Wow this year's dinner has been hard to organize. We have been working for months on it and I think it will show.
We have narrowed it down to two venues:
ACT Theater, cost per person $38:
Close as physically possible. In the same city block as the WSCTC.
Very nice intimate venue, good accoustics for any and all potential A/V stuff.
A/V equipment is provided by venue.
Venue staff will set up tables.
More expensive.
Capacity limited to 160.
Might feel crowded.
Naval Reserve Building, cost per person $30 (at 200 attendees, otherwise we'll be in the hole):
Less expensive.
Capacity could scale up to 1000 if necessary, if more than 200 register, we will end up with surplus funds to donate to Child's Play.
About 1.2 miles from WSCTC, but on
SLUT route. SLUT doesn't run after 9pm though...

Building is very spartan, having been built by the navy decades ago.
We have to provide our own A/V equipment.
We have to set up tables ourselves.
In either case, we're going to run from 7-10 pm and have a catered buffet (I believe of mostly Italian food). More importantly, although it will occupy less than an hour of the planned three hour agenda because the goal of the dinner remains PAX attendees getting to meet each other, this year I have arranged for
Chris Taylor to come and give a short keynote. He's also bringing swag.
Perhaps more importantly to most (as I'm probably in the minority of people who still obsess about Chris Taylor's RTSes), Kim Swift is going to be coming with an entourage from Valve. Kim was the lead designer of Portal. Yes. Portal. And that is not a lie. (She has also tentatively accepted doing the keynote next year.)
Granted, Chris and Kim aren't being paid anything and have no contractual obligation, they've just said that they would come, so if they change their minds at the last minute, don't think you can hold me accountable.
We're planning on some multimedia stuff to make use of our projector, but we don't know what yet.
ANYWAY, we also need volunteers. Some people who can show up early, help us set up tables, help with the buffet, and wrangle registration.
If we can't get volunteers, the cost per person will go up at least $5. Volunteers ideally will be able to show up between 3-5 pm and be able to stay until 11 pm. Because we're running a tight, no-profit ship, volunteers will still have to pay registration. If we use the Naval Reserve and more than 200 people register, we can look at using the surplus to reimburse volunteers, but as it is Astayonix and I have to pay for our dinners, and we're the original volunteers.
EDIT: We will need more volunteers at the Naval Reserve Building than we would need at ACT, simply because more setup and tear down duties will be passed to us. However, given the spirit of the forums that doesn't really concern me. I think with either venue we're more likely to have to turn down volunteers simply from overabundance.
The poll is here to get the forum's feelings, but understand it's not binding. We make the ultimate decision because we're going to have to front significant money before we even open registration.
Registration is planned to open either the last week of May or first week of June.
If anybody wants to say anything negative about the cost, it was a matter to some extent out of my control. PA Inc. specifically requested that the Pre-PAX Dinner seek no corporate sponsorship.
I'm ridiculously enthusiastic about the potential of this year's dinner. Getting out of restaurants and into a rented hall gives us the freedom to do a lot more with much less pressure for time or format.
I'm probably forgetting something, so watch this space for updates and edits.
Thank you all for your support in previous years and throughout this process.
Because if >= 200 people want to go to the dinner, obviously it'll be that second location all the way to me (donations to Child's Play + getting everyone who wants to go to be there = win!)... but if 200 people don't sign up, I'd hate for you guys to lose money on it. =( I have no idea what the estimates are, so I don't know which is more likely to happen. Do you have a rough figure on how many people you think might show up, perhaps based on last year? I mean, if close to or over 200 people went last year, I imagine it'd easily be topped this year and the Naval Building would be king.
Anyways, if my company doesn't go out of business before PAX (which would cause me not to be able to go at all, as I mentioned in another thread), I'd be glad to help with any setup and shutdown procedures you need. I'm a chair-placing, table-moving workhorse. I might not be able to make it at 3 on the dot depending on Magical Mystery Tour stuff, but I'll set up chairs and tables like there's no tomorrow when I get there.
We might be able to make it the official last stop of the Tour, and all troop together and help out our fellow PAXers! Even if we don't, I'd be willing to march myself over with Vthornheart and help out where I could. I'd need a ride, but with the number of cars we have on the Tour that might not be a problem.
However, last year we did have 200 people sign up, but a 20% no-show rate.
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There's not much difference in price, so I'm happy to go anywhere.
