12

    The rest of his Q&A section is excellent as well: "Is it allowed to marry a prostitute?".
    Question: How is puberty confirmed?
    Answer: Puberty in males could be confirmed if one of three signs was present.

    1. First: Completion of fifteen lunar calendar years of age.

    2. Second: Ejaculation through sexual intercourse, or seminal discharge while awake or asleep.

    3. Third: The presence of pubic hair, of the rough type, similar to head hair.

    Question: When is a girl considered adult from the viewpoint of Sharia?
    Answer: She is considered adult at the completion of nine lunar years.

    To be fair, I feel Sistani was a pretty good influence for moderation in Iraq when he still issues political fatwas, and other answers on that site are better-considered and show more common sense. But still: damn.

    zakkiel on
    Account not recoverable. So long.
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    Ethan SmithEthan Smith Origin name: Beart4to Arlington, VARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Arde wrote: »
    PA has given you the authority to do so, Drac. Unanimously.

    Besides the sovereignty guy, he's trying to get the issue of the importance of D&D's independence out to the general voters.

    Ethan Smith on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    So this shit has officially gone on for way too long. A few nights ago my girlfriend and I had a huge fight over Obama and Clinton. She has always been a Clinton supporter, as much as I have always been an Obama supporter. It's coo, it's been the topic of a few debates, but it was all in good fun. I figured she was supporting Hillary because she really believed she was the better candidate. However, the other night she was with her friends (also clinton supporters) and they were all spouting so much retarded bullshit together about Obama that I just couldn't take it anymore. I knew what I was getting into, being pretty much the only Obama supporter among them, barging into a conversation that didn't really involve me but I said fuck it and I told them exactly what I thought about Hillary Clinton and the campaign she's running.

    Safe to say, her fucking friends have painted me as a misogynist, a sexist, an asshole, a fucking madman, and now she is very pissed at me. But I know it's just because her friends are pissed at me, so I know this won't last too long hopefully.

    But man, sometimes she can be a bigger douche than me. H8 her


    Robos A Go Go on
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    SithDrummerSithDrummer Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Hachface wrote: »
    My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Iran forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.
    except it would be "we began bombing five minutes ago, keep an eye out for suitcase nukes over the next decade or so"

    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Also this ad is actually kind of good: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Vn55ZdmBPJ4&feature=bz302

    SithDrummer on
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    No-QuarterNo-Quarter Nothing To Fear But Fear ItselfRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    So according to Bob Novak the fundie Christians are thinking of letting Obama win, with the idea that the rampant heresy that follows will snap the USA out of its sinful stupor and elect Mike Huckabee for president in 2012.


    Now stop laughing, I'm serious!


    If that were to occur, I'd most certainly eat my own cock.

    No-Quarter on
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    Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Hey Guys, I'm going to vote tomorrow. I'll try to mitigate the 60 point project loss by screaming and demanding everyone vote for Obama, or I will eat a helpless kitten.

    Fuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud on
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    FirestarterFirestarter ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    Wasn't McCain's campaign referenced as a band of salty scurvy Pirates at some point?

    Firestarter on
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    No-QuarterNo-Quarter Nothing To Fear But Fear ItselfRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    So this shit has officially gone on for way too long. A few nights ago my girlfriend and I had a huge fight over Obama and Clinton. She has always been a Clinton supporter, as much as I have always been an Obama supporter. It's coo, it's been the topic of a few debates, but it was all in good fun. I figured she was supporting Hillary because she really believed she was the better candidate. However, the other night she was with her friends (also clinton supporters) and they were all spouting so much retarded bullshit together about Obama that I just couldn't take it anymore. I knew what I was getting into, being pretty much the only Obama supporter among them, barging into a conversation that didn't really involve me but I said fuck it and I told them exactly what I thought about Hillary Clinton and the campaign she's running.

    Safe to say, her fucking friends have painted me as a misogynist, a sexist, an asshole, a fucking madman, and now she is very pissed at me. But I know it's just because her friends are pissed at me, so I know this won't last too long hopefully.

