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Laugh-out-loud moments

devotfeigedevotfeige Registered User regular
edited July 2008 in Penny Arcade Games
For me I found that the majority of the game's merit came in the form of extreme subtleties--little bits of text or dialog that got me to crack a grin or a smile at the reference, but not much more than that. Now, I really enjoy that sort of humor, myself, so I had a blast from that alone.

I'm curious, though;

I really only actually found myself laughing out loud at one thing in particular
(The scream when Gabe assaults the fortune teller. My god, I die laughing every single time.)
and I'm wondering... anything you found laugh-out-loud hilarious?

devotfeige on


  • UltimajUltimaj Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    i laughed out loud at a certain part, i'm hoping i remember it correctly
    when tycho asks gabe "do you want to punch a god?" and then it shifts back and forth between them like 5 times with them both saying "..." i found this pretty funny

    Ultimaj on
  • Dr3vilDr3vil Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    One word:

    Dr3vil on
    "Ha ha, Oh you are so funny. I am so glad you interrupted your busy day of looking at animal porn and rubbing yourself to make that snide remark."-Gabe
  • chowder_monkeychowder_monkey Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Gabe collects the slum lord's hair.

    chowder_monkey on
  • ExarchExarch Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Yeah, Gabe
    dipping his hand into his last 'power up' was hilarious.

    The death songs of the quartets were hilarious too.

    That and the Sinwheel
    Promise me it will come to no harm!

    Yeah, we're giving it to someone who is gonna piss on it like a thousand times.

    All good stuff.

    Exarch on
    No gods or kings, only man.
    LoL: BunyipAristocrat
  • Captain ElevenCaptain Eleven The last card is a kronk Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Gabe's dialog before you fight the slum lord. Can't remember the exact lines but it goes basically like:

    Gabe: Hold on guys, let's hear him out!
    Slum Lord: Really?
    Gabe: No, we're going to fuck you up.

    I laughed so hard.

    Captain Eleven on
  • mntorankusumntorankusu I'm not sure how to use this thing.... Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I laughed out loud at (among many, many other things):
    "This crab is trying to keep his shit together in a world gone mad."

    "Crab fact: Crabs are fucking crazy."

    These are definite high points in a game that is, itself, a high point.

    mntorankusu on
  • Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    This trashcan is filled with kittens. They appear to be having the time of their lives

    Or something like that. I smiled.

    Oh and...
    The look on Tycho and Gabes face when you drink that soup. Dish that shit out yo!

    Psychotic One on
  • NATIKNATIK DenmarkRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    This trashcan is filled with kittens. They appear to be having the time of their lives

    It is
    This trashcan is full of kittens, its cool they are having fun.


    NATIK on
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008

    MC FRONTALOT kicks in with an ending theme complete with dancing mimes.

    TankHammer on
  • AlejandroDaJAlejandroDaJ Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I was roaring with laughter when
    The urinologist, Whipple, was pissing all over the ferris wheel replica. The looks of horror on Gabe, Tycho, and my avatar's faces compared with the look of serious concentration on Whipple's face had me crying while the description of the event kept changing.

    AlejandroDaJ on
  • Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Gabe: Agape?
    Tycho: It means 'open'.
    Gabe: You know what else means open? Open.

    Best line in the game.


    Mr. G on
  • NATIKNATIK DenmarkRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Mr. G wrote: »
    Gabe: Agape?
    Tycho: It means 'only'.
    Gabe: You know what else means only? Only.

    Best line in the game.

    Open ;) it means open.

    NATIK on
  • Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    NATIK wrote: »
    Mr. G wrote: »
    Gabe: Agape?
    Tycho: It means 'only'.
    Gabe: You know what else means only? Only.

    Best line in the game.

    Open ;) it means open.

    Damn it, my incredible memory shines through once again.

    Mr. G on
  • JazmeisterJazmeister Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    tck...Hey man, you gotta let me get up on that.

    We (the gathering) thought that hilarious, but I actually was in a pretty goofy mood at the time so I was laughing a lot, embarassingly. I understand the cracking a smile thing, too, it seems like just as much fun as rawlflomging.

    Jazmeister on
  • antichrisantichris Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I was sold when I heard he line about Gabe fighting the devil.

    antichris on
    "Everything was going great - That is, until he fought the devil."
    My name is antichris, and I approve this message.
  • BlackDoveBlackDove Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    The Shithole.

    I expected it to be called anything but that. That's the first "Inn" I've seen that carries such a name.

    But there were many ROFL moments.

    BlackDove on
  • KsterKster Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    For me it was the end-movie, where Gabe puts his arm on Tycho, and then quickly has it shrugged off.

    Kster on
  • Captain ElevenCaptain Eleven The last card is a kronk Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    When Gabe destroys the fortune teller.

    I laughed so hard.

    Captain Eleven on
  • MegaMan001MegaMan001 CRNA Rochester, MNRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Pretty much anytime uses 'fuck' completely needlessly I laughed. Like when he calls Tycho a 'fucking word guy'.

    MegaMan001 on
    I am in the business of saving lives.
  • borkabrakborkabrak Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    Well, the idea of what you collect from the hobos in Hobo Alley was pretty amusing to me, but what really got me was one word, seen after you beat the slumlord:

    borkabrak on
  • Captain ElevenCaptain Eleven The last card is a kronk Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Additional laugh out loud moment:
    Calling Gabe and Tycho "a couple of assholes" when you first meet them.

