I got it. I just wanted to know who else did. It was less than spectacular, although it did do 999 dmg to the FFs I was fighting. After the attack there is vomit residue, which I have taken a video of, which I will upload and post a link to upon request. I realize that the chances of this attack are no where near 1 out of 2,000,000, but it still made me feel special lol
I got it. I just wanted to know who else did. It was less than spectacular, although it did do 999 dmg to the FFs I was fighting. After the attack there is vomit residue, which I have taken a video of, which I will upload and post a link to upon request. I realize that the chances of this attack are no where near 1 out of 2,000,000, but it still made me feel special lol
Yea I got it once during the game, I shat a brick of laughter.
antichris on
"Everything was going great - That is, until he fought the devil." My name is antichris, and I approve this message.
Yeah, it happened to me too, in fact I was fighting some tough FF's and he saved me. One of the highlights of the game for me. The only way for it to be sweeter would be if I killed the final boss.
It's smart to use Thomas as much as possible, because it stops the enemies attack, while your attacks keep building, and allows you to form bigger chains.
It's smart to use Thomas as much as possible, because it stops the enemies attack, while your attacks keep building, and allows you to form bigger chains.
Yeah, that's why I liked it. HUGE time sink.
But I think he hacked up the furball 3 or 4x. Every time I laughed my ass off.
The best use for T Kemper is as a time sink. It takes a lot of time to initiate so even if it does 1 damage, it'll be slow enough that your party members will have time to charge up their regular or special attacks. Best use I had for it is while fighting bosses : you make all your characters attack with a special (or as many as you can) starting with Gabe then use T Kemper. Since special attacks usually last longer than regular ones, you sometime have enough delaying so that Gabe can be ready for another normal attack; you can then chain up attacks quickly enough to cause massive damage
It happened for me at the most inopportune time. I was trying for the "T. Kemper kills an enemy" achievement and i had just gotten a mime down to 1 hp. So i used Thomas Kemper, thinking i would just finish him off, and then i got a critical hit, which didnt count for the achievement!
It happened for me at the most inopportune time. I was trying for the "T. Kemper kills an enemy" achievement and i had just gotten a mime down to 1 hp. So i used Thomas Kemper, thinking i would just finish him off, and then i got a critical hit, which didnt count for the achievement!
i call BS!
Holy cow! The same thing happened to me earlier this evening. I'd just battered a clown into submission, and was all set up to get the achievement, and !BAM! - critical hit; 999 damage. My only one of the game so far - and a hell of a time to get it.
It's smart to use Thomas as much as possible, because it stops the enemies attack, while your attacks keep building, and allows you to form bigger chains.
Yeah, that's why I liked it. HUGE time sink.
But I think he hacked up the furball 3 or 4x. Every time I laughed my ass off.
I call it the "Stall for time" attack. lol. I remember the first time it happened for me. I jumped up and praised the gods. I had been pulling for the little guy, I really had.
I have yet to see this masterpiece, and have used the Kemper summon many times. I guess luck is not on my side. As far as the support characters go... I just love Anne-Claire's flamethrower and its amusing startup sound(which I swear is lifted from another game, I can't tell what)/welding helmet.
strangemusic on
"Always be wary of people who use quotes... I don't know who said that" - Murdoc Nicalls.
Yea I got it once during the game, I shat a brick of laughter.
My name is antichris, and I approve this message.
fuck that cat haha
It's smart to use Thomas as much as possible, because it stops the enemies attack, while your attacks keep building, and allows you to form bigger chains.
Yeah, that's why I liked it. HUGE time sink.
But I think he hacked up the furball 3 or 4x. Every time I laughed my ass off.
i thought it was deliberate that it worked against them all the time.
i call BS!
Holy cow! The same thing happened to me earlier this evening. I'd just battered a clown into submission, and was all set up to get the achievement, and !BAM! - critical hit; 999 damage. My only one of the game so far - and a hell of a time to get it.
I call it the "Stall for time" attack. lol. I remember the first time it happened for me. I jumped up and praised the gods. I had been pulling for the little guy, I really had.
I also like how the third support character's attack animation gets grander the more you use it.