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Gameplay Discussion

devoirdevoir Registered User regular
edited May 2008 in Penny Arcade Games
Okay, so I've been playing for about an hour now.

I'm not sure I'm completely sold on the whole block mechanism. To be frank, I'm absolutely shit at it and I have no understanding of when I should be blocking, especially given all the different types of attacks there are.

Edit: I'm playing the 360 version.

devoir on


  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Man, it seems like I'm the only one who got the PC version. (to download, that is)

    Regicid3 on
  • devoirdevoir Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I think I'll grab the PC version demo (same file apparently) and have a go, see if I can understand it better on the PC. I haven't plonked down the money for the MS points yet.

    My success at blocking didn't get better, I finished the demo with one successful block and four partials I think.

    devoir on
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    It kind of just clicked with me after a few attack, I dunno.

    I wonder, are there enough parts in the game to upgrade every single weapon? How many locales are there? This is exciting. I love the writing, this game is so very good.

    Regicid3 on
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    This game is actually kind of hard.

    Regicid3 on
  • METAzraeLMETAzraeL Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I too suck at blocking most attacks (aside from the skinny hobos), but it definitely just feels like I'm not good at it.

    I think it's the locale, but this game kinda reminds me of Earthbound <3

    METAzraeL on

    dream a little dream or you could live a little dream
    sleep forever if you wish to be a dreamer
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    The two times that I have found a special unlockable, the game froze for half a second and I clicked too many times and the screen went away so I had no clue what it was. =( I was able to find out just by going through everything in the agency but still.

    Regicid3 on
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Man, I lied. I am horrible at blocking.

    Regicid3 on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Look for the flash on the enemy health bar for a hint on when to block

    HH Vlad on
  • hyperpowerhyperpower Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    But Vlad, its hard

    Fantastic game though. You guys should be really proud of your efforts. Visually fantastic, sounds incredible and is very true to the comic. Thanks

    hyperpower on
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    Look for the flash on the enemy health bar for a hint on when to block

    Blocking is quite easy now.

    Regicid3 on
  • zefreakzefreak Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I just played through the demo, and I actually laughed, out loud, at the game. Twice. To put this in perspective, the last game I actually laughed at was PlaneScape: Torment, many moons ago. I'm impressed you cats managed to carry over the humor so well.

    zefreak on
  • KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Some of the mailboxes are fantastic.
    "Dear Occupant, buy some fucking gold already."

    Having a ball so far.
    "He's like the fucking Pope for mimes"

    This has had me laughing more than I have in a long time.

    Kelor on
  • FluxcapFluxcap Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    So there is an xbox live demo? If so, I know what I am doing at lunch today.

    Fluxcap on
  • redfenixredfenix Aka'd as rfix Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    i just downloaded it.


    i also bought a copy for a friend for his b-day

    redfenix on
  • OverlordOverlord Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Just finished playing through the demo. Not sure how I feel about the combat, but once I got more people in my party it got better I think. Also I've found the blocking to be pretty easy.

    Totally going to buy this once I figure out if I have the cash. The humor is perfect, and the animated cutscenes are beautiful.

    Overlord on
  • MonkeydryeMonkeydrye Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Just into it, but a GREAT start! Humor is woderful, voice acting is solid, the fact that the animation sections look like my character is a nice touch.

    Combat is simple, but I am cool with that. An adventure RPG..well, I wasn't looking for Devil May Cry, just the ability to level up and get new weapons. And that, I have!

    Wonderful so far. If it keeps the pacing and humor I wll be hooked on each episode!

    Monkeydrye on
  • NotASenatorNotASenator Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I've got it downloading at home while I work.

    I did get to play the xbox demo this morning, it may be a toss up on which version I like better. The XBOX control scheme is really really good. I was expecting it to be at least a little clunky.

    NotASenator on
  • devoirdevoir Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I have to say, based on screenshots, it looks way more awesome on PC than it does on my 360 through SDTV. Which is to be expected. =/

    Will run the demo and see how it goes on my PC tomorrow.

    devoir on
  • HearthjawHearthjaw Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Been playing it on PC, loving it but I really wish there was a controls manual (is there a controls manual?) so I can look up the special attacks.

    Hearthjaw on
    steamid: sewersider
  • godofchaosgodofchaos Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I liked the blocking system honestly. Came across as a more advanced version of the one that showed up in a few classic RPGs (first one I remember that type of thing in is probably Mario RPG).

    What took awhile for me to get used to, was that I had to hit left and right to switch between the characters, took awhile before it became natural to switch.

    godofchaos on
  • Dr3vilDr3vil Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Very good 4+ hours in. The only really difficult enemies so far were the Fruit Fuckers hidden in shoes on the boardwalk, but the challenge of getting the Overkill bonus made it fun on even the easiest enemies. I've been consistently impressed at how the combat never gets boring, they have the foundation here for an awesome series.

    Unexpectedly, the only thing that hasn't quite measured up is the writing. I haven't had as many true 'lawl' moments as I would have expected, but the characterization is spot on and it does feel like a living, breathing PA universe. Fortunately, the writing has improved dramatically just over the course of the game, so I doubt this will be a complaint of future installments.

    Dr3vil on
    "Ha ha, Oh you are so funny. I am so glad you interrupted your busy day of looking at animal porn and rubbing yourself to make that snide remark."-Gabe
  • Matt!Matt! Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    The time blocks are awesome in my opinion. Also it makes it so that you have to learn and watch the enemies attacks to know when to block. I can counterattack all the fruit fuckers, everything else is a guess.

    Matt! on
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I wish I could set keyboard hotkeys for all the attacks.

    Regicid3 on
  • FirmSkaterFirmSkater Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    So this game is turn-based right? I don't think I'll get it if it is, I really don't think turn based games are fun.

    FirmSkater on
  • NotASenatorNotASenator Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    FirmSkater wrote: »
    So this game is turn-based right? I don't think I'll get it if it is, I really don't think turn based games are fun.

    It's quasi-real time, in that you have an attack timer that fills up for each guy.

    NotASenator on
  • FluxcapFluxcap Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Beat the demo during my lunch break, I am pretty much sold on an xbox download of the full version.

    Fluxcap on
  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I've only played the very beginning so far (bought / downloaded before I left for work), but the controls struck me as being very simple for anyone who has played a PC RPG in the past; the game plays, from my perspective, like a middle step between Baldur's Gate 2 and KOTOR.

    Oz K. Fodrotski on
  • wunderbarwunderbar What Have I Done? Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I'm still horribly torn between the 360 and PC versions. I might download the demos of both to see how the control schemes some point. Stupid life getting in the way of video gaming.

    wunderbar on
    XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
  • JDspeeder1JDspeeder1 Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    Ok, I must be a total pants-on-head idiot, but I can't find the RAKE. I've been staring and clicking randomly all over the screen for an hour and I can't complete THE FIRST TASK!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    JDspeeder1 on
  • NotASenatorNotASenator Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    check for it leaning against the house?

    NotASenator on
  • The_ScarabThe_Scarab Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    1) Is there a pause button for battles.

    2) Are there hotkeys for attacks. Seems like there is far far FAR too much clicking for the battle system.

    This game is so great except for the amount of mouse work.

    Im playing the Mac version (probabl the only person in the world who is) on my Macbook and I am finding it impossible with the touchpad. Like, im-possible.

    Loving the game though, but it seems there needs to be way more automatic systems in it.

    Like instead of clicking attack then clicking the enemy it should be click the attack button then 1,2,3,4... for the enemy to attack. Would streamline it a lot.

    The_Scarab on
  • Dr3vilDr3vil Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    The_Scarab wrote: »
    1) Is there a pause button for battles.

    2) Are there hotkeys for attacks. Seems like there is far far FAR too much clicking for the battle system.

    This game is so great except for the amount of mouse work.

    Im playing the Mac version (probabl the only person in the world who is) on my Macbook and I am finding it impossible with the touchpad. Like, im-possible.

    Loving the game though, but it seems there needs to be way more automatic systems in it.

    Like instead of clicking attack then clicking the enemy it should be click the attack button then 1,2,3,4... for the enemy to attack. Would streamline it a lot.

    Hasn't been a problem for me so far, but I can't argue with it. While a pause feature in this turn-based game would defeat its real-time qualities, the lack of hotkeys seriously needs to be addressed for future releases, it makes the PC version far less playable for no good reason beyond console-centrism.

    Dr3vil on
    "Ha ha, Oh you are so funny. I am so glad you interrupted your busy day of looking at animal porn and rubbing yourself to make that snide remark."-Gabe
  • IdolisideIdoliside Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    How are special attacks done. I tried to do my char and Tycho's special attack and neither worked. I clicked on the button and then clicked on the enemy but nothing happened.
    Any help?

    Idoliside on
    Proud member of Noah's Wangship Steam Group
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  • Triple BTriple B Bastard of the North MARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Loving the game so far. The only gripe I have is not even related to gameplay. The game looks like it was designed to make SDTV users go blind. By that, I mean the text is holyshit hard to read at times. Dialogue is mostly easy, but gets a bit unclear at certain intervals, and the post-battle screen where it shows how much XP your party gained is damn near impossible to read. The game itself is fantastic, though. I'm impressed.

    Triple B on
    Steam/XBL/PSN: FiveAgainst1
  • BlackDoveBlackDove Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Idoliside wrote: »
    How are special attacks done. I tried to do my char and Tycho's special attack and neither worked. I clicked on the button and then clicked on the enemy but nothing happened.
    Any help?

    A button appears over the enemy and you have to click on THAT as well (because sometimes there'll be two, and you'll have a choice, when two characters specials are available).

    BlackDove on
  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I think my only wish for this game is that it were slightly easier to select things in the environment. I want to read the billboard above the door to Mediocre Pies, not try to open the door three times.

    Aside from that, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. I can see my dialogue being peppered with lesser-used synonyms for the words I would ordinarily use for the forseeable future.

    Oh shit. It's happening already. And there are even italics involved.

    help me

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
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  • wunderbarwunderbar What Have I Done? Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Triple B wrote: »
    Loving the game so far. The only gripe I have is not even related to gameplay. The game looks like it was designed to make SDTV users go blind. By that, I mean the text is holyshit hard to read at times. Dialogue is mostly easy, but gets a bit unclear at certain intervals, and the post-battle screen where it shows how much XP your party gained is damn near impossible to read. The game itself is fantastic, though. I'm impressed.

    can someone confirm the issues with Text on SDTV? If that's the case that sells me on the PC version right now.

    wunderbar on
    XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
  • Matt!Matt! Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    BlackDove wrote: »
    Idoliside wrote: »
    How are special attacks done. I tried to do my char and Tycho's special attack and neither worked. I clicked on the button and then clicked on the enemy but nothing happened.
    Any help?

    A button appears over the enemy and you have to click on THAT as well (because sometimes there'll be two, and you'll have a choice, when two characters specials are available).

    I have ran into the problem of having a special attack charged for Tycho, and clicking it does nothing, just makes a clank sound. So maybe he needsd a buddy to help with handle his book and machine gun?

    Matt! on
  • SeagullSeagull Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    wunderbar wrote: »
    Triple B wrote: »
    Loving the game so far. The only gripe I have is not even related to gameplay. The game looks like it was designed to make SDTV users go blind. By that, I mean the text is holyshit hard to read at times. Dialogue is mostly easy, but gets a bit unclear at certain intervals, and the post-battle screen where it shows how much XP your party gained is damn near impossible to read. The game itself is fantastic, though. I'm impressed.

    can someone confirm the issues with Text on SDTV? If that's the case that sells me on the PC version right now.

    I'm playing on an SDTV and I can see where he's coming from, but it's still possible to read everything without TOO much difficulty. I am sitting about 4 feet away from my TV, though.

    Seagull on
  • KivutarKivutar Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Bought PC version - loving the game so far. Humour is nice, gameplay rewards player skill (to some degree), good art direction/atmosphere.

    Kivutar on
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