    Captain Eleven on
  • strangemusicstrangemusic Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I most definitely laughed out loud at the "do you want to punch a God?" sequence. But for me, the kicker has to be fighting Barbershop Quartets, which I could do all day basically. Gotta love the harmonized entry/exit audio and musical threats.

    strangemusic on
    "Always be wary of people who use quotes... I don't know who said that" - Murdoc Nicalls.
    Those Eve guys are creepy. :|
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot OMG WRIGGLY T O X O P L A S M O S I SRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    The conversation between Tycho and
    the barbershop quartet, where he tries to extol the values of synergy in a free market and they absolutely ignore him in favor of shouting about how they want to kill us.

    Dread Pirate Arbuthnot on
  • spenderzspenderz Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    I pretty much spent 20 dollars on this game based on the strength of the line
    The cat appraises you, and finds you wanting.

    spenderz on
  • ShujaaShujaa Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Most of the highlights have already been mentioned except this one:
    when your character sucks out the soul of the Silent Pope, then gives an enthusiastic thumbs up to Gabe and Tycho... who return it as best they can while covering their mouths in disgust

    Shujaa on
  • whytecloudwhytecloud Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    When i cracked the vandalism guy in the nuts with a rock, i laughed sooo hard.

    whytecloud on
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot OMG WRIGGLY T O X O P L A S M O S I SRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    "Well... a rat isn't so bad."
    "I had a friend with a rat once."
    "No... that story doesn't end well."
    "Yeah... she died of the Rat Disease."

    Dread Pirate Arbuthnot on
  • OmegasquashOmegasquash Boston, MARegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2008
    "Wagons are useful as fuck."

    The Shithole.

    Absolute gold.

    Omegasquash on
  • ArenowArenow Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    The Rat and the Wolf, and the Satanic Room too, and the conversations concerning those rooms. I was laughing and worried about waking up everyone in the building at the same time.
    Gabe, and his unbearable need to confess that he'd like to punch a God.
    "HATS! NOW!", "Wagons are useful as fuck", "Crab fact: Crabs are fucking crazy" and most of those.

    Arenow on
  • KazhiimKazhiim __BANNED USERS regular
    edited June 2008
    overkilling a clown

    Kazhiim on
  • strangemusicstrangemusic Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Kazhiim wrote: »
    overkilling a clown

    That is truly great.
    Also how they will often posthumously flip you the bird after this/their regular deaths.

    strangemusic on
    "Always be wary of people who use quotes... I don't know who said that" - Murdoc Nicalls.
    Those Eve guys are creepy. :|
  • ScuzzywuffitScuzzywuffit Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Most of mine have already been said.
    Of course, there was the, "Punching a God," sequence, and the Barbershop Quartets. Also, the fact that I was eating soup made out of Hobo Meat made me laugh in a twisted sort of way.

    One part that I particularly appreciated, though, was the response, "For murdering purposes, mostly," which is just a great quote to be able to throw out in general.

    Scuzzywuffit on
  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    The part where Tycho
    inserts the token into Madame Zodora, and then withdraws it slightly, eliciting a moan from the machine
    had me laughing :)

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
    @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
  • LaCabraLaCabra MelbourneRegistered User regular
    edited June 2008
    I wonder if I was the only one who laughed aloud at
    Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
    Parsley, sage, rosemary and mime?

    LaCabra on
  • devotfeigedevotfeige Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    LaCabra wrote: »
    I wonder if I was the only one who laughed aloud at
    Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
    Parsley, sage, rosemary and mime?

    I chuckled a bit at Gabe and Tycho's reactions to that. They just look so pleased with you.
    "Well, I liked it."

    devotfeige on
  • cixelsyDcixelsyD Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    "What ... the ... fuck? I thought these guys were all about good times!"
    "A priest and a rabbi are in a bar... then I kill you!"

    cixelsyD on
  • devotfeigedevotfeige Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    cixelsyD wrote: »
    "What ... the ... fuck? I thought these guys were all about good times!"

    I completely forgot about this one. The pacing to that made me laugh on my first play-through.

    devotfeige on
  • ScuzzywuffitScuzzywuffit Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    Also the way you slide down through the bottom of the panel when you finish talking with the
    fortune telling machine
    made me laugh probably a lot harder than it should have.

    Scuzzywuffit on
  • TheRealBadgerTheRealBadger Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    I can't remember it properly but it's near the start:
    When you go back to desperation st and it's filled with mimes. Gabe says something like "they're a mime a minute" and then he and the main character look at Tycho who comes up with "Maybe it's ... mime ... day?"

    And yeah destroying the fortune teller. Straight away reminded me of the scene from office space. "Back up in your ass with the resurrection..." While Gabe's all punching the shit out of the machine on the ground. "Did you forsee that?"

    TheRealBadger on
  • Witch_Hunter_84Witch_Hunter_84 Registered User regular
    edited June 2008
    (while looking at a dicarded apple core)You wonder sadly if apples go to heaven

    Witch_Hunter_84 on
    If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten in your presence.
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