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Question to those who live near Seattle

dkembledkemble Registered User regular
edited May 2008 in PAX Archive
To the people who live near Seattle (around 20 miles either direction), do you get a hotel for PAX or do you just go back to your house/apartment/hole in the ground? Last year I just took the late night bus back to Des Moines (where I lived at the time) and wonder what I missed out on. On one hand, it saves me a lot of money to not get a hotel, but on the other hand, I may be missing out on a good chunk of stuff. Trying to figure out what to do for this year.

dkemble on


  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Back in 06 in Bellevue we got a hotel, but I don't think it added all that much. Sure it was convenient, but it wouldn't be worth it to me to spend the money that way again. All the other years from the beginning I've always just commuted. I still go to afterparties and such, so I don't miss much. The scene usually quiets down 2ish am.

    ElectricTurtle on
  • proXimityproXimity Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I've always driven/bussed from my NE Seattle home. If you're planning to get to PAX right when it opens and not leave 'till it closes, depending on how far away you it might not be a bad idea to get a hotel. The main thing that will suffer in that case will be your sleep. Parking last year, though, was a lot more expensive than Bellevue, and taking the bus can be really slow, so what I've figured out to do is find a really late night bus that'll travel somewhat in your direction, drive to the stop in the morning and get free parking, and then spend a short time on the bus either way. The trick, though, is finding a stop that has both a bus in the morning and one in the wee hours after PAX.

    proXimity on
  • mavrick88mavrick88 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    for the past three years me and my bro just came back home to everett. But this year we are getting a hotel so we don't have to get up as early in the morning as we did last year.

    mavrick88 on
    I was driving some out-of-towner friends around, and I kept complaining about being blinded. They responded with "You see, where we come from, people tend to wear Sunglasses." I retorted with a simple "You people tend to have sun."
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I live in northgae but I still get a hotel. But I also work the entire time and im dead by the time things are shut down for the night.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • Sequential_ComboSequential_Combo Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I live about 30 minutes away or so, but I can't drive and don't have anyone to inconvenience late at night. So I'm sharing a hotel with my friends; to me it's worth the money to not have to take the bus back after dark.

    Sequential_Combo on
  • KyanilisKyanilis Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I live down in Federal Way as well, back in 06 I drove back and forth to Bellevue, and in 07 me and a couple people drove back and forth to Seattle. For Sakuracon this year I stayed with a friend of mine who lives near the Needle, a farther walk than the hotels, but free.

    If I was going this year, I'd probably just commute via car or crash with a buddy. I'm not sure I'd want to bus it though. Really it just depends on your situation, if you can handle missing the late night shenanigans (or are not going to the afterparties), then there's not usually TOO much going on afterhours. Of course, missing the concerts is almost criminal.

    My personal opinion is to find a way to stay later, but if you don't have the spare cash sitting around for a hotel room, don't sweat it. Take advantage of the fact that you live close.

    Kyanilis on
  • DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    I live on Beacon Hill. I just went home at night, after I was done hanging out in hotel rooms.

    Doc on
  • dkembledkemble Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Last year the buses ran past 2:00am (though the 174 had some interesting people on it) so I stuck around for the concerts. I'm not one to drink much so I'm not worried about missing out on the drunken madness, but would still like to see what happens after hour and try to get the full "pax experience".

    dkemble on
  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Regardless of where I'm living by the time PAX rolls around, I'm staying at a friend's place within walking distance of the WSCTC. Cabs are cheap at night and the walk is refreshing in the morning.

    Liger on
    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • Josef_FritzlJosef_Fritzl Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    Even though I live within 20 miles to Seattle, last year me and three friends (who also live by me) rented a hotel room right by the Convention Center. We did so because it feels more like an experience this way instead of a day trip. Also, we went out to the bars and got drunk and stumbed back to hotel room for laugs. Good time, great bonding experience.

    Josef_Fritzl on
  • AtomicFreakAtomicFreak Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Something else to watch out for if you drive...most of the parking garages fill up fast, and many of them close at 10pm or midnight, meaning you have to leave early or pay an extra fee for some security guy to come let you out if you stay later. That's actually one of the reasons I got a room this year, so I can just bus in and not worry about parking or bus schedules every day.

    AtomicFreak on
  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    It was pretty easy for me to get in early enough to get WSCTC parking and then move to park on the street before the garage closed (at which time street parking is free and relatively easy to get in the Capitol/First Hill area).

    ElectricTurtle on
  • sarranadesarranade Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I get a hotel room, even though I only live about 30 minutes away.
    It makes the whole PAX experience more fun, I think.

    sarranade on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I live up in Everett which is a good half-hour drive from Seattle, and I still snagged a hotel room this year and last year. I don't like dealing with Seattle traffic, getting up even earlier each morning, and with the way gas prices are now, and what they'll be by the end of August, it's still not cheap to drive there and back each day, while also paying for parking... (of course, i drive a truck that's not great on mpg, but still)

    And yes, the hotel does make for a MUCH better experience. XD

    Coldbrew on
  • MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I'm seriously considering getting a hotel room, but it's so expensive.... Taking the bus only takes me about 20 minutes from my apartment, but catching buses late, late at night is a bit of a problem...

    MetaverseNomad on
  • nearlysobernearlysober Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I've considered getting a hotel room even though I live very close to get the "full experience".

    Although generally for me the "full experience" of most things means I'm hurtin and hung over until about 6pm the following day and I don't want to impede my own pax experience.

    nearlysober on
  • SnickersSnickers Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I bunked with a couple friends who had a hotel room last year, and it made one heck of a difference. The years previous, I drove with some friends. If you can share a room with some people, its a far better experience than driving.

    Less stress, more sleep, more party time. You can't lose!

    Snickers on
    <@frellnik&gt; and suddenly, Snickers
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    I'm down in Kent, and I just drove up and back each day.

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
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