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Can 360 controller be used on the PC version?

agoajagoaj Top TierOne FearRegistered User regular
edited May 2008 in Penny Arcade Games
I don't see any option for it so I'm guessing not.

agoaj on


  • devoirdevoir Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    No. 3rd party mapping might work, but you'd still be controlling a mouse pointer with an analog stick.

    devoir on
  • NoelVeigaNoelVeiga Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    devoir wrote: »
    No. 3rd party mapping might work, but you'd still be controlling a mouse pointer with an analog stick.

    Add that to "features wanted for Episode 2", then.

    NoelVeiga on
  • jamespatrickjamespatrick Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Why would you want that feature? Sorry but I just beat it and can't imagine playing with a controller. Especially since the spacebar for example is much easier to press quickly then any button.

    I dont want to get people angry. If you have a bad mouse I can see why you might not like the controls. A bad mouse can be uncomfortable, lose the signal, and other awful things.

    jamespatrick on
  • agoajagoaj Top Tier One FearRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Why would you want that feature? Sorry but I just beat it and can't imagine playing with a controller. Especially since the spacebar for example is much easier to press quickly then any button.

    I dont want to get people angry. If you have a bad mouse I can see why you might not like the controls. A bad mouse can be uncomfortable, lose the signal, and other awful things.

    It's not me, it's my brother who won't touch a game that doesn't work with the pad.

    How does it work on the 360 anyways? Do you control a cursor?

    agoaj on
  • devoirdevoir Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Nope, movement is your standard run and turn. You have to go up to things to interact with them, although it's got a rudimentary 'You are looking in this direction and there is a barrel 10 feet away so we'll light that up" feature.

    I like the control scheme on the controller, the right trigger for blocking is just as quick as a spacebar I feel.

    devoir on
  • NoelVeigaNoelVeiga Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Why would you want that feature? Sorry but I just beat it and can't imagine playing with a controller. Especially since the spacebar for example is much easier to press quickly then any button.

    I dont want to get people angry. If you have a bad mouse I can see why you might not like the controls. A bad mouse can be uncomfortable, lose the signal, and other awful things.

    The same reason you'd want to use a controller for any other thing: it doesn't require you to sit in front of a table.

    In a world where HDTVs come standard with a VGA plug and video cards come standard with multi-screen support, pad controls in PC games is a must.

    NoelVeiga on
  • JandaruJandaru New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Why would you want that feature? Sorry but I just beat it and can't imagine playing with a controller.

    I hate playing games with a mouse. Even the old point-and-click adventure games that I loved as a child (and would probably still enjoy now, if they made them... (which they do! Hooray for likes of Telltale Games and uh, oh those Hothead guys, I guys)) I would always use the arrow keys to move around and such. I could never get into Diablo because of the controls.

    There are always exceptions - I have Half-Life 2 and can't imagine playing it with a controller (first person shooters in general, aside from the Metroid Primes), and obviously it's not going to stop me playing this game.
    Especially since the spacebar for example is much easier to press quickly than any button.
    That's just, like, your opinion, man.

    Also - I have been having some slight difficulty with the mouse with this game anyway, which may colour my views a little.

    TL;DR Mouse controls are okay, but since a gamepad control scheme exists anyway, having it as an option in the compy version would be nice. Similarly an option to plug a USB mouse into the 360, I guess.

    EDIT: Oh, here's a thing.

    Jandaru on
  • jamespatrickjamespatrick Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    True the spacebar is my opinion. I've never been to good at pressing the button to do things in console games. I hated that part of the warriors because of that.

    But anyway I think you just need to shop around for a mouse that's right for you. There's dozens of different kinds. You might even want to think about switching entirely to a track ball. A know a lot of people who play counterstrike and other PC games with that.

    I have a 3d mouse and use it on my TV on the coach with no table in front of me all the time since I have a switch and my computer is hooked up to my monitor and HD TV at all times.

    If you have a complaint there's usually a way around it that's one of the things I love about gaming on my PC. Not being able to switch control's around the buttons, and horrible save points are two things that annoy me about console games. Dead Rising and the bathroom save for instance. Or just about any JRPG.

    jamespatrick on
  • NoelVeigaNoelVeiga Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    True the spacebar is my opinion. I've never been to good at pressing the button to do things in console games. I hated that part of the warriors because of that.

    But anyway I think you just need to shop around for a mouse that's right for you. There's dozens of different kinds. You might even want to think about switching entirely to a track ball. A know a lot of people who play counterstrike and other PC games with that.

    I have a 3d mouse and use it on my TV on the coach with no table in front of me all the time since I have a switch and my computer is hooked up to my monitor and HD TV at all times.

    If you have a complaint there's usually a way around it that's one of the things I love about gaming on my PC. Not being able to switch control's around the buttons, and horrible save points are two things that annoy me about console games. Dead Rising and the bathroom save for instance. Or just about any JRPG.

    Well, yeah, there's always a workaround on a PC, of course, but there's always the posibility of adding new features to software to not force people to purchase new hardware as a workaroud to the feature not being there. I mean, how hard can it be to present a control scheme that you've already developed for another system on the PC version? It's a mere matter of hardware support, and I would like to have it.

    And, man, did you pick the wrong game to complain about the save system. A free quicksave would have RUINED the atmosphere of Dead Rising. Not being able to save in this day and age isn't a matter of hardware design, but of game design. You can't save in a Final Fantasy mid-dungeon because you'd lose the sense of long term strategy and replace it with trial and error. A quicksave or suspend feature, like DS and PSP games have would be welcome in most of those games, though.

    NoelVeiga on
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