    But man, sometimes she can be a bigger douche than me. H8 her


    I got into one with a friend who's rank and file GOP about torture, you can imagine how that went.

    No-Quarter on
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    Psycho Internet HawkPsycho Internet Hawk Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    No-Quarter wrote: »
    So according to Bob Novak the fundie Christians are thinking of letting Obama win, with the idea that the rampant heresy that follows will snap the USA out of its sinful stupor and elect Mike Huckabee for president in 2012.


    Now stop laughing, I'm serious!


    If that were to occur, I'd most certainly eat my own cock.

    Wait, what? Obama's not even super-liberal. In terms of what the religious right actually gives a shit about, he's pretty mild.

    Psycho Internet Hawk on
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    BitstreamBitstream Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    No-Quarter wrote: »
    So according to Bob Novak the fundie Christians are thinking of letting Obama win, with the idea that the rampant heresy that follows will snap the USA out of its sinful stupor and elect Mike Huckabee for president in 2012.


    Now stop laughing, I'm serious!


    If that were to occur, I'd most certainly eat my own cock.

    Wait, what? Obama's not even super-liberal. In terms of what the religious right actually gives a shit about, he's pretty mild.
    Right, but he's black.

    Bitstream on
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    No-QuarterNo-Quarter Nothing To Fear But Fear ItselfRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    No-Quarter wrote: »
    So according to Bob Novak the fundie Christians are thinking of letting Obama win, with the idea that the rampant heresy that follows will snap the USA out of its sinful stupor and elect Mike Huckabee for president in 2012.


    Now stop laughing, I'm serious!


    If that were to occur, I'd most certainly eat my own cock.

    Wait, what? Obama's not even super-liberal. In terms of what the religious right actually gives a shit about, he's pretty mild.

    I don't care if they think he's Santa Claus, as long as they stay home on election day.

    ....Which would be a very Merry Christmas thereafter.

    No-Quarter on
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    FirestarterFirestarter ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    Bitstream wrote: »
    No-Quarter wrote: »
    So according to Bob Novak the fundie Christians are thinking of letting Obama win, with the idea that the rampant heresy that follows will snap the USA out of its sinful stupor and elect Mike Huckabee for president in 2012.


    Now stop laughing, I'm serious!


    If that were to occur, I'd most certainly eat my own cock.

    Wait, what? Obama's not even super-liberal. In terms of what the religious right actually gives a shit about, he's pretty mild.
    Right, but he's black.

    And the anti-christ.

    Firestarter on
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    Psycho Internet HawkPsycho Internet Hawk Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Bitstream wrote: »
    No-Quarter wrote: »
    So according to Bob Novak the fundie Christians are thinking of letting Obama win, with the idea that the rampant heresy that follows will snap the USA out of its sinful stupor and elect Mike Huckabee for president in 2012.


    Now stop laughing, I'm serious!


    If that were to occur, I'd most certainly eat my own cock.

    Wait, what? Obama's not even super-liberal. In terms of what the religious right actually gives a shit about, he's pretty mild.
    Right, but he's black.

    And the anti-christ.

    And doesn't harbor an insane "us vs. them" mentality. So obviously he's just biding his time to destroy everything that's good.

    I really don't know why I expect any semblence of rationality from these people.

    Psycho Internet Hawk on
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    Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    No-Quarter wrote: »
    So according to Bob Novak the fundie Christians are thinking of letting Obama win, with the idea that the rampant heresy that follows will snap the USA out of its sinful stupor and elect Mike Huckabee for president in 2012.


    Now stop laughing, I'm serious!


    If that were to occur, I'd most certainly eat my own cock.

    Homosexuals like you won't be allowed in the glorious United States of Christ.

    Bionic Monkey on
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    TarranonTarranon Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Hey Guys, I'm going to vote tomorrow. I'll try to mitigate the 60 point project loss by screaming and demanding everyone vote for Obama, or I will eat a helpless kitten.


    Tarranon on
    You could be anywhere
    On the black screen
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