Did you make people give you the money up front last time, or did you lose out at all? That's terrible if you did.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
Last two years we've gone to restaurants and had each table billed. Some people or tables would short their bills, making other people have to fill in, or worse, we as the organizers would have to take the hit for the balance. I'm so glad we won't have that problem this year, although I'm a little worried we're going to get all the preregistrations in and then have some unforseen cost that will punch us in the gut.
Ah, I had a feeling such was the case. =(
Hmm... given the fact that 200 people signed up last year, I feel more confident voting for the larger location. I can't imagine it'd get less people than it did last year (which means you won't lose money on the dinner), and if people pre-pay then it doesn't matter if they no-show (or they'd feel inclined to show up anyways since they already paid). Cool!
Also, how are you going to take the money? Paypal?
Wii: 4521 1146 5179 1333 Pearl: 3394 4642 8367 HG: 1849 3913 3132
True, I definitely think that could be a potentially helpful synergy between the Tour and the Dinner! I'll bring it up as one of the destinations to go to in the "half day" poll coming up after the first one closes.
I'll give the plug over there too... hopefully most (if not all) of the people going on the Tour would be up for the Dinner, since they'd be in town anyways and it should be fun! If we make it the last stop on the tour, we could also get there early (as Snickers said) to help set up... I think that'd be awesome!
I'll bring it up after work tonight, and I'll include it in the voting for locations for sure!
I'm planning to schedule Chris for 8 pm, running for 30-45 min. Kim is just going to be hanging out this year, keynoting next year (if we don't scare her away).
Google checkout is the planned system as it is less expensive and every dollar is counting in this.
Can I not just send you dollars in the post please?
mind you, I've shocked Lewie today cos I knew (and can use) stumble and digg, and know about twitter.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
This is Google checkout, and although my own experience with it is limited, its functionality should be similar to PayPal as I figure it's intended to compete in the same market space. However, I'm more than willing to accept some alternate form of payment such as wire transfer, or even a mailed check, although I would discontinue the latter practice after the first NSF should any arise.
These things however I will leave for discussion when we actually open registration.
What I'm hoping for (and what made me vote for the larger venue further away) is that people will be seduced by the larger location. Basically an "If you Bill it, they will come" situation. The larger venue at the cheaper price, I hope, will be more appetizing to people than the smaller more expensive venue. Also the idea of making a charitable donation off the excess is awesome.
I dunno, I've talked about this a bit and I almost want to re-vote for the smaller venue just becuase there's more inherant security in the smaller place...will you lose as much money if you don't fill the ACT theatre, Turtle?
~The Management
If we shot for the ACT venue and didn't fill it, my wife and I would be financially boned. There's a fair amount of risk for both venues for us, we're just counting on the community to come through and not negatively buck the trend. So long as we meet or exceed last year's numbers, we're safe.
In the absolute, worst case, most unfortunate scenario... if you reserved one of these and it looked like not enough people were going to sign up, would it be possible to cancel the reservation? Ideally it won't come to that... but I feel like we're playing dice with your finances, and none of us want you to get screwed for giving us a good time. =(
Luckily, if it's as popular as it was last year, we should be okay. Maybe the PA crew would be willing to mention it as a news article? I mean, if we go to the Naval Reserve building, every person over 200 would be money for Child's Play. It'd be awesome to have a bunch of people there and then be able to cut a huge check to Child's Play!
As for alcohol, none. That decision was mainly a cost-cutting one. Alcohol consumption would require us to insure the event for... <pinky to mouth> 1-2 Million dollars. And we would have to get the event licensed by the state, and more costs I don't even want to talk about. Besides, we're done at 10, plenty of time for drinking after that, perhaps via the bar crawl.
Food is Italian buffet, drinks are going to be bulk sodas from Costco. That may or may not include Bawls.
Only 3 months to go! ^____^
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
I hope they'll post something about it. I mean, it'd be a good event for everyone: for Child's Play, for PAX gamers, etc... i'd imagine that they'd see the benefit of it as well.
I will be arriving at SEA on Wednesday August 27 at 2:10PM and after I get my gear into my hotel I would love to help you out in any way I can. I will work for hours for no pay and I am awesome with PC and audio/visual hardware. I can also be counted on to purchase and fetch critical last minute items like extension cords.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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God, I love it.
Fixed that for you.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
I felt pretty hardcore myself, and all I did was drive 14 hours up from Sacramento when I went back in '04. Granted, I didn't have anyone to switch with, but my roommates were in the back of the van hitting on women in adjacent cars as we went past, so they provided some form of entertainment. Not that I condone their actions.
From: people who are hardcore drivers
To: people who are hardcore diners